Thursday, July 26, 2012

Anti Impotence Drugs Help Treatment of Cancer

 anti-impotence drugs did have a positive side effect to enhance the effectiveness of therapy for brain tumor diseases, gastrointestinal and breast cancer.

In a preclinical test of anti-impotence drug known known as sildenafil (Viagra) and vardenafil (Levitra) helps the absorption of chemotherapy drugs into the "defense layer of blood" in the brain better. It is important to ensure that the chemotherapy made it to the cancer cells have spread to the brain.

Defense layer of blood in the brain is actually a natural mechanism for protecting the brain from exposure to hazardous substances. In the treatment of brain cancer, this would impede the delivery of drugs, especially by a large molecule drugs such as chemotherapy drugs. Well, anti impotence drugs turned out to make the absorption of the section is a good defense.

"Although chemotherapy drugs used the best, but if they can not penetrate the defenses of blood in the brain, the impact of chemotherapy will not be maximized. Because it allows the anti-impotence drug reaches the target cells," said Dr.Keith Black, neurosurgeon from Cedars Hospital -Sinai's AS.

Brain tumors caused by the growth of abnormal cells. This condition is either directly or indirectly, damage or destroy the parts dealing with vision, movement, balance, memory, or behavior.

8 Natural Ways to Cure Impotence

many ways in which to cope with erectile dysfunction (impotence), namely the inability of men to get and maintain an erection during intercourse. Ways you can do with natural remedies.

Andrew McCullough, MD, professor of clinical urology at New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City, as reported by WebMD, Thursday (22/4/2010) says it must be ensured in advance there is no other medical condition to worry about making it a natural treatment can be done.

Erectile dysfunction is caused by atherosclerosis (a disorder of the arteries), kidney disease, vascular disease, neurological diseases, diabetes, certain medications, surgical wounds and psychological problems.

Natural treatment that is recommended to consult a doctor because it can be very dangerous.

"If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction, the first thing you need is a diagnosis," said the expert impotence Steven Lamm, MD, an internist in New York City and author of The Hardness Factor (Harper Collins).

According to him, men with severe erectile dysfunction may require prescription medications such as Levitra (vardenafil), Cialis (tadalafil) and Viagra.

However, men with sexual dysfunction, mild self-medication is often done by using natural remedies. Here are some of the most popular natural remedy:
  1. Acupuncture
    Although acupuncture has been used to treat male sexual problems for centuries, but scientific evidence to support its use for erectile dysfunction is still vague.

  2. Arginine
    Amino acid L-arginine, which occurs naturally in foods, can increase the body's production of nitric oxide, which is a compound which facilitates erection by dilating blood vessels to the penis. However, according to Geo Espinosa, ND, director of the Integrative Urological Center at NYU Langone Medical Center, the use of L-arginine should be supervised, because L-arginine can interact with some drugs.

  3. DHEA
    Testosterone is important for a healthy libido and normal sexual function. Patients with erectile dysfunction are known to have low testosterone, so it needed to increase testosterone therapy.

    Research shows that the use of supplements containing DHEA, a hormone that the body converts into testosterone and estrogen, may help relieve some cases of erectile dysfunction.

  4. Ginseng
    Korean red ginseng has long been used to stimulate sexual function in men, but still few studies have systematically attempted to confirm the benefits. But experts advise, if you will eat ginseng, you should consult a doctor because ginseng can interact with medications and cause allergic reactions.

  5. Pomegranate juice
    Drinking pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants have been shown to have many health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

    But whether pomegranate juice could overcome sexual dysfunction? There is no strong evidence about its effectiveness to overcome it. But if anything does not exist, at least with pomegranate juice can nourish the body.

  6. Yohimbe
    Before there was Viagra and other prescription drugs, doctors sometimes prescribe a derivative of the herb yohimbe (yohimbine hydrochloride) in patients with erectile dysfunction. But according to experts, the drug is not effective, and can cause jitteriness (anxiety syndrome) and other problems.

    Moreover, the evidence suggests yohimbe associated with hypertension, anxiety, headaches and other health problems.

  7. Horn goat weed
    Horn goat weed is said to have become a treatment for erectile dysfunction for years. Italian researchers found that the main compound in the horns of the goat weed, called icariin, react the same way as Viagra drugs.

  8. Ginkgo biloba
    In addition to the treatment of cognitive impairment, ginkgo has also been used to treat erectile dysfunction, especially those caused by the use of certain antidepressant medications.
But the evidence is not very convincing. One study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy found that ginkgo does not work for erectile dysfunction.

However, every care and treatment of erectile dysfunction who do, experts say the important thing is to eat a healthy diet and avoid smoking and alcohol. In addition, the attitude to accept their partner is needed to ease the burden of sexual dysfunction of the patient.

Beware of Hypertension in Children

Parents should be aware of hypertension or high blood pressure that occurs in children as soon as possible. Hypertension in children is usually a symptom of the illness suffered by the child's true.

"Hypertension can affect even infants. Rate of hypertension in children increased from 1-3 percent of the population of children to 10 percent," said consultant pediatrician child kidney disease Telogorejo Hospital Semarang, Semarang Rochmanadji Widajat on Saturday (10 / 10).

Rochmanadi said, in children, hypertension is usually caused by kidney disease, central nervous, cardiovascular, and endocrine. However, hypertension can also be no known cause. Such cases are called hyper tension with primary or essential hypertension.

Harmful when the cause of hypertension is unknown. Therefore, parents must be constantly alert to measure his blood pressure regularly.

Before the occurrence of hypertension is not as high this time, parents are usually very rare to measure her blood pressure. Therefore, hypertension is identical to the adults, especially those who are overweight, and parents.

Children who suffer from mild hypertension, found no presence of other diseases. However, in children treated at the hospital found several systemic diseases that accompany hypertension. Diseases that include acute kidney disease, chronic kidney disease, tumors and severe infections (central nervous system disease), constriction of blood vessels, and diabetes mellitus.

The younger the age of the child, Rochmanadi say, the more likely that systemic diseases suffered by children who have hypertension. But children who are older, usually an disebabk hypertension suffered by diet and lifestyle.

"In infants, symptoms are usually fussy prolonged hypertension., While in older children, symptoms of hypertension include headaches, anxiety, palpitations, shortness of breath up," said Rochmanadi.

Although not many, cases of hypertension in children, mentioned Rochmanadi can take up to adulthood and increase risk of heart disease and blood vessels.

To that end, parents need to avoid these risks by preventing the growing child not to be overweight (obese), alert to children who are sick with a fever (with or without other symptoms), alert to the child's stomach or recurring back pain, pain urination, and alert when a child's eyes look puffy in the morning.

Goat meat is not the Main Causes of Hypertension

Meat is one food that many enjoy doing, of course, both in Indonesia and overseas. Until now there was a culture that forbids his followers to consume red meat, like lamb, beef or lamb. Factor that also causes a number of growing goat meat lovers.

In some countries, the demand for goat meat exceeds the available supply, especially before the coming month of Ramadan in Indonesia included. Goat meat in addition to the udder, can be cultivated to be taken fur and milk. Goat milk can be consumed as a beverage or made into cheese and food ingredient supplies.

During this goat meat is considered as a major cause of hypertension. Please note, hypertension or heart disease did not appear out of nowhere. That is, the disease suffered due to wrong food consumption patterns. For example, eating too many fatty foods, high cholesterol, low-fiber or high saline. Thus, there is no opinion, that eating meat goats will suddenly suffer from hypertension or heart attack.

True if a person eats goat meat, and blood pressure go up or had a heart attack, the error does not solely lie in the goat meat in the meal. Cholesterol levels but who pass the threshold. Indeed, after eating goat meat body feels hot or excessive heat can even cause dizziness in some people.

