Monday, May 21, 2012



Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disease that causes seizures periodically. The disease is caused by abnormal brain cell activity. Symptoms of seizures that appears varies. Some people with epilepsy when seizures have a blank.

Mild seizures require treatment, because it can be dangerous if there is when doing activities like driving or swimming. Treatment - including medical treatment and sometimes surgery - usually successfully eliminate or reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures. Many children with epilepsy can overcome this condition with age.


Because epilepsy is caused by abnormal activity of brain cells, seizures can affect your brain coordination process. Convulsions can result in:
  • Temporary confusion
  • Uncontrolled jerking movements of the hands and feet
  • Total loss of consciousness
Differences in the symptoms that occur depend on the type of seizures. In many cases, people with epilepsy will tend to have the type of seizures are the same every time, so it will be the same symptoms that occur from event to event.

Doctors classify seizures are partial or general, based on how the abnormal brain activity begins. In some cases, seizures can be initiated by partial and later became general.
Partial seizures (partial)
When seizures arise as a result of abnormal brain activity in one part of the brain, scientists call it partial seizures or partial. Seizures of this type consists of two categories.
  • Simple partial seizures (simple partial seizures). These seizures do not result in loss of consciousness. These seizures may be changing emotions or change the way look, smell, feel, taste, or hear. These seizures can also produce the beat of the body by accident, like an arm or leg, and sensory symptoms such as spontaneous tingling, vertigo and flashes of light.

  • Complex partial seizures (complex partial seizures). These seizures produce changes in consciousness, it is because you lose vigilance for some time.
General convulsions
Seizures involving all parts of the brain called the general convulsions. Four types of general convulsions are:
  • Absence seizures (also called petit mal). These seizures have characterized by subtle body movements and striking, and can cause loss of consciousness briefly.
  • Myoclonic seizures. These seizures usually cause buffeting or sudden twitch of the hands and feet.
  • Atonic seizures. Also known as drop attacks, these seizures cause loss of alignment with the muscles and the sudden collapse and fall.
  • Tonic-clonic seizures (also called grand mal). The spasms that have the most frequent intensity. Characterized by loss of consciousness, stiff and trembling, and loss of bladder control.
Causes & Risk Factors
  • Genetic influences. Some types of epilepsy decreased in the family, make it like there is a genetic linkage.
  • Trauma to the head. Car accident or other injury can cause epilepsy.
  • Medical illness. Stroke or heart attack that produces damage to the brain can also cause epilepsy. Stroke is the main cause of epilepsy in the incidence of people aged over 65 years.
  • Dementia. Cause of epilepsy in the elderly.
  • Injury before birth. Fetal brain vulnerable to damage due to infection in the mother, lack of nutrients or oxygen deficiency. This can lead to cerebral palsy in children. Twenty percent of seizures in children associated with cerebral palsy or abnormal neurological.
  • Progression of the disease. Epilepsy may be associated with the development of other diseases, such as autism and Down syndrome.
Risk factors
Factors that may increase the risk of epilepsy are:
  • Of age. Epilepsy usually occurs in early age children and after the age of 65 years, but similar conditions can occur at any age.
  • Sexes. Men more at risk than women with epilepsy.
  • Family records. If you have epilepsy in the family records, you may have an increased risk of seizures.
  • Head injuries. These injuries are responsible for many cases of epilepsy. You can reduce the risk by always using a seat belt when driving and using a helmet when riding a motorcycle, skiing, biking or doing other activities that risk head injury.
  • Stroke and other vascular diseases. It can cause brain damage that triggers epilepsy. You can take some steps to reduce the risk of these diseases, including the limit for consuming alcohol and avoid smoking, eat a healthy diet and always exercising.
  • Infection of the brain. Infections such as meningitis, cause inflammation of the brain or spine and lead to increased risk of developing epilepsy.
  • Prolonged seizures at the time the children. High fever at the time the kids for a long time is sometimes associated with convulsions for a long time, and epilepsy in the future. Especially for those with a family history of epilepsy.

