Renal function is to filter out impurities in the blood, to be discharged with urine. Kidney stones are formed when impurities from food to harden and form crystals in the kidney and ureter.
Effective restriction of certain foods to prevent the formation of crystals. Here are some recommended diet for patients with kidney stones, taken from Gicare, Monday (05/03/2010):
- Drink plenty of water
Water is the most important diet to prevent kidney stones, kidney stones forming of the components becomes more easily shed with urination. Patients with kidney stones are advised to urinate around 2.5 liters a day, so it should drink more than that amount. If the weather is hot or is lots of activity, water intake should be propagated to more frequent urination. - Limit calcium
Usually the body will not absorb more calcium than is needed. But in certain conditions such as hipercalciuria, excess calcium excreted through the kidneys in urine. Patients with kidney stones are advised to limit the maximum calcium intake 800 mg / day for males and 1,200 mg / day for women.
Calcium is abundant in green leafy vegetables, milk and other processed products made from milk. Calcium in milk is more easily absorbed by the intestine than in green vegetables. - Limit oxalate
Together with calcium, oxalate (which contains the unit COO2 acid) can cause kidney stones to form crystals. Therefore, patients with kidney stones are advised to reduce or even completely avoid foods that contain lots of oxalate. Among them are spinach, strawberry, chocolate, wheat, grains and tea.
Patients with kidney stones are advised to limit consumption of oxalate is not more than 50 mg / day. - Limit salt and vegetable protein
Limