Dengue Virus Dead Lice Sources: Poster No.484 Magazine March 2010 page 100 Copied: "" Fever and chills 9 days due to dengue virus causes dengue fever cleared within 24 hours.
Dengue virus that claimed the joy of Bella Dwi Sukmaningrum in January 2009. Platelet 12-year boy was dropped: 46.000/μl; normal levels of blood 150.000-450.000/μl. Rainy season this month are prone to dengue hemorrhagic fever. Due to low platelets, Bella shivered as impaired blood flow to many organs do not get the blood supply. Samini, his mother, took Bella to the doctor.
After checking, doctors diagnosed typhoid positive Bella. The medical experts prescribe three types of drugs that should be consumed three times a day. Overnight passes, Bella fever unabated. Samini mendugaduga Bella dengue fever because many neighbors also suffered a similar illness. Therefore, he intends to check back Bella. However, Bella was back the next day so agile Samini fail to see the doctor.
Dengue Joy for a moment because the next night fever Bella again. Instead nose 2 Karangmojo Elementary School student, Magetan regency, East Java, that's bled. In his hands up red spots. Bella's family rushed to the emergency room (ER) of a hospital in Madison, East Java. The results show the number of platelets staying diagnosis 46.000/μl.
"Through the first hours of his life without the help of floating," said Samini quoting doctors. To sustain the lives of Bella, the IV stuck in her tiny hands. Samini gives red guava juice to Bella hoping that platelets boosted. Unfortunately, only drink a little, Bella has been vomiting.
Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Soegeng Soegijanto, SpA (K), DTM & H, an expert on dengue fever from Airlangga University, Surabaya, East Java, said the dengue virus attacks the monocytes, the immune system or immune. In addition, the virus also produces toxins that damage the capillary blood vessels. The effect of high vascular permeability so easy to leak. As a result, the blood vessels leak into the surrounding connective tissue. Long the patient is dehydrated, so weak and dizzy.
Unfortunately the virus also attacks the bone marrow so that inhibit the production of platelets. Viruses that destroy platelets in the blood. Platelet count was decreased. Apart from a venue for the red and white blood cells, platelets play a role during wound blood froze. Without platelets, cells of the body's supply of nutrients and oxygen deficiency. That is why patients infused electrolyte fluid to strengthen cells so that normal organ function.
Dengue fever caused by dengue virus-like diidap Bella was transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Only the female mosquito sucks blood to obtain protein for egg production. Sources of energy from flower nectar male mosquitoes. Insects of the family Culicidae that likes to perch in the dark areas and dark colored objects.
Propolis Samini almost given up hope after a 6 day hospital stay in the hospital Bella, but the fever did not go away. A neighbor suggested that membezuk Samini to propolis. The neighbor's relatives also suffered from dengue fever and recovered after taking bee products. In fact, the numbers remaining 25.000/μl platelet count. District office employees Kartoharjo, Magetan, propolis was purchased 2 bottles of 150 ml each.
Propolis is consumed Bella is a product produced by worker bees. The social insects process propolis from various materials such as leaf, the sap of plants, and a variety of plants such as acacia leather and pine. On artificial nests, the bees put in the gap antarpapan propolis, frame, or close the nest as a defense system against disease.
Samini to 1 tablespoon of propolis every 3 hours to Bella. "It should be every 2 hours, but he was fussy and often rejected," said the alumnus of the University of Karachi. Conditions that cause Samini must be somewhat forced. His efforts paid off, within 3 days of platelets Bella crept up. Before taking propolis platelet count had fallen to 18.000/μl, 63.000/μl increased and stabilized at 121.000/μl on day 3.
Significant improvement was caused Bella to leave the ER and inpatient switch to the room. When Bella shows rapid progress, the opposite situation occurs in the home. Silvy Nurhaliza, Samini's first child, a sudden fever. Learning from previous experience, Samini immediately took him to hospital. Guess not missed; platelets were down to his first daughter 97.000/μl. Silvy then took the place Bella in the ER.
For Samini, Silvy handling easier tractable because of his first daughter. Elementary School sixth grade students 1 Karangmojo, Magetan, propolis regularly consume it every 2 hours. The result, after 24 hours, the figure soared to 230.000/μl platelet count. The next day after her sister Silvy in inpatient rooms. The next day the doctor allowed them to return.
According to Dr. Hafuan Lutfie MBA, doctors who prescribe propolis and beekeeping products since 2002, propolis disable the virus by describing its constituent proteins. As a result, virus loses the power to attack the cells. Minerals and vitamins added in the propolis of honey-it-accelerating production of platelets to replace the damaged. That is why the number of platelets increased sharply Silvy. It also accelerates recovery of stamina, prevent secondary infection, and reduce the side effects of synthetic drugs