Epilepsy Can Laugh Alone

Laughter is healthy. But, do not laugh himself. Later mistaken for madness. Ever hear the expression that? People often laugh or cry without cause is often suspected of suffering from mental disorder or psychosis. But, assuming it is not always true.

'' There is a possibility that the symptoms of epilepsy, rather than a psychiatric disorder,'' said Dr. Dr. Kurnia Kusumastuti SpS (K). Especially, he added, epilepsy patients with seizure manifestations of mental disorders.

During this time, people identify the symptoms of epilepsy as a seizure within the meaning of his own body moves. In fact, the meaning of seizure actually a release of abnormal electrical charge on nerve cells in the brain.

Manifestations of seizures, said Kurnia, can be grouped into four. Ie, motor, sensory, autonomic, and psychic. '' What used to be a seizure by the common people is a manifestation of the motor,'' said the nerve specialist hospitals such Soetomo.

In addition to laugh or cry alone, another symptom is the exaggerated fear of seizures. In fact, patients are not seen anything that scary. In fact, there is a seizure which manifested by acts of violence, torture and even kill. '' The hallmark symptom of epilepsy is the last chance, in minutes, repetitive, and the pattern is the same,'' said Kurnia.

The meaning is the same pattern of epilepsy patients experienced only one symptom. For example, just laughed. Symptoms persist, over and over again until the patient is receiving treatment.

Each time the recurrent, seizures do not last long. Typically, only a few minutes, returned to normal conditions. When he came (back to normal), patients did not recall these symptoms. '' That's what distinguishes mental disorders and epilepsy,'' said Kurnia.

Mental patients, he added, usually laughing or crying for a long time. Similarly, after the symptoms disappear, the awareness of mental patients can not recover from it. '' Unlike the awareness of epilepsy patients can be normal again,'' explained that neurophysiologists.

Spasm of violence in patients with epilepsy also carried out spontaneously, unconsciously, and only after recurrence. Epilepsy patients who were recurrence can only use the objects around him to persecute and even kill. '' If mental patients can make well-planned murder. At least, it can still take a knife and other objects from another room to persecute somebody,'' the light of Kurnia.

Therefore, the doctor was born August 24, 1957 was immediately invited to advise patients of epilepsy treatment. Able to a neurologist or psychiatrist. '' If seeing a psychiatrist, the patient will be observed. If it was not a psychiatric disorder, will be consulted to us. Vice versa,'' said Kurnia.

Therapy, according to Kurnia, done only with regular drug consumption. That would prevent the patient having a seizure. '' Logically, if the patient does not relapse, her seizures and her condition is not normal,'' he said.

Ambein suffered, Chronic Eczema

At that time I was very miserable, because the disease is increasingly tormented from year to year and peak in late 2004. One's friends came to offer products Propolis, but initially I was not interested because it can be said for ambein / hemorrhoids, I immediately bought without a second thought. According to the instructions recommended friends above, I immediately take 10 drops 4 times daily and applied to the anal canal and there was a remarkable thing, I ambein recover within 3 days of the most impressive and now I can eat anything (ice, sukro, chili, etc. ) that I used to avoid because a tooth is hollow, I can not stand the cold, even without my knowing it eczema that exist in my body all gone.

Propolis Thanks to all diseases run in my body ran ¨ - teach my ass so that the spirit growing in me that is advanced in age (64 years) and even my friends who play tennis have suffered from sluggish and lying in the heart (Mr. Ali) is now as healthy as I , Propolis and also thanks to my wife who suffered from chilblains / biduran also recovered.

Propolis is great, the product can be used for all diseases. Make Propolis as your protector and your family to avoid the pain of the disease at all times ready to attack. Maid Hot Water splashed me, Ma'am Ai dated June 22, 2005 at 6:00 am screaming loud. Because so shocked we woke up, he slipped lift hot water bath to prepare for my wife. From all over the thighs to the feet scalded, he was in pain and we panic. In between panic I jumped at the Propolis and give to the wife to be applied to the part which is scalded. Spontaneously all over the surface of the leg and thigh Propolis dropwise until the expiry of a half bottle. Initially the legs and thighs are hot scalded skin but no blistering and 2 days later went back to Ai Ma'am as usual, the pain and the heat from boiling scalded Propolis was cured thanks.

