Tonsils (tonsils) is one of the defense system the lymphoid tissue of the body whose function is to produce cells of lymphocyte (white blood cell part of the body's defense mechanism). Tonsils are located at both ends of the throat behind the mouth folds back (we can see for themselves through the mirror). Tonsils is called tonsillectomy because the tonsil-like fruit.
Tonsil / Tonsils
Tonsils are part of defense system. Tonsils act to prevent the spread of infectious germs that enter the body through the mouth, nose and throat, making it less frequently inflamed tonsils. Thus, enlargement of tonsils is a defense reaction when there is a sign of infection.
At any healthy child, can be enlarged tonsils. There is enlargement of the peak age of 9-10 years, then will slowly shrink. Therefore, if there is no precise indication as possible surgical removal of tonsils.
Inflammation of the tonsils is called tonsillitis, cause most bacterial infections is beta hemolytic streptococcus, but can also be caused by other bacteria or viruses. For bacterial infections of beta-hemolytic streptococci can cause dangerous complications of the disease spreading to the heart (rheumatic fever), joints, kidneys, eye infection or inflammation of the lining of the brain.
Tonsillitis may be acute or chronic. No severe acute form usually lasts about 4-6 days, and generally affects children at age 5-10 years. Early symptoms can include fever, itchy / dry throat, lethargy, pain when swallowing food, breath that smells. Furthermore, the result of inflammation, tonsils become swollen, hot, itchy, may present a complaint of pain in muscles and joints, pain throughout the body, pain in the head and ears.
Whereas in chronic tonsillitis, inflammation occurs repeatedly and lasts longer. Can cause a chronic irritation (smoking, diet), weather effects, the treatment of acute tonsillitis is not adequate, and poor oral hygiene. Recurrence of symptoms is often arise sore throat and pus can come out on the curve of the tonsils. Seemed enlarged tonsils, red, and there was an abscess (pus spots yellowish white). Enlarged tonsils / tonsil can be very large so that the left and right tonsil meet each other and can interfere with breathing path.
Should tonsils removed?
In principle, always worked out with drug therapy, before resorting to surgery. Acute inflammation or swelling of the tonsils are the tonsils that is not too big and not in the way of breathing, and does not cause complications usually do not have to do surgery / operasi.Biasanya new doctors to recommend surgical removal (Tonsillectomy) when the tonsils are enlarged in such a way that caused the blockage of result in respiratory disorders, severe difficulty swallowing and speaking, allegedly as a hotbed of infection to other places suspected tumor and benign / malignant.
Although tonsils removed, according to research to date there is no difference in immunity / immune significant between undergoing tonsillectomy and what does not.
For acute tonsillitis
- Endeavored to drink plenty of fluids like water or fruit juice, especially during a fever. Avoid drinking ice, syrup, ice cream, food and beverages chilled, fried, salted preserved foods, and sweets
- Gargling with warm salt water 3-4 times a day, with mouthwash or smoked drugs with disinfectant
- Antibiotic therapy (at the direction of your doctor) if there is a bacterial infection and to prevent complications • Rest cukupUntuk chronic tonsillitis
- Local therapies for oral hygiene with mouthwash or medications suction
- Tonsillectomy when radical therapy with the drug did not work.