Therefore, we recommend limited consumption of red meat, including goat meat in reasonable portions. All kinds of food have an effect when consumed in excess is not good for health.

Who needs to know about Hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a common disease in our society. This situation occurs when the blood pressure on major arteries in the body is too high. Hypertension is increasingly common in the elderly.
The body's normal blood pressure is 120/80 (systolic pressure of 120 mmHg and diastolic pressure of 80 mmHg). However, the blood pressure does not have a default value. It varies depending on physical activity and emotions.
Hypertension is a disorder that is difficult to know by our own bodies. The only way to know for hypertension is to measure your blood pressure regularly. Known to nine out of ten people suffering from hypertension can not be identified the cause of the disease. Hypertension can actually be derived from parent to child. If one parent affected by hypertension, the tendency of children to suffer from hypertension are greater than those who do not have parents suffering from hypertension.
Complaints that may arise due to hypertension, among others, the pain in the back of the head, nose bleeds, blurred vision, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, and so forth.
Based on the cause of hypertension can be classified as follows:
  1. Hipretensi primer, namely hypertension of unknown cause.
  2. Secondary hypertension, ie hypertension caused by disease, drugs, or pregnancy.
Meanwhile, according to WHO classification of hypertension based on diastolic pressure, namely:
  1. Hypertension grade I, ie if the diastolic pressure of 95-109 mmHg.
  2. Hypertension degrees II, that is if the diastolic pressure 110-119 mmHg.
  3. Hypertension III degree, that is if the diastolic pressure over 120 mmHg.
Hypertension could be expected to develop into more serious health problems and can even cause death. Hypertension is often called the silent killer disease because of two things, namely:
  1. Hypertension is difficult to realize someone for hypertension do not have specific symptoms. Mild symptoms such as dizziness, anxiety, nosebleeds, and headaches are rarely directly related to hypertension. Hypertension can be detected by measuring blood pressure regularly.
  2. Hypertensive patients, if not handled properly, will have a great risk to die from cardiovascular complications such as stroke, heart attack, heart failure, and kidney failure.
Treatment of hypertension can be done as follows:
  1. Without drug treatment, among others, with a diet low in salt, cholesterol, and saturated fat; easing emotional stress; quit smoking and alcohol as well as regular physical exercise.
  2. Treatment with antihypertensive drugs. There are many types of antihypertensive drugs currently available. For proper selection of antihypertensive drugs, you should immediately contact a doctor.
With regular treatment and control and avoid the various factors causing hypertension, rates of death from the disease can actually be suppressed.


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Torch Infections In Pregnancy (Dangerous for the fetus)

TORCH is a term used to describe the combination of four types of infectious diseases is Toxoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, and Herpes. The fourth type of defect of this infection, is equally harmful to the fetus if the infection suffered by pregnant women.

Now, for the diagnosis of infectious diseases has grown among other toward the immunological examination.

The principle of this examination is the detection of an anti-(antibody) that specifically taerhadap germs that cause infections such as the body's response to foreign bodies (kuman. worst Antibodies can be either immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin G (IgG)


Toxoplasma infection is caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondi. In general, Toxoplasma infections occur without symptoms spesipik. Only approximately 10-20% of cases of infection with Toxoplasma are mild symptoms, influenza-like symptoms, can result in fatigue, malaise, fever, and generally do not cause problems.

Toxoplasma infection occurs when harmful when pregnant women or in people with compromised immune systems (eg people with AIDS, organ transplantation patients who received the drug suppressing the immune response).

If a pregnant woman infected with Toxoplasma is a result that can happen is a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage (4%), stillbirth (3%) or infants suffering from congenital toxoplasmosis. on congenital toxoplasmosis, symptoms can appear as an adult, for example kelinan eyes and ears, mental retardation, seizures dn encephalitis.

Toxoplasmosis diagnosis is clinically difficult to determine because the symptoms are not specific or even no symptoms (sub clinical). Therefore, laboratory tests are absolutely necessary to get a proper diagnosis. Examinations are commonly performed anti-Toxoplasma IgG, IgM and IgA, and IgG avidity anti-Toxoplasma.

Examination needs to be done on people suspected of being infected with Toxoplasma, the mothers before or during pregnancy (when a negative result bullet repeated once a month, especially in pertma trimester, then each trimeter), and newborns of mothers infected with Toxoplasma.


Rubella infection characterized by acute fever, rash and enlarged lymph nodes. The infection is caused by Rubella virus, can attack children and young adults.

Rubella infection dangerous place in the young pregnant woman, because it may cause abnormalities in babies. If infection occurs in the first month of pregnancy, the risk of abnormalities was 50%, whereas if infection occurs first trimester the risk is 25% (according to the American College of Obstatrician and Gynecologists, 1981).

Signs and symptoms of rubella infection varies for each individual, even in some patients go unrecognized, especially if the rash does not appear red. Hence, proper diagnosis of rubella infection need to be enforced with the help of laboratory tests.

Laboratory examinations performed included examination of Anti-Rubella IgG IgM funds.

Examination of Anti-rubella IgG can be used to detect the presence of immunity during pregnancy. If they are not immune, it is recommended to be vaccinated.

Examination of Anti-rubella IgG and IgM is particularly useful for the diagnosis of acute infection at 18 weeks of pregnancy and the risk of congenital rubella infection.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

CMV infection is caused by a virus Cytomegalo, and these virus groups including the Herpes virus family. As with other herpes family, CMV virus can stay latent in the body and CMV infection is one cause that is harmful to the fetus if the infection is harmful to the fetus if infection occurs when the mother was pregnant.

If pregnant women are infected. the fetus at risk of contracting the disorder such that an enlarged liver, jaundice, ekapuran brain, deafness, mental retardation, and others.

Laboratory tests are very useful to know the acute infection or recurrent infeski, where acute infection have a higher risk. Silakukan laboratory examination includes Anti CMV IgG and IgM, and IgG avidity anti-CMV.


Herpes infection of the genitals (sex) is caused by herpes simplex virus type II (HSV II). The virus can be in a latent form, spread through nerve fibers to the sensory and autonomic nervous system diganglion silence.

Babies born to mothers infected with HSV II usually showed blisters on the porters, but this does not always appear so it may not be known. HSV II infection in newborns can be fatal (In more than 50 cases)

Laboratory tests, the Anti-HSV II IgG and IgM is essential for early detection of the possibility of infection by HSV II and mencaegah further danger to the infant when infection occurs during pregnancy.

TORCH infections that occur in pregnant women DAPT harm the fetus. TORCH infection, clinical symptoms are indistinguishable from Searing other diseases because the symptoms are not specific. Although there are giving these symptoms do not appear so difficult for doctors to perform diagnosis. Therefore, the laboratory is needed to help find out TORCH infection so the doctor can provide appropriate treatment or therapy.

TORCH panel
  • Anti-Toxoplasma IgG and IgM

  • Anti-Rubella IgG and IgM

  • Anti CMV IgG and IgM

  • Anti HSV II IgG and IgM

Men are more prone to liver cancer

The fundamental difference is shown the body of men and women against the risk of liver cancer, and the cause lies in the genetic material based on gender, concluded a study conducted by experts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), United States (U.S. ).

It is the first genome-wide study that explains the link between gender and non-reproductive organ cancers, said Arlin Rogers, pathologist and Chairman of the MIT research team.

According to research published in the scientific journal "Cancer Research" that boys exposed to potentially liver cancer two times greater than women in the U.S.. In other countries, especially Asia, this figure could be higher potentials, ie, 8 to 10 times greater.

Liver cancer is the most common cancers in the world's number 5, and the cause of death of the order of the three largest. Liver cancer rates in the U.S. are lower than in other countries, but the trend shows a drastic increase in infections caused by hepatitis C through blood transfusions continue to soar since the 1970s, and of course the abuse of illegal drugs.

Another factor that triggers liver cancer rates is the problem of obesity and diabetes, which continues to be the government's attention.

Rogers explained that the hearts of men and women have a pretty noticeable difference. The difference was very obvious during the period of puberty, when the liver is more exposed male growth hormone. This then causes the liver of men and women react differently to antibiotics and similar drugs.

In her study, MIT scientists have also examined mice that had a higher trend of liver cancer in male gender compared to the women.

The mice were then injected bacteria hepatitis - which produces symptoms similar to hepatitis B and hepatitis C character in humans.

Both in humans and mice, men and women who can demonstrate a healthy reaction to the acute toxicity and other pressures. But the male liver was not as complete as the liver of women to deal with chronic inflammation arising from infection of certain substances.

When male mice encounter chronic hepatitis, some masculine liver genes increased work, some other gene activity is stopped. At the same time, some feminine genes reactivated.

Due to this, the researchers noted that the gene profile then becomes unclear, the term "gender confusion out". "There is no reason or pattern. Just really messed up only the genes with genes masculine feminine," said Rogers.Masih according to the results of the study an expert, gene by sex turned out to show a different reaction to the strep infection.

Genes men when confronted with chronic hepatitis reacted partly overloaded, while others lack the load, so the liver can not maintain normal metabolic functions when cancer appears.

Meanwhile, adult women exposed to relatively low potential for liver cancer, because genes in the liver did not feel the need to change into the masculine genes to deal with cancer, according to Rogers.

WHO estimates there are more than 180 million people worldwide have been infected with hepatitis C, and more than 400 million people living with hepatitis B. Even some health experts say hepatitis virus is 100 times more infectious than HIV.

The most dreaded of these diseases is the potential development of this disease to liver cancer or cirrhosis that may lead to liver failure and death results.

If traced based on the number of deaths of patients, the cirrhosis of the seventh as the deadly chronic diseases. Therefore, awareness of this disease are considered important, given the transmission sometimes not realized by the patient.

Moreover, the spread factor of the virus in Indonesia is growing very fast, one of which is influenced by the ignorance of the presence or absence of hepatitis virus pathway to her. In fact, 25 percent of sufferers who do not know this could potentially develop cirrhosis after 15-20 years time span virus lodged in their bodies.

According to the Chairman of the Heart Research Association Excellence Budihusodo Indonesia, some patterns of spread of viral hepatitis occurred among them through a needle piercing, narcotics equipment, risk relationship, tattoos, and blood transfusion.

"In 2000 the mentioned transmission through injections putaw mengontribusi 80 percent of the development of transmission of hepatitis, and even the pattern is very fast," said the Superior.

WHO 2000 report mentions the weekly bulletin of the world there are at least 170 million patients infected with hepatitis virus, with the estimated 315 000 new cases appear each year.

Meanwhile, in Indonesia recorded seven million people with hepatitis was found. Of this total percentage of people with chronic hepatitis by 16-77 percent, 22-78 percent of liver cirrhosis, and carcinoma of the liver (primary liver cancer) 29-69 percent.

Superior to mention that as much as 1-4 percent of the total number of patients with cirrhosis will develop liver cancer each year. Fraction of them have a very rapid progression of the disease requiring transplant act.

In addition to impact on mortality for patients with liver cancer, increasing numbers of patients with hepatitis will affect work productivity decline in patients, which means it will impact the economic losses.

Research of hepatitis in the United States said the economic losses caused by hepatitis virus reached 600 million U.S. dollars annually.

Hepatitis B Vaccination Protects against Liver Cancer - According to new research, vaccination at birth against hepatitis B virus, greatly reducing the risk of liver cancer in adulthood. The findings are published in the Journal of National Cancer Institute 16 September 2009 online edition.

In a 20-year study that followed infants who were vaccinated against the liver disease in Taiwan beginning in 1984, when a universal vaccination program came into effect, Dr. Mei-Hwei Chang, of the Department of Pediatrics at National Taiwan University Hospital in Taipei, and colleagues looked at young people who have undergone liver cancer.

The researchers found that only a few people who have been vaccinated will have liver cancer, and there is a possible explanation in most cases, such as insufficient doses of the vaccine.

The authors conclude that these data suggest that the effectiveness of universal hepatitis B immunization program to prevent liver cancer, has gone beyond childhood and into young adulthood over the past two decades.

In the United States, hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for all infants, children and adolescents if they have not been vaccinated previously. Officials recommend that adults get vaccinated if they are at risk of developing liver cancer. More info can visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Do not underestimate the twitch in the Facial

Each person must have had a twitch in his face. It looks trivial, and are considered harmless. However, the twitching of the face can be potentially as hemifacial spasm.

Unlike the usual twitch, hemifacial spasm occurs only on one side of the face. Starting from the forehead, gradually spreading to the lips. In the last half of the face will be stiff.
dr. Astri Budikayanti, SpS, neurologist from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital explains, the causes hemifacial spasm there are two, namely because of the pressure and not pressure. Hemifacial spasm due to stress, occurs when the muscle nerve "short-circuit" because of tumor or neurological disorders. The cause of hemifacial spasm without the pressure stroke is a disease, tuberculosis, or mulitiskiokolis.
"If the medical term is depressed lesions and no. Hemifacial spasm did not feel sick," he said on the sidelines of hemifacial spasm Community Gathering at Twin Plaza Hotel, Jakarta, Saturday (15/8).
Patients with hemifacial spasm mostly over the age of 40 years, and most affected are women. Hemifacial spasm can not be prevented, the article is not a disease but a symptom of a disease. To do is heal.
If the cause is due to the pressure, to cure to cure existing disease. "For example, the patient suffered a stroke, then it is cured of his first stroke," he said. As if it causes no pressure, then it has to do is surgery. Once the causes of incurable, hemifacial spasm will be cured, but there is still a chance for relapse. To prevent this, the patient should be continuously monitored.
"Take care of the patient's psychological condition as well, if the patient is anxious, it will come back again," says Dr. Miller.

In addition, he continued, hemifacial spasm can be treated by giving injections at the neuromuscular disorders. However, this way can only be granted in certain cases.
"The injection is given only in hemifacial spasm of unknown cause, or in patients with early stage," he explained. Injections made several times depending on the severity.
Together with other techniques, after the injection, patients should continue to be monitored. "Keep your psychological state as well as in cases such as this psychological state is very influential," he said.


Hemangioma is a soft tissue tumor that often occurs in newborns and in children younger than 1 year (5-10%). Typically, hemangiomas have appeared since the baby was born (30%) or appear after a few weeks after birth (70%). Hemangiomas appear at any place on the surface of the body, such as head, neck, face, legs or chest. Do not be afraid, most hemangiomas are not dangerous because most cases of hemangiomas may disappear by itself a few months after birth. Be wary if the hemangioma is located in a vital part of the body, such as the eyes or mouth. This is because, when it covered most of the places that will disrupt the process of eating and sight, or if the hemangioma occurs in internal organs (gut, respiratory organ, the brain) may interfere with the process of working these organs.

Hemangioma ......... how come?

Hemangioma is due to proliferation (excessive growth) of abnormal blood vessels, and can occur in every tissue of blood vessels. Hemangiomas are benign tumors, including many found in infants and children. Until now what the cause is still unclear, but is expected to relate to the mechanisms of control of blood vessel growth.

Form Hemangioma and location:
  • Capillary hemangioma (superficial hemangioma), occurs in the upper skin. Capillary hemangioma is also called Strawberry Hemangioma (hemangioma simplex), occurs at birth or a few days after birth. Common in premature babies and usually disappears a few days or weeks later. Symptoms: red spots that appear gradually bigger. Over time the color becomes bright red, demarcated and hard when touched.

  • Hemangioma cavernosum, occurred at deeper skin that is in the dermis and subcutaneous (layer of the skin). In some cases, both types of hemangioma can occur simultaneously and called Hemangioma mixture. Hemangioma cavernosum usually have well defined, a purplish red bumps. When pressed deflated and inflated again when released. The disorder is composed of elements of vascular (blood vessel) are mature, and there is the deep layers of muscle tissue or organs.

  • Mixed hemangiomas are found in the inferior extremities (lower body motion of the tool, for example, feet, thighs, etc.), unilateral (one side of the body, eg thighs left / right), solitary (single) and present at birth or in childhood -children. Characteristics; bulge is soft and bluish red color which is located in the superficial (surface) in or on the internal organs.
Hemangioma and Type:
A. Conservative way
Will have an enlarged hemangioma in the first months and then reached a maximum magnification, after which regresses spontaneously around the age of 1 year and continue until the age of 5 years. For Capillary hemangioma (Strawberry Hemangioma), are often not treated as hemangioma this type will be lost if left to itself and the skin looks normal.
2. On the way
Performed on a hemangioma that grows on vital organs such as the: eyes, ears, throat, which was bleeding hemangioma, hemangioma in the infection, hemangioma is experiencing rapid growth and cause deformity (abnormal) tissue.
3. Surgery
Performed on the hemangioma with excessively rapid growth, hemangiomas that do not shrink after 6-7 years, or hemangioma located on the face, neck, hands that grow rapidly so it is necessary to control local excision.
4 Radiation
This treatment is not done anymore because the irradiation resulted in less good for children who are still very active bone growth, as well as the complications are caused when radiation is carried out for long periods of time.
5. Sclerotic drugs
Performed on the lesion (abnormality) hemangioma. This method is often preferred because of pain and cause sikatrik (scar tissue).

Ice Cream Headache / headache due to cold

Ice-cream headache occurs in brief, attack the head when you eat or drink something cold. Ice pops, frozen liquid beverages, ice cream and other foods and beverages that give the effect of "brain freeze"

Ice cream headache symptoms are:
• Sharp, stabbing pain in the head of the front
• The peak of the pain occurs in about 30-60 seconds after the beginning
• The pain is rarely longer than 5 minutes

Causes & Risk Factors

Ice cream headaches are caused by cold material moved from the rear roof of the mouth and throat, which happens when you eat the ice cream quickly or sip a cool drink. Scientists still are not sure about the exact mechanisms that cause pain.

One theory suggests that the cold food or drink is swallowed when the change of blood flow in the brain for a while. Some scientists suspect that the pain caused by mouth-to-head via the trigeminal nerve, which deliver information from the sensor head and mouth to the head.

Risk factors

Ice cream headaches can affect anyone. But it may be more susceptible if you have a tendency to migraine. Ice cream headaches are also more common in people who have headaches.


To help prevent ice cream headaches, eating cold food and drink slowly. The only way to avoid an ice cream headache is to avoid cold foods or beverages that cause ice cream headaches.

Diabetes, Kidney, Vision Impaired

ABDUL MULKI, Praja In Kebayoran Lama: "My parents were aged approximately 70 years. He suffered from acute diabetes that penetrated into kidney failure and vision problems. Due to kidney failure, my parents have dialysis twice a week.

At first my sister just given 2 bottles of Melia Propolis by his friend (Mr. Havizd) for dripped into the eyes. One week later when it will wash the blood, my mother was able to see clearly. Finally my sister immediately ordered Melia and Melia Propolis Biyang for Mom. Alhamdulillah after taking them on a regular basis for 6 months, now my mother is no longer dialysis. Kidney function has improved. Remarkably, both my mother's leg injuries from acute diabetes, has now recovered.

Thank Melia.

ropolis & Kidney Failure, Stop Washing Blood

Tri Adhitya Wardhana seizures, whole body stiffness, and weakness. It turns out that the symptoms of impaired renal function so that dialysis should be.

School graduation ceremony in Bali vacation was boisterous, teachers and friends who were cool to play panic. They bring Adhitya who was then aged 16 years to the hospital. Doctor's examination showed decreased renal function Adhitya positive. Detected in the body of metabolic waste buildup of protein and electrolyte deficiencies. That's why doctors give injections to maintain the electrolyte balance of body fluids.

Health conditions are not good to force an end to his vacation Adhitya faster and go home to Surabaya, East Java. Mandy Sudarwati MPd, Adhitya mother, did not believe her kidney problems. "The time left for Bali, Adhitya still alive and healthy. But we are suddenly sick, "said the mother of three children. Therefore, Mandy returned with Adhitya to Sint Vincent de Paulo Hospital (famous with the name or Roomsch Katholiek RKZ Ziekenhuis), Surabaya. The results of the doctor's diagnosis was the same: the youngest of three brothers were impaired renal function.

Since then Adhitya regularly consume drugs and health check once a month. Weight of any illicit activity. The food menu is also regulated. Adhitya avoid the consumption of high protein foods. The goal that the kidneys are not working too hard in removing the remnants of protein metabolism. "Adhitya may only consume 40 g of protein a day," says Mandy.


Adhitya almost 3 years of life under medical supervision. During that time he did not complain of pain. However, before the release of high school, men's health who is now 22-year-old drop. At that time he followed a lot of tutoring activities that often go home tonight and eating patterns were not controlled. As a result, Adhitya back to stay in the hospital.

Positive diagnosis of renal physicians. Laboratory findings showed high serum creatinine levels reached 12 mg / dl, normal levels of 0.6 to 1.2 mg / dl. Dialysis solution 2 times a week. Currently the cost of dialysis ranged Rp800.000 once. However, the family decided Adhitya to consume drugs. It turns out high-risk option.

The proof is two days later after refusing advice of a doctor, Adhitya again underwent blood tests. The result, the increased levels of creatinine, 15 mg / dl. Doctors warned to get to dialysis. If allowed, the creatinine will poison the body's other organs. The doctor also gave other options, namely kidney transplant. Adhitya one parent must be willing to donate a kidney to his son. "It costs reach 400-million," says Mandy.

According to Dr. Sidi Aritjahja, doctors in Yogyakarta, renal failure is the inability of the kidneys filter and remove toxic substances, such as creatinine, of the body that accumulate in the blood. High creatinine levels indicate that similar organs like the kidney bean seed that fails to work. The condition is dangerous because it can poison other organs. That is why people with kidney failure must undergo dialysis.

This time, Adhitya obedient to the advice of a doctor. He admitted, inpatient and perform routine dialysis 2 times a week. After 18 days of stay in hospital, the doctor allowed Adhitya home. However, once every five days he had to return to dialysis. Besides, he also must keep the diet in order not to burden the digestive system of the kidneys.


In mid-2007, Mandy met one of his colleagues, Baktiono. When it was suggested to Mandy that Baktiono give propolis to treat Adhitya. According Baktiono consumption good propolis to alleviate various diseases. Propolis is a product produced by bees Apis cerana and Apis mellifera. If there is honey in the hive hexagonal; propolis outside the nest. According to Ir CH Hotnida MSi Siregar, a bee expert from Bogor Institute of Agriculture, worker bee propolis processing of various materials such as leaf, the sap of plants, and the skin of various plants.

Interested in the suggestion that, Mandy and bought a bottle of propolis. He then told Adhitya consume 3 times daily before meals. Dose to drink 1 tablespoon of propolis mixed in 50 cc of water. S atu propolis regularly consume half months, Adhitya do blood checks. The result is positive, creatine levels drop below 10 mg / dl. According to the doctor who examined creatine levels below 10 mg / dl did not need dialysis.