Propolis advice from our fabulous too well the range of diseases caused by wounds, burns, so must be provided as P3K if things happen that are not desirable as an accident.

Handwashing Prevent Diarrhea

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Washing hands using soap can reduce diarrheal attacks by 40 percent making it the most expensive drugs in lowering child mortality due to killer of children is often forgotten.

"The United Nations has recommended, wash hands before eating and after the activity is easy and inexpensive way to prevent the transmission of diarrhea," said Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health Department Tjandra Yoga Aditama, in Building PP Muhammadiyah Jakarta.

Tjandra said the government was trying to make healthy behavior as people's habits by campaigning with running.

He explained that in addition to hand washing with soap campaign, improvement of sanitation facilities and clean water supply and waste management is also very important in the prevention of disease.

These include infectious diseases through water, food and drink that up to now the leading killer of children aged under five years.

The latest report of World Health Organization (WHO) entitled 'diarrhea: Why Children are Still Dying and What Can Be Done "says each year 1.5 million children under five die from diarrhea or second greatest cause of death in infants.

In Indonesia, according to the Health Research Association (Riskesdas) In 2007, the diarrhea causes death of 31.4 per cent of infants aged 29 days to 11 months and 25.2 percent of children aged one year to four years. (*)

axable DM Young Age

Diabetes can not be cured, but can be controlled. Changes in lifestyle and diet is the key factor. Disclose the fact, every 10 seconds one person dies from complications of diabetes and at the same time found two new diabetic. Other data showed that more than 80 million diabetics (those with diabetes) is located in the western Pacific and Southeast Asia. Around the world, diabetes mellitus (DM) kills more people than HIV / AIDS. So great is the incidence of and deaths from related diseases that blood sugar levels.

Since 2007, the UN world body makes 14 November as United Nations Day for Diabetes (UN World Diabetes Day). Diabetes is a chronic non-infectious and noninfectious appointed the first United Nations. Previously, the United Nations Day only sets tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV / AIDS, which is an infectious and contagious diseases.

In Indonesia, the National Diabetes Day is celebrated more quickly, precisely July 12. Numbers of people with the disease popularly known as diabetes it was just fantastic, ranks fourth in the world. In 2006 found 14 million diabetics. Of the 50% who are aware of have it, only 30% of routine treatment. WHO estimates that in 2030 approximately 21.3 million people it later Indonesia affected by diabetes.

There are four time or type of diabetes, namely type 1, type 2, other types (due to illness or other factors), and diabetes in pregnancy (gestational). Type 1 diabetes can be experienced in childhood or youth and the disabled should get a lifetime of regular insulin intake (either by injection or inhalation). Meanwhile, type 2 diabetes in adults and is generally not associated insulin. According to the Chairman of the Indonesian Diabetes Association (PERSADIA) Prof. Dr. Dr. Sidartawan Soegondo KEMD SpPD-FACE, type 2 diabetes is the most, which is about 95% of all cases of DM. In addition to genetic factors, can also be triggered by the environment that causes an unhealthy lifestyle changes, such as overeating (fat and less fiber), lack of physical activity, stress.

"Obesity is a key factor in the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. Genetic aspects are not preventable, but the lifestyle can be changed, "said Sidartawan in a presentation delivered at the National Diabetes Day celebration in Jakarta, some time ago. Type 2 diabetes can actually be controlled or prevented by the occurrence of a healthy lifestyle, such as healthy eating and regular physical activity. However, over the times, lifestyle changes, such as the consumption of junk food menu is high in fat and too lazy to move from relying on transportation and the increasingly sophisticated technology.

