Depression is a medical disorder that attacks the body and mind. Also called major depression, major depressive, and clinical depression and the impact on what you feel, think, and your behavior. Depression can cause variations in emotional and physical problems. You may have problems in performing activities of daily living and depression can make you feel if it is not worth living.
More than just feeling sad, depression is not something that can be easily removed. Depression is a chronic disease that usually requires long-term treatment such as diabetes or high blood pressure. Many people with depression feel better with medical treatment, counseling or other treatment.
Symptoms of depression include:
- Feel sad
- Irritability or frustration, even in small things
- Losing interest or pleasure in normal activities
- Reduce the activity of an intimate relationship
- Insomnia or sleeping too much
- Change in appetite - often cases of depression reduces the appetite and cause weight loss, but depression in some people cause increased appetite and weight gain.
- Sense turbulent or agitated
- Slow in thinking, speaking, or moving
- Ambiguity, easily distracted, and reduced concentration
- Fatigue and loss of energy - even small tasks require more effort
- Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and fixated on past mistakes or blame themselves when something goes incorrect
- Trouble in thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remember things
- Often think of death, suffering or downfall
- Crying for no apparent reason
- Have unexplained physical problems such as back pain or headaches
- In some people the symptoms of depression often feel sad or unhappy without really knowing why.
Symptoms of depression in children and adolescents
Usually the symptoms of depression in children and adolescents vary with symptoms of depression in adults.
- In the younger children, symptoms of depression in the form of sadness, irritability, frustration and worry.
- Symptoms in adolescents and teens are anxious, feeling angry and avoid social interaction.
- Change of mind is a sign of depression that commonly occurs in adolescents and adults, but not uncommon in younger children.
- In children and teens as depression are common behavioral problems and other mental health conditions such as anxiety or ADHD.
- There are an older adult depression may go undiagnosed because the symptoms - for example, fatigue, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping or lost interest in sex - it can mean is caused by other diseases.
- Older people with depression say they are not satisfied with the life of ordinary, dull, helpless or worthless. They always want to stay at home, rather than go to socialize or try something new.
- Thoughts or feelings of suicide in adults to be a serious sign of depression that no action be taken lightly, especially in males. In all people with depression, but men have a higher risk for suicide.
Causes & Risk Factors
It is not known what causes depression. As with many mental illnesses, this arises because many factors, among others:
- Biological differences. People with depression will show up changes in brain activity.
- Neurotransmitters. Naturally occurring chemical relationships in the mood to have a role in depression.
- Harmon. Changing the body's hormonal balance to trigger depression. Changes in thyroid hormone can be produced in a troubled, menopause and other conditions.
- Lineage. Depression occur in people who have family members who also have the condition. Scientists are trying to discover what genes might be involved in causing depression.
- Life events. Events such as death or loss of a loved one, financial problems and high stress can trigger depression in some people.
- Childhood trauma. Traumatic events as children, can can cause permanent changes in the brain that makes you more vulnerable to depression.
Depression is particularly so in the late 20s but it actually can occur at any age. Although the exact cause of depression is unknown, scientists have identified certain factors that increase the risk of developing or triggering depression, namely:
- Have a biological relationship with the people who have depression
- Woman
- Having a traumatic event during childhood
- Have a biological relationship with the record of an alcoholic
- Have family members who experienced the fall
- Having the experience of life events that put pressure, such as the death of a loved
- Having lots of friends or a personal relationship
- Having a depressed mood as a child
- Have serious illnesses, like cancer, heart attacks, Alzheimer's or HIV / AIDS
- Has certain properties, such as low self-confidence and excessive reliance, self-critical or pessimistic
- Penyalahguanan alcohol, nicotine or illicit drugs
- Taking medical treatment for high blood pressure you have, taking sleeping pills or other specific medical treatment (talk to your doctor before stopping undergoing certain medical treatments that you think your cause mood changes)
There is no sure way to prevent depression. However you should take steps to control stress, to increase your endurance and to promote low self-esteem. Friendship and social support, especially at times of crisis will be able to help you.
In addition, treatment performed on the initial symptoms can help prevent depression worse. Long-term care also helps prevent kembuhnya symptoms of depression.