That result is good news for Adhitya and family. Propolis regularly consume even a year, he was never again be required for dialysis. Laboratory tests last, in mid-2008, showed creatine levels decreased to 4 mg / dl. Since then Adhitya propolis regularly consume up to now. In addition to not need dialysis, propolis consumption also increases stamina. First Adhitya often weak and tired quickly. Now the conditions are more energetic and fit. Students at the University of Bhayangkara it was freely daily activity. "It used to be escorted everywhere, now I can go alone," said Mandy.

With regular consumption of propolis, Adhitya is now free from dialysis. According to Liu CF, researchers at the National Taipei College of Nursing, propolis antioxidant able to protect the kidneys from damage. Liu Efficacy was demonstrated in vivo in experimental animals. He tested two groups of mice suffering from acute kidney failure. One group was given propolis; other groups, without propolis.

An hour after administration of propolis, Liu then observed the rats kidney damage. The result, kidney damage propolis group that did not consume more severe than the group who received intake of propolis. It is characterized by increased levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) in rat kidney. High malondialdehyde levels indicating oxidative stress, which can lead to kidney damage.

According to Prof Dr Mustafa MKes Apt, a researcher in the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada, because the antioxidant properties of the propolis containing flavonoids and polyphenols. Active compounds that protect the body from the onslaught of free radicals cause cell damage. With terlindungnya damage the kidneys of the cell regeneration process can more easily walk. Tri Adhitya Ward's benefit. He was freed from routine dialysis since taking propolis

Kidney inflammation

Glomerulonephritis is inflammation of the kidney or renal diseases that damage the kidneys. To remove kidney problems and filter the resulting waste in the body of excess fluids. Damage to the kidney results in blood cells, egg white substance mixed with urine. This then affected the urine of patients. Patients sometimes difficulty urinating or frequent urination vice versa.

Inflammation of the kidney can be caused by infection (bacteria or virus), the influence of other diseases (high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic renal failure).

Common symptoms of patients with inflammation of the kidneys include:
- Feeling weak
- Fatigue
- Lack of passion
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- No appetite
- Or even less frequent urination.
- Foamy urine

Treatment depends on severity of disease, causes, and symptoms. In addition, inflammation of the kidneys can also be prevented by managing a healthy lifestyle, reducing the consumption of coffee, alcohol and cigarettes and increase the drinking water.

The May and May Not For People with Kidney Stones

Jakarta, mineral content found in some foods can trigger the formation of kidney stones. However, several other types of food that can prevent it. What are they?

Renal function is to filter out impurities in the blood, to be discharged with urine. Kidney stones are formed when impurities from food to harden and form crystals in the kidney and ureter.

Effective restriction of certain foods to prevent the formation of crystals. Here are some recommended diet for patients with kidney stones, taken from Gicare, Monday (05/03/2010):

  1. Drink plenty of water
    Water is the most important diet to prevent kidney stones, kidney stones forming of the components becomes more easily shed with urination. Patients with kidney stones are advised to urinate around 2.5 liters a day, so it should drink more than that amount. If the weather is hot or is lots of activity, water intake should be propagated to more frequent urination.
  2. Limit calcium
    Usually the body will not absorb more calcium than is needed. But in certain conditions such as hipercalciuria, excess calcium excreted through the kidneys in urine. Patients with kidney stones are advised to limit the maximum calcium intake 800 mg / day for males and 1,200 mg / day for women.

    Calcium is abundant in green leafy vegetables, milk and other processed products made from milk. Calcium in milk is more easily absorbed by the intestine than in green vegetables.
  3. Limit oxalate
    Together with calcium, oxalate (which contains the unit COO2 acid) can cause kidney stones to form crystals. Therefore, patients with kidney stones are advised to reduce or even completely avoid foods that contain lots of oxalate. Among them are spinach, strawberry, chocolate, wheat, grains and tea.

    Patients with kidney stones are advised to limit consumption of oxalate is not more than 50 mg / day.
  4. Limit salt and vegetable protein
    Limiting salt intake of sodium may reduce the amount of calcium released through the kidneys. Therefore if the stone is formed is calcium, the sodium salt consumption should be limited to between 2500-3500 mg / day.

    While animal protein can lead to several types of minerals in the urine to form kidney stones. Therefore, patients with kidney stones should be replaced with vegetable protein.
  5. Expand insoluble fiber
    There are two types of fiber that is soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, each having the same essential function in the body. But in this case, the insoluble fiber found in wheat, rice and wheat can reduce the levels of calcium in the urine. These fibers bind calcium while in the intestine, so it is not excreted through the kidneys.
  6. Limit your intake of vitamin C
    One of the metabolism of vitamin C is oxalic. Because oxalate can form crystals, then patients with kidney stones should limit their intake of vitamin C.

Tips For Kidney Congratulations

many kidney patients who do not feel any complaints. Next thing you know when the kidney was examined clinically problematic. Find out the characteristics of kidney disease to kidney function remains safe.

There have been many cases around us how difficult organ to treat kidney disease if one is already so blood. Dialysis is the only way to survive if the patient's kidneys are not functioning.

"In some of symptomatic kidney disease and some are not symptomatic," said dr. Dante Saksono, SpPD, PhD, from Cipto Mangunkusumo detikHealth when contacted on Monday (8/3/2010).

In Indonesia, said Dr. Dante, recently complained that patients with chronic kidney disease is increasing. This should be avoided if the patient has to know the symptoms previously induced early so it can be handled.

Symptoms of kidney disease can be viewed according to renal function itself. The main function of the kidney is a filter system and excretion, acid-base regulator in the blood, regulating blood pressure, and stimulates production of red blood cells.

If the disturbed functions can be seen from the symptoms:
  1. Urine issued less than usual
  2. Blood becomes more acidic
  3. High blood pressure (hypertension)
  4. Hemoglobin (Hb) lower
  5. Less blood (anemia)
  6. Easily tired
  7. The body often feels pain, cramps, no appetite, difficulty sleeping.
  8. Such as fluid retention in the legs and face that looks like a swollen or
  9. Draining the fluid with sunken eyes, dry mouth, almost no mucus in the mouth.
But for others it had no symptoms of kidney disease. This newly identified disease after laboratory tests, namely through urine tests and creatinine or dirt can be removed by the kidneys are functioning properly.

Damage to the kidneys more often caused because there are other chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney infections, congenital kidney, and kidney stones.

The following tips are given to Dr. Dante kidneys stay healthy:
  1. Enough water consumption
  2. Avoid consumption of random drug
  3. Cut the herbs that have not been tested clinically
  4. Avoid excessive consumption of supplements such as Vitamin C a maximum of 4 grams a day
  5. Regular exercise
  6. Maintaining body weight because obesity can lead to kidney
  7. Take control on a regular basis, especially for patients who have diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, because they will be at higher risk of kidney damage.
Someone can do a medical check up to see if he was vulnerable and had signs of disease or may be affected kidney.

Laboratory tests on the urine can be hard to know whether or not a person suffered kidney disease. Urine will appear normal if the cause is lack of blood flow to the kidneys. But if the urine contains blood that means there are abnormalities in the kidneys.

Sometimes the urine protein is also found in normal conditions when there is no protein in the urine. Urea and creatinine conditions would seem high if the kidneys are impaired.

Pants Size and Risk of Cancer

 Do not ignore the size of the waist and groin that the longer continues to grow in diameter. Signs of obesity in the two parts of the body is a signal has occurred in abdominal fat accumulation.

Fat deposition is usually hidden and surrounds the organs in the abdomen and associated with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease risk.