Type 2 diabetes is usually found in adults aged 40 years and over, now strike at a younger age. "Last year the youngest age of 20 years, there are now 8-year-olds are affected by diabetes," said consultant endocrine metabolic Amsterdam's birth. Best efforts to do is prevention by early diagnosis of prediabetes.

Because, if you've already exposed, it is very difficult to treat. Complications were varied, such as blood vessels and nerve damage, infection (gangrene feet), or the date the teeth shake, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels), impotence, heart disease, stroke, to blindness. "If you have diabetes, blood sugar levels must be maintained and preserved as possible. In addition to exercise, diet regulation plays an important role, "said Business Development Manager Dr John S Kalbe Nutritionals Handoko. Forms of treatment have to be primary (not to be prevented diabetes), secondary (not to be complications), and tertiary (do not get any disability).

Diabetes can strike children


CHILDREN who are sentenced to suffer from diabetes will have uninterrupted growth, provided that comply with all rules for diabetics.

"Their growth will not be disturbed, provided that they comply with the rules established by the physician using insulin from the outside," says consultant with diabetes Indonesia Association (PERSADIA) unit Jogja International Hospital (JIH) Prabata, in Yogyakarta on Sunday.

With diabetes (diabetic) children is mainly due to genetic factors, so long as his life will be very dependent on insulin. "Diabetes is the kind one, and arises because pancreatic beta cells are unable to produce insulin naturally because there are hereditary factors," he said.

According Prabata, diabetes type one is not dependent on the 'sex linkage', for example the father who suffered from diabetes then the female offspring will also suffer from diabetes. "The thought was wrong, nothing to do with 'sex linkage', descendants of men or women equally have the same opportunities to develop diabetes," he said. He said, people who have a factor that could have been suffering from the disease before the age of 40 years, if they do not maintain the pattern of his life. However, he denied that diabetics should consume no sugar in any form.

"They can still eat sugar, but the insulin dose is adjusted to be included. Because after all, the body also needs sugar," he said. In addition to type one diabetes, type two diabetes there is also emerging as one live an unhealthy lifestyle. According Prabata, children who have the talent to be overweight or already overweight from too little to watch, because of the possibility of suffering from sugar when it was 40 years old.

Similarly, women who gave birth to a baby weighing more than four pounds, has a vulnerability of developing diabetes at the age of 40 years. For the treatment of type two diabetes, can be done with insulinisasi early, in hopes of giving the opportunity to recover the rest to the pancreas cells that have been damaged, so that later returned to produce insulin naturally.

In addition to food intake and maintain a healthy lifestyle, people with diabetes in his opinion should not be stressed and have to accept the conditions encountered. "Factors support of family and the environment is also very important for people with diabetes to live their lives," he said.

Pants Size and Risk of Cancer - Do not ignore the size of the waist and groin that the longer continues to grow in diameter. Signs of obesity in the two parts of the body is a signal has occurred in abdominal fat accumulation.

Fat deposition is usually hidden and surrounds the organs in the abdomen and associated with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease risk.

"Long time has been hypothesized that the size of our clothing is a tangible sign of obesity and fat inside the abdomen," said Dr. Laura AE Hughes, of Maastricht University, Netherlands.

Using information from 2,500 men and women involved in the study of diet and cancer, the researchers tried to justify the link between clothing sizes and the size of the waist and thighs, with a body mass index. According to the researchers, the size of the skirt or pants in the present one associated with cancer risk in the future.

During 13 years of the study, the researchers found that in women, the size of a large skirt can predict the risk of endometrial cancer. While in men, large size pants that can be used to predict the risk of kidney cancer.

In men, waist circumference need to be aware when more than 90 cm, while for women, more than 80 cm.

"In the future this may help epidemiologic studies to collect data on the size of the clothing as well as weight and height, particularly in obesity-prone population," said Hughes.

Gestational diabetes can be predicted - Gestational diabetes is diabetes that occurs only during pregnancy. The condition usually disappears after delivery, but almost half would then reappear. If not well controlled gestational diabetes can be bad for the fetus and mother.

