'' There is a possibility that the symptoms of epilepsy, rather than a psychiatric disorder,'' said Dr. Dr. Kurnia Kusumastuti SpS (K). Especially, he added, epilepsy patients with seizure manifestations of mental disorders.
During this time, people identify the symptoms of epilepsy as a seizure within the meaning of his own body moves. In fact, the meaning of seizure actually a release of abnormal electrical charge on nerve cells in the brain.
Manifestations of seizures, said Kurnia, can be grouped into four. Ie, motor, sensory, autonomic, and psychic. '' What used to be a seizure by the common people is a manifestation of the motor,'' said the nerve specialist hospitals such Soetomo.
In addition to laugh or cry alone, another symptom is the exaggerated fear of seizures. In fact, patients are not seen anything that scary. In fact, there is a seizure which manifested by acts of violence, torture and even kill. '' The hallmark symptom of epilepsy is the last chance, in minutes, repetitive, and the pattern is the same,'' said Kurnia.
The meaning is the same pattern of epilepsy patients experienced only one symptom. For example, just laughed. Symptoms persist, over and over again until the patient is receiving treatment.
Each time the recurrent, seizures do not last long. Typically, only a few minutes, returned to normal conditions. When he came (back to normal), patients did not recall these symptoms. '' That's what distinguishes mental disorders and epilepsy,'' said Kurnia.
Mental patients, he added, usually laughing or crying for a long time. Similarly, after the symptoms disappear, the awareness of mental patients can not recover from it. '' Unlike the awareness of epilepsy patients can be normal again,'' explained that neurophysiologists.
Spasm of violence in patients with epilepsy also carried out spontaneously, unconsciously, and only after recurrence. Epilepsy patients who were recurrence can only use the objects around him to persecute and even kill. '' If mental patients can make well-planned murder. At least, it can still take a knife and other objects from another room to persecute somebody,'' the light of Kurnia.
Therefore, the doctor was born August 24, 1957 was immediately invited to advise patients of epilepsy treatment. Able to a neurologist or psychiatrist. '' If seeing a psychiatrist, the patient will be observed. If it was not a psychiatric disorder, will be consulted to us. Vice versa,'' said Kurnia.
Therapy, according to Kurnia, done only with regular drug consumption. That would prevent the patient having a seizure. '' Logically, if the patient does not relapse, her seizures and her condition is not normal,'' he said.