"Long time has been hypothesized that the size of our clothing is a tangible sign of obesity and fat inside the abdomen," said Dr. Laura AE Hughes, of Maastricht University, Netherlands.

Using information from 2,500 men and women involved in the study of diet and cancer, the researchers tried to justify the link between clothing sizes and the size of the waist and thighs, with a body mass index. According to the researchers, the size of the skirt or pants in the present one associated with cancer risk in the future.

During 13 years of the study, the researchers found that in women, the size of a large skirt can predict the risk of endometrial cancer. While in men, large size pants that can be used to predict the risk of kidney cancer.

In men, waist circumference need to be aware when more than 90 cm, while for women, more than 80 cm.

"In the future this may help epidemiologic studies to collect data on the size of the clothing as well as weight and height, particularly in obesity-prone population," said Hughes.

Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

Common symptoms of kidney cancer include:
  • Blood in the urine (making the urine slightly rusty red or red)
  • Pain in the side that is not lost
  • A lump or mass on the side or stomach
  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Feel very tired or have an overall feeling of poor health
Most often, these symptoms do not mean cancer. An infection, a cyst, or another problem also could cause the same symptoms. A person with any of these symptoms should visit a doctor so that any problems can be diagnosed and treated as early as possible.
Diagnose Kidney Cancer
If a patient has symptoms that suggest kidney cancer, the doctor may perform one or more of the following procedures:
  • Physical examination: The doctor checks general signs of health and to test for fever and high blood pressure. Doctors also feel (palpate) the abdomen and side for tumors.
  • Urine tests: Urine is checked for blood and other signs of illness.
  • Blood tests: The lab checks the blood to see how well the kidneys are working. The lab may check the level of some compounds, such as creatinine. A high creatinine level may mean the kidneys are not doing their job.
  • Intravenous pyelogram (IVP): The doctor injects dye (dye) into a vein in the arm. The dye travels through the body and collects in the kidneys. The dye makes them visible on x-rays. A series of x-rays then track the dye as it moves through the kidneys to the ureters and bladder. X-rays can show a kidney tumor or other problems.
  • CT scan (CAT scan): A x-ray machine linked to a computer takes a series of detailed pictures of the kidneys. Patients may receive an injection of dye so the kidneys show up clearly in the pictures. A CT scan can show a kidney tumor.
  • Ultrasound test: The ultrasound device uses sound waves that people can not hear. Gelombag waves bounce off the kidneys, and a computer uses the echoes to create a picture called a sonogram. A solid tumor or cyst on a sonogram.
  • Biopsy: In some cases, doctors may do a biopsy. A biopsy is the removal of tissue to look for cancer cells. The doctor inserts a thin needle through the skin into the kidney to remove a small amount of tissue. The doctor may use ultrasound or x-rays to guide the needle. A pathologist uses a microscope to look for cancer cells in tissue.
  • Operation: In most cases, based on the results of the CT scan, ultrasound, and x-rays, the doctor has enough information to recommend surgery to remove part or all of the kidney. A pathologist makes the final diagnosis by examining the tissue under a microscope.

Make this the Kidney Passion

Jengkol like to eat can make kidney problems. Consumption of slimming drugs, analgesics, steroids, or antibiotics without medical supervision also gives the same effect. In fact, the use of hair dye or bleach can also affect your kidneys.

There are a number of erroneous behavior or habits which impact on kidney health. Many things are acted, without realizing it, has made a miserable kidneys. How it can damage the kidneys?

Because jengkol

Do not underestimate the food that is often used as a salad, stew, or rendang it. According to Prof. MA Roesli Rully, Sp.PD-KGH, there are people who need dialysis because of eating jengkol.

"Jengkol contain crystals or jengkolic acid. Jengkol acid crystals and this is so then clog the urinary tract," says consultant renal hypertension than clinic specialist in internal medicine and neurological Shield Husada, Bandung.

Ureter is closed to garbage or toxins are not removed. As a result of urinary tract infections can occur.

If untreated, the condition will spread to the kidneys. Therefore, as told by Prof. Rully, there are only a few times taking jengkol, even kidney failure.

"Still remains acute kidney failure. Problem in acute renal failure is required dialysis, although not constantly. If acute renal failure has been handled, do not need dialysis anymore," said the professor of medicine at the University of Padjadjaran, Bandung.

Wary of slimming drugs

Action taking slimming drugs for weight loss also should be aware. According to Prof. Dr. Walujo Soerjodibroto, Ph.D, the consumption of slimming drugs are not really contributing to the incidence of renal failure. Because many drugs or slimming wrong ways to make the patients experienced a reduction in the amount of fluid in the body.

In addition, there is often raise their own patient dose, assuming that the higher the dose, the faster will be slim. Weight loss may be decreased due to dehydration due to diarrhea or excessive urination, but kidney function becomes impaired.

"Slimming drugs are diuretics contributed to kidney damage. Diuretics continue to be drained of body fluids. If to dehydration, it can hurt the kidneys," said Prof. Rully.

Amphetamine drug caution

There are also drugs such as amphetamines which could adversely affect the kidneys. Drugs of this type make it difficult to sleep. As a result, the burning of energy continues. Amphetamines can constrict blood vessels.

"The blood that moves to the kidneys is reduced. In the end ginjai shortages of food intake," said Prof. Rully.

Therefore, this type of drug use is strictly prohibited.

Easy to take medication

Not only for slimming drugs or amphetamine alone that can damage kidney function. The use of pain medication, antibiotics, or steroids continuously in excess amount in a few months can cause kidney disease.

Hobbies herbal indiscriminate

So also with drugs or herbal supplements, homemade and imported, it has the risk of kidney damage. "We do not know what the content or its content," said Prof. Rully.

Should we reject supplements and herbal medicines are potent and cespleng because it means not purely herbal, but the chemical content of the drug dose is not controlled. If you must drink, choose a drug or herbal supplement that has received clearance from the FDA and BPOM.

Beware of bleach and hair dye

The use of skin bleaching and hair color were also able to cause negative effects on the kidneys. Least Prof. Rully young people see the patients suffered acute kidney failure cases caused by hobby dyed her hair. He had to do dialysis.

Diarrhea should not continue

Incidence of diarrhea to cause dehydration also can encourage kidney disorders. Diarrhea or vomiting can indeed make a person is dehydrated. Would be fatal, especially if fluid loss is not immediately replaced. Therefore, when someone has diarrhea or vomiting, drink plenty of fluids are required.

Avoid obesity

Research at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) suggests that there is a strong association between obesity with the incidence of end stage renal disease or kidney failure. Obesity increases the risk of kidney failure as much as seven times than those with normal weight.

According to the researchers, obesity should be considered as risk factors for this condition, and that kidney failure is another consequence of obesity.

"There are many people with kidney failure, but has not been appreciated that kidney failure can be a consequence of obesity," said Chi yuan Hsu, MD, UCSF assistant professor of s.

A study published in Annals of Internal Medicine is based on data from 320 thousand members of the Northern California Kaiser measured the height and weight during a routine examination between 1964-1985. Total of 1471 cases of end stage renal disease occurred among study participants, for an average follow-up period of about 26 years.

They found that body mass index (BMI) is higher at higher risk of also experiencing kidney failure. Of the respondents, 58 percent had normal weight and 39 percent have a BMI of 25 or more.

The risk of kidney failure among participants with overweight than 1.87 times the normal weight. The more obese, with BMI of 40 or more, seven times the risk of kidney failure.

However, better and more healthy if slimmer than fat, right?

Bleeding due to Kidney Infection

"My wife was having problems kidney infection that was bleeding. Then I was introduced by my friend to try Melia Propolis, alhamdulillah it within one month after taking about 2 bottles of the bleeding stopped and has now fully recovered from his illness. Padalah if I bring my wife in the hospital for treatment may be discharged 3 million. "

Four Destroyer Teeth

  Tooth decay is not only triggered a lazy habit of brushing your teeth. There are some habits that you might not have thought could lead to dental problems.

