Ambinari choose the path of healing with honey. Every day he consumes one-third tablespoon of honey 3 times a day. The results are remarkable. Six months later he checked into the doctor, his bones back together. Susiana also feel the benefits of honey. Women's blood pressure was very low 42-year 80/65 mmHg, normal levels of 110/90 mmHg. He could only lie down all day because of headaches. That low blood disease that attacked Susiana last 20 years.
Susiana expect healing to take prescription drugs. 'Today is taking medication, a new headache disappeared 3-4 days later,' said the woman who was born July 19, 1967 Madison's. In August 2008, Susiana use 1 tablespoon honey, propolis, 5 times a day with an interval of 3 hours. Three days later he went to the doctor. The results are truly amazing, Susiana normal blood pressure: 110/90 mmHg.
Complete composition
Why honey to help treat osteoporosis? Osteoporotic patients is usually low in calcium. According to Dr. Robert Hatibie, a nutritionist in Jakarta, calcium honey improve peristalsis in the intestines and stomach so that absorption of calcium goes well. Consumption of honey is also stabilize blood pressure. 'Honey contains thousands of nutrients that are easily absorbed by the body, "said Dr. Robert Hatibie. So honey be one of the fastest energy sources like VCO.
Proven benefits of honey and propolis from 2,000 years ago. Recent research supports this. Relatively low levels of glucose such as honey research K. Ratnayani of the Department of Chemistry, University of Udayana, Denpasar. Glucose levels were 27.13% cotton honey; longan honey, 28.09%. Compare this with the sugar glucose levels reached 80%. That is, honey is relatively safe for patients with diabetes mellitus. Recent research shows that honey is also antibacterial. Research carried out Thomas Henle of the Institute of Food Chemistry, Technical University Dresden, Germany.
The antibacterial properties of honey thanks methilglioksal compounds (MGO). 'The higher content of MGO in honey, the higher its activity against bacteria,' says Kerry Paul, president director of the New Zealand Manuka Honey, to Trubus. Preclinical testing manuka honey get rid of bacteria Escherichia coli that cause diarrhea and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria cause intoksitasi or poisoning and various infections such as acne, boils, and pneumonia.
Business confidence
A wide range of honey products, propolis is now on the market. 'There are about 200 brands of honey. Most of which rely on natural production, "said Bambang Sukartiko, chairman of the Indonesian Association of beekeeping.
Starting from a beehive in Australia has received in 1974, the bees began to be bred. Bees reared at 20 Bambang box measuring 40 cm x 45 cm x 25 cm which produces 20 kg of honey. Now, production reached 20 300 tonnes of honey a year from his box. 'The number is still less than the demand for honey Apiari that up to 100 tons of honey per year, "said Bambang.
As demand increases, falsification of honey is high. According to Bambang nearly 80% of the products currently available honey is not honey diluted alias.
'Honey we produce according to national standards, "said Budi Santoso, Queen Honey producers in Jakarta, West Java. The original honey usually has very low water content. It is easily detected by pouring it straight into the water. If the honey is easily spread mean high water content or is diluted.
Yudi Cahya Widianto, honey producer in Madison, East Java, honey, propolis develop products that are proven effective in attacking diseases such as anemia, fever, dengue, and cancer in the laboratory of the University of Gajah Mada. 'Honey business is business confidence. By testing in the lab, so more people believe honey is not only healthy but also cure the disease, "said Cahya.
Cahya not just rely on honey, but also include some of the byproducts like royal jelly bees, propolis, and bee pollen for treatment. Royal jelly or bee milk glands resulting thick white hipofaringeal nurse bees.
The main content of royal jelly 45% of protein, fat 13%, sugar 20%, various mineral salts, and various vitamins (B-complex and E). In addition it also contains royal jelly gonadotropin hormones, reproductive organs penstimulir queen and cooking eggs. 'Royal jelly nutritious and easier to get young children, "said Bambang.
While the bee pollen is made up of selected pollens collected by worker bees as food. 'Consumption of pollen increases energy in the body, "said Iin Dharmadi of Dynamic Harmony PT Indonesia, distributor of imported honey. While propolis comes from the sap of the plant are collected nurse bees and then mixed with wax and bee saliva.
Propolis is a bee nest entrance lining that serves sterilize every incoming bees. Propolis is rich in antioxidants. The number of antioxidant propolis reach 9674 or 403 times more than oranges and total phenol 135.68 or 320 times that of red apples.
According to Bambang third composition beekeeping products is different so that different functions. However, it is quite possibly all three together. The combination of royal jelly, honey, and propolis to cure for breast cancer. If honey is regularly consumed as food, could be a remedy. Just like the words of Aristotle: make food as your medicine.