Gestational Diabetes is often detected too late, that is new in week 26 of pregnancy. And if detected early, the risk to the mother and fetus can be reduced. This disease can cause several complications, including growth retardation, birth defects, heart defects, babies are born great, and so forth.

Latest research indicates gestational diabetes can be detected early by measuring levels of triglycerides and waist circumference know the history of accretion of pregnant women.

In a study of 144 pregnant women, women known to waist circumference over 85 centimeters and high triglyceride levels during the first trimester of pregnancy tend to have high blood sugar levels when blood samples tested in the second trimester. When the commencement of this study all pregnant women have a normal blood sugar levels.

High blood sugar levels in the blood is an indicator of gestational diabetes. While triglycerides are high and wide waist circumference is a marker of obesity, which is a risk factor for gestational diabetes.

So what should be done to save the babies from the risks caused by diabetes? Pregnant women are required to control blood sugar levels by diet, exercise and drugs. Examination content must also be carried out routinely.

Propolis Vs diabetes: blood sugar levels drop

Diabetes, The Silent Killer. Diabetes is a disease that can kill and secretly prepared to attack it. Each person can have diabetes, both young and old, including you. However, you need to understand is that you are not alone.

According to WHO data, Indonesia ranks fourth largest in number of patients with Diabetes Mellitus in the world. In the year 2000 alone, there are an estimated 5.6 million people in Indonesia who have diabetes

Common symptoms of early reading DiabetesGejala diabetics is rising blood sugar levels are high. To above 160-180 mg / dL. Increased blood sugar levels are high will spur the kidneys remove extra water to dilute the amount of glucose that is lost due to the amount of glucose excreted in the urine.

A visible effect, people with frequent urination in large quantities (polyuria) and excessive thirst easy patient so much to drink (polidipsi).

The amount of glucose that out also cause sufferers often feel hungry, so many incredible meals (polifagi).

Other symptoms are blurred vision, dizziness, nausea and decreased endurance during exercise. People with diabetes are poorly controlled blood sugar more susceptible to infection.

Diabetes Complications Can MematikanDiabetes is a disease that causes the body to share other complications. This is due to blood sugar levels continue to rise, thus resulting in damage to blood vessels, nerves and other internal structures.

Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus patients meyebablkan more susceptible to disease:

A. 2x more susceptible to brain platelet (blood clots in the brain) causes a stroke

2. 2x more prone to coronary heart disease

3. 7x more prone to chronic renal failure

4. 25x more prone to blindness

5. 5 x more prone to gangrene

PROPOLIS role for lowering blood sugar levels of people with Diabetes is a way (Beijing propolis Research Network):

A. Flavonoids in propolis, terpene content of vinyl supports the use of glucose exogenons source of the role of glycogen, and the agent to lower blood sugar levels.

2. Propolis has anti-inflammatory bactericidal effect, could be the active cell, to enhance tissue regeneration.

3. Propolis is a natural anti-oxidant is strong, and can significantly increase SOD aktifitus. The use of propolis not only lowers the level of free radicals that damage cells, but also taking care to avoid various complications of the disease.

4. Propolis is very effective, for the injection of insulin or hypoglycemic, can significantly lower blood sugar.

5. Hipolipidemic effects of propolis increases blood circulation and anti-oxidants, protecting blood vessels, which control the complications of diabetes.

6. Propolis may stimulate the body to regenerate ATP. ATP is an important source of energy bodies, energy suppliers, increase physical strength.

7. Nasps in the propolis flavonoids, polysaccharides substances regulate metabolism and enhance immunity.

8. Propolis is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, chromium and other trace elements to prevent and treat diabetes.

Depression / Depression


Depression is a medical disorder that attacks the body and mind. Also called major depression, major depressive, and clinical depression and the impact on what you feel, think, and your behavior. Depression can cause variations in emotional and physical problems. You may have problems in performing activities of daily living and depression can make you feel if it is not worth living.

More than just feeling sad, depression is not something that can be easily removed. Depression is a chronic disease that usually requires long-term treatment such as diabetes or high blood pressure. Many people with depression feel better with medical treatment, counseling or other treatment.