Here are four triggers that tooth decay is not known, as quoted from Shine.

A. Acid drinks

Recent research has found the University of Birmingham, sports supplement drink consumption triggers serious dental erosion and infection. Researchers tested two unnamed beverages and found levels that can break down tooth enamel.

The condition is likely due to the acidity of normal PH balance conflicting mouth. Chemicals such as soda with aspartame acid can also make the teeth have worn out. In fact, a very acidic juice can also cause infection and erosion over time.

2. Smear of lipstick

According to the research team from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, lipstick contains paraffin which can erode tooth enamel. When the enamel is eroded, the tooth becomes porous and creates the growth of bacteria. The effect is tooth decay, infections and fractures. Instead, choose a lipstick that does not contain paraffin.

3. Carbohydrate

High carbohydrate snack products are also not good for teeth. Once broken down into simple sugars the effect is the same as sugar on the teeth. Sugar causes the bacteria and plaque that causes gum disease and dental cavities.

4. Too often brushing

According to the American Dental Association, brushing too often can make the abrasion of the teeth. Akibatkanya teeth become more sensitive and easier to feel pain. To avoid this, choose a toothbrush that is soft and furry special toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

Dental & Oral Health for People with Cancer

For cancer patients, dental & oral health should pay attention because it is closely related to the healing process to disease.

Treatment of cancer patients is by way of radiation or chemotherapy, and before this is done, the health of your teeth and mouth should look and run. Spoken by Drg. Sri Rahayu MARS of Dental & Oral SMF, Dharmais Cancer Hospital Jakarta.

Treatment using radioactive or collectively, the radiation must be continuous and should not be interrupted until complete.

Treatment with radiation is causing the condition of the bones become more brittle teeth buffer in a while and elements in the blood decreased from normal levels. This resulted in patients experiencing pain that is, if you have a problem with your teeth and mouth problems. Described by Drg. Sri Rahayu as seminar Maintaining Dental & Oral Health for People with Cancer in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Jakarta.

Resumed by Drg. Sri, there should be no interference caused by infection from the soft tissue inside the tooth and mouth during the irradiation process. Patients are also not allowed to pull teeth for three years after radiation is completed and it takes time to repair the bone structure and elements in the blood become normal again.

Chemotherapy is the use of substances of chemical treatments for disease . In modern usage, this term refers almost exclusively to cytostatic drugs used to treat cancer . During this process, patients will experience a decrease in blood elements from the condition of normal levels. Therefore, patients should not be exposed to infection, especially in the teeth and mouth.

To avoid infection, chemotherapy patients when placed in a sterile room. The difference with radiation chemotherapy / radiation, patients do not need to wait up to 3 years to do the extraction of teeth, as long as the elements in normal blood levels. Drg said. Sri. This is to prevent bleeding in the mouth at the time of tooth extraction.

So before the cancer treatment process is done, either with radiation or chemotherapy, should consult with your dentist precede related. And the condition of the patient's mouth and teeth should be cleaned to prevent infection.

PROPOLIS Treating Teeth, gums and mouth

Propolis has been used to solve the problems of the teeth for centuries, since the effect of dental treatment using propolis can be seen / proven and clinical research has become a popular ingredient in Western countries and Eastern countries.
The use of propolis for dentistry in the UK has grown rapidly for several years. Propolis is used to overcome the popular dental problems thanks to the work of Philip Wands have some dental clinic in Manchester. He is constantly using propolis for the treatment of dental problems.

In the 1995 study, he reported on the experience of his colleagues in the UK in the use of propolis to treat oral ulceration (50 cases), denture trauma, dentures, herpetic (HEPES) and non-specific painful oral ulceration. Treatment by using a 50% propolis liquid directly on the infected area. Treatment with propolis liquid can cure in just 2 days. Inflammation of the gums (periodontal inflammation) caused by the removal of wisdom teeth is also treated with propolis.

Propolis Liquid is recommended as a mouthwash (mouthwash) and breath freshner (bad breath fresheners). He also recommends propolis for antiseptic hand washing operation.

In Japan propolis tested on animals in initiated by the University of Japan, 1991, found that rats given propolis berkandungan water level is reduced significantly cavities of mice not given propolis.

Brain concussion

Concussion is a change caused by injury to the mental functioning or level of consciousness that involved loss of consciousness, can occur without obvious damage to the brain structure, and lasted less than 6 hours.

People who have a concussion in a while a little dazed or confused. Some people may not realize that they have had a concussion. Consciousness may be lost for a short time, rarely more than 15 minutes. Memories for events just before or just after the injury may be lost.

Later, patients may experience headaches, spinning sensation, lightheadedness, fatigue, poor memory, inability to concentrate, irritability, depression, and anxiety. These symptoms are called post-concussion syndrome. People with disabilities can experience thinking, especially people who have emotional problems before the concussion. Symptoms of post-concussion syndrome usually occurs during the week after a concussion and generally recover in the second week. But, sometimes, the symptoms continue for months or, rarely, years. People who have had a concussion also seems to be more susceptible to other injuries, especially if the new injury occurred before the symptoms of a concussion before completely gone.

To diagnose a concussion, doctors need to make sure the structure of the brain is not damaged. Performed using computed tomography (CT scan), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or both. If there is no structural brain damage, only the symptoms need to be treated. For a concussion, acetaminophen was given for pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin (NSAIDs) should not be used because they interfere with blood clotting and can lead to bleeding from damaged blood vessels. Rest is the best pengoabatn concussion.

Treatment for post-concussion syndrome based on the severity of symptoms. Rest and observation are important. People who experience emotional difficulties may need psychotherapy. Repeated concussions can increase a person's risk of future dementia, Parkinson disease, and depression. People should not go back to the body contact sports after a concussion until all pain is gone and the effects of the medical evaluation is complete.

Salt Water Gargle Relieve Flu

Many methods are used to prevent the flu virus. Most people eat soup as orange juice or food warm when cold symptoms begin to attack. But, there are other ways to overcome flu: gargling with salt water.

When the flu strikes, throat usually itch and pain. Gargling with salt water can reduce the symptoms. Nasal or respiratory congestion that often arise can be overcome with salt water gargle.

"The solution of salt was found to draw excess fluid in the inflamed tissue in the throat, so it makes the pain less," said Dr. Philip T Hagen, of the 'Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies', as quoted from the New York Times.

Dr. Hagen also said, gargling salt water to loosen the mucus is thick and can remove irritants like allergens, bacteria and fungi from the throat.

The study, published in The American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2005, this research involved nearly 400 participants. Researchers record the condition of their health for 60 days in the winter, since healthy.

A number of participants who had requested cold rinse three times a day with salt water. Groups who regularly gargling salt water proved to decrease the level of the upper respiratory tract infections by 40 percent.

According to the study, gargling salt water beneficial lowering of bronchial symptoms. This reinforces other studies that found that gargling salt water help to overcome sore throat, and blockage.

For best results, according to a team of Mayo Clinic, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass full of warm water. Then, gargle with a solution for a few seconds. (Pet)

Cold / Flu

Colds are viral infections of the upper respiratory tract such as the nose and throat. Colds are usually painful though it did not hurt. Usually people who have experienced a cold, wet nose, sore throat and cough. Some will experience watery eyes, sneezing and stuffy nose, or could have all of them. In fact there are more than 200 viruses can cause colds and the symptoms that occur vary.

Most adults exposed to a cold two to four times a year. Especially children in pre school can be exposed to colds between six to ten times a year. Most people recover from a cold about a week to two weeks. If symptoms do not improve it is advisable to contact your doctor.

