Since 2007, the UN world body makes 14 November as United Nations Day for Diabetes (UN World Diabetes Day). Diabetes is a chronic non-infectious and noninfectious appointed the first United Nations. Previously, the United Nations Day only sets tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV / AIDS, which is an infectious and contagious diseases.
In Indonesia, the National Diabetes Day is celebrated more quickly, precisely July 12. Numbers of people with the disease popularly known as diabetes it was just fantastic, ranks fourth in the world. In 2006 found 14 million diabetics. Of the 50% who are aware of have it, only 30% of routine treatment. WHO estimates that in 2030 approximately 21.3 million people it later Indonesia affected by diabetes.
There are four time or type of diabetes, namely type 1, type 2, other types (due to illness or other factors), and diabetes in pregnancy (gestational). Type 1 diabetes can be experienced in childhood or youth and the disabled should get a lifetime of regular insulin intake (either by injection or inhalation). Meanwhile, type 2 diabetes in adults and is generally not associated insulin. According to the Chairman of the Indonesian Diabetes Association (PERSADIA) Prof. Dr. Dr. Sidartawan Soegondo KEMD SpPD-FACE, type 2 diabetes is the most, which is about 95% of all cases of DM. In addition to genetic factors, can also be triggered by the environment that causes an unhealthy lifestyle changes, such as overeating (fat and less fiber), lack of physical activity, stress.
"Obesity is a key factor in the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. Genetic aspects are not preventable, but the lifestyle can be changed, "said Sidartawan in a presentation delivered at the National Diabetes Day celebration in Jakarta, some time ago. Type 2 diabetes can actually be controlled or prevented by the occurrence of a healthy lifestyle, such as healthy eating and regular physical activity. However, over the times, lifestyle changes, such as the consumption of junk food menu is high in fat and too lazy to move from relying on transportation and the increasingly sophisticated technology.
Type 2 diabetes is usually found in adults aged 40 years and over, now strike at a younger age. "Last year the youngest age of 20 years, there are now 8-year-olds are affected by diabetes," said consultant endocrine metabolic Amsterdam's birth. Best efforts to do is prevention by early diagnosis of prediabetes.
Because, if you've already exposed, it is very difficult to treat. Complications were varied, such as blood vessels and nerve damage, infection (gangrene feet), or the date the teeth shake, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels), impotence, heart disease, stroke, to blindness. "If you have diabetes, blood sugar levels must be maintained and preserved as possible. In addition to exercise, diet regulation plays an important role, "said Business Development Manager Dr John S Kalbe Nutritionals Handoko. Forms of treatment have to be primary (not to be prevented diabetes), secondary (not to be complications), and tertiary (do not get any disability).