Symptoms of depression include:
  • Feel sad
  • Irritability or frustration, even in small things
  • Losing interest or pleasure in normal activities
  • Reduce the activity of an intimate relationship
  • Insomnia or sleeping too much
  • Change in appetite - often cases of depression reduces the appetite and cause weight loss, but depression in some people cause increased appetite and weight gain.
  • Sense turbulent or agitated
  • Slow in thinking, speaking, or moving
  • Ambiguity, easily distracted, and reduced concentration
  • Fatigue and loss of energy - even small tasks require more effort
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and fixated on past mistakes or blame themselves when something goes incorrect
  • Trouble in thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remember things
  • Often think of death, suffering or downfall
  • Crying for no apparent reason
  • Have unexplained physical problems such as back pain or headaches
  • In some people the symptoms of depression often feel sad or unhappy without really knowing why.
As a result of depression in each person varies with each other. Lineage, age, gender and cultural background all play a role how depression hit you.

Symptoms of depression in children and adolescents

Usually the symptoms of depression in children and adolescents vary with symptoms of depression in adults.
  • In the younger children, symptoms of depression in the form of sadness, irritability, frustration and worry.
  • Symptoms in adolescents and teens are anxious, feeling angry and avoid social interaction.
  • Change of mind is a sign of depression that commonly occurs in adolescents and adults, but not uncommon in younger children.
  • In children and teens as depression are common behavioral problems and other mental health conditions such as anxiety or ADHD.
Symptoms of depression in adults
  • There are an older adult depression may go undiagnosed because the symptoms - for example, fatigue, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping or lost interest in sex - it can mean is caused by other diseases.
  • Older people with depression say they are not satisfied with the life of ordinary, dull, helpless or worthless. They always want to stay at home, rather than go to socialize or try something new.
  • Thoughts or feelings of suicide in adults to be a serious sign of depression that no action be taken lightly, especially in males. In all people with depression, but men have a higher risk for suicide.

Causes & Risk Factors

It is not known what causes depression. As with many mental illnesses, this arises because many factors, among others:
  • Biological differences. People with depression will show up changes in brain activity.
  • Neurotransmitters. Naturally occurring chemical relationships in the mood to have a role in depression.
  • Harmon. Changing the body's hormonal balance to trigger depression. Changes in thyroid hormone can be produced in a troubled, menopause and other conditions.
  • Lineage. Depression occur in people who have family members who also have the condition. Scientists are trying to discover what genes might be involved in causing depression.
  • Life events. Events such as death or loss of a loved one, financial problems and high stress can trigger depression in some people.
  • Childhood trauma. Traumatic events as children, can can cause permanent changes in the brain that makes you more vulnerable to depression.
Risk factors

Depression is particularly so in the late 20s but it actually can occur at any age. Although the exact cause of depression is unknown, scientists have identified certain factors that increase the risk of developing or triggering depression, namely:
  • Have a biological relationship with the people who have depression
  • Woman
  • Having a traumatic event during childhood
  • Have a biological relationship with the record of an alcoholic
  • Have family members who experienced the fall
  • Having the experience of life events that put pressure, such as the death of a loved
  • Having lots of friends or a personal relationship
  • Having a depressed mood as a child
  • Have serious illnesses, like cancer, heart attacks, Alzheimer's or HIV / AIDS
  • Has certain properties, such as low self-confidence and excessive reliance, self-critical or pessimistic
  • Penyalahguanan alcohol, nicotine or illicit drugs
  • Taking medical treatment for high blood pressure you have, taking sleeping pills or other specific medical treatment (talk to your doctor before stopping undergoing certain medical treatments that you think your cause mood changes)

There is no sure way to prevent depression. However you should take steps to control stress, to increase your endurance and to promote low self-esteem. Friendship and social support, especially at times of crisis will be able to help you.
In addition, treatment performed on the initial symptoms can help prevent depression worse. Long-term care also helps prevent kembuhnya symptoms of depression.