Cold symptoms usually appear about one to three days after being exposed to cold viruses. Signs and symptoms that can arise are:
• The nose is wet
• Itching and pain in the throat
• Cough
• Nasal congestion
• A little pain in the body or mild headache
• Sneezing
• Watery eyes
• Mild fever (over 39 Celsius)
• A little fatigue

Mucus in the nose may become thick and yellow or green and of course to flow out. What makes a cold different from other viral infections is generally you will not experience a high fever. You also will not experience significant fatigue in the cold.

Causes & Risk Factors

There are more than 200 viruses can cause colds. Rhinovirus is the most numerous and the virus is most contagious. Cold viruses enter your body through the mouth or nose. The virus can spread through the air when a sick person coughing, sneezing or talking. Moreover, it can also spread through hand contact with someone who is sick or borrowing something, such as supplies, towels, toys, or telephone. Touching your eyes, nose or mouth after contact will increase your chances of contracting a cold.

Risk factors

Common cold virus is almost always in the neighborhood. But the following factors may increase the chances of a cold:
  • Of age. Infants and children pre-school age are especially vulnerable to cold because they do not have the endurance development in most of the virus. But an immature immune system is not the only things that make children vulnerable. They also tend to spend much time with other children and often do not properly wash their hands and covering your nose and mouth when they cough or sneeze.
  • Immunity. With age for developing immunity against the virus that causes colds. Nevertheless you can still have a cold when exposed to cold viruses, have an allergic reaction that causes difficulty or have a weakened immune system. All these factors increase the risk of colds.
  • Season. Either children or adults are more susceptible to colds in fall and winter. That's because many people prefer to spend time indoors. At places where no winter, colds are more prevalent during the rainy season.

There is no vaccine developed for the common cold, because colds can be caused by different viruses. But you can take anticipatory measures to slow the spread of cold viruses.
  • Wash your hands. Clean hands thoroughly and often, and teach your child the importance of hand washing. Bring a bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least the alcohol content of 60 percent and use to clean their hands when water is not available.
  • Clean your equipment. Keep kitchen and bathroom kept clean, especially when a family member affected by colds. Clean up toys after playing.
  • Use a paper towel. Always use a tissue when sneezing and coughing. Throw the tissue that has been used and then wash your hands properly. Teach children to sneeze or cough on the curve of the elbow if no tissue. That's how to protect their mouth without using hands.
  • Do not share. Do not share drinks or equipment with other family members. Use your own property or disposable cups when you or someone else sick. Label the cup or glass with the name of the person who has a cold.
  • Keep it away from the cold. Avoid close or long time contact with somebody with a cold.

Ice Cream Headache / headache due to cold

Ice-cream headache occurs in brief, attack the head when you eat or drink something cold. Ice pops, frozen liquid beverages, ice cream and other foods and beverages that give the effect of "brain freeze"

Ice cream headache symptoms are:
• Sharp, stabbing pain in the head of the front
• The peak of the pain occurs in about 30-60 seconds after the beginning
• The pain is rarely longer than 5 minutes

Causes & Risk Factors

Ice cream headaches are caused by cold material moved from the rear roof of the mouth and throat, which happens when you eat the ice cream quickly or sip a cool drink. Scientists still are not sure about the exact mechanisms that cause pain.

One theory suggests that the cold food or drink is swallowed when the change of blood flow in the brain for a while. Some scientists suspect that the pain caused by mouth-to-head via the trigeminal nerve, which deliver information from the sensor head and mouth to the head.

Risk factors

Ice cream headaches can affect anyone. But it may be more susceptible if you have a tendency to migraine. Ice cream headaches are also more common in people who have headaches.


To help prevent ice cream headaches, eating cold food and drink slowly. The only way to avoid an ice cream headache is to avoid cold foods or beverages that cause ice cream headaches.



Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disease that causes seizures periodically. The disease is caused by abnormal brain cell activity. Symptoms of seizures that appears varies. Some people with epilepsy when seizures have a blank.

Mild seizures require treatment, because it can be dangerous if there is when doing activities like driving or swimming. Treatment - including medical treatment and sometimes surgery - usually successfully eliminate or reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures. Many children with epilepsy can overcome this condition with age.


Because epilepsy is caused by abnormal activity of brain cells, seizures can affect your brain coordination process. Convulsions can result in:
  • Temporary confusion
  • Uncontrolled jerking movements of the hands and feet
  • Total loss of consciousness
Differences in the symptoms that occur depend on the type of seizures. In many cases, people with epilepsy will tend to have the type of seizures are the same every time, so it will be the same symptoms that occur from event to event.

Doctors classify seizures are partial or general, based on how the abnormal brain activity begins. In some cases, seizures can be initiated by partial and later became general.
Partial seizures (partial)
When seizures arise as a result of abnormal brain activity in one part of the brain, scientists call it partial seizures or partial. Seizures of this type consists of two categories.
  • Simple partial seizures (simple partial seizures). These seizures do not result in loss of consciousness. These seizures may be changing emotions or change the way look, smell, feel, taste, or hear. These seizures can also produce the beat of the body by accident, like an arm or leg, and sensory symptoms such as spontaneous tingling, vertigo and flashes of light.

  • Complex partial seizures (complex partial seizures). These seizures produce changes in consciousness, it is because you lose vigilance for some time.
General convulsions
Seizures involving all parts of the brain called the general convulsions. Four types of general convulsions are:
  • Absence seizures (also called petit mal). These seizures have characterized by subtle body movements and striking, and can cause loss of consciousness briefly.
  • Myoclonic seizures. These seizures usually cause buffeting or sudden twitch of the hands and feet.
  • Atonic seizures. Also known as drop attacks, these seizures cause loss of alignment with the muscles and the sudden collapse and fall.
  • Tonic-clonic seizures (also called grand mal). The spasms that have the most frequent intensity. Characterized by loss of consciousness, stiff and trembling, and loss of bladder control.
Causes & Risk Factors
  • Genetic influences. Some types of epilepsy decreased in the family, make it like there is a genetic linkage.
  • Trauma to the head. Car accident or other injury can cause epilepsy.
  • Medical illness. Stroke or heart attack that produces damage to the brain can also cause epilepsy. Stroke is the main cause of epilepsy in the incidence of people aged over 65 years.
  • Dementia. Cause of epilepsy in the elderly.
  • Injury before birth. Fetal brain vulnerable to damage due to infection in the mother, lack of nutrients or oxygen deficiency. This can lead to cerebral palsy in children. Twenty percent of seizures in children associated with cerebral palsy or abnormal neurological.
  • Progression of the disease. Epilepsy may be associated with the development of other diseases, such as autism and Down syndrome.
Risk factors
Factors that may increase the risk of epilepsy are:
  • Of age. Epilepsy usually occurs in early age children and after the age of 65 years, but similar conditions can occur at any age.
  • Sexes. Men more at risk than women with epilepsy.
  • Family records. If you have epilepsy in the family records, you may have an increased risk of seizures.
  • Head injuries. These injuries are responsible for many cases of epilepsy. You can reduce the risk by always using a seat belt when driving and using a helmet when riding a motorcycle, skiing, biking or doing other activities that risk head injury.
  • Stroke and other vascular diseases. It can cause brain damage that triggers epilepsy. You can take some steps to reduce the risk of these diseases, including the limit for consuming alcohol and avoid smoking, eat a healthy diet and always exercising.
  • Infection of the brain. Infections such as meningitis, cause inflammation of the brain or spine and lead to increased risk of developing epilepsy.
  • Prolonged seizures at the time the children. High fever at the time the kids for a long time is sometimes associated with convulsions for a long time, and epilepsy in the future. Especially for those with a family history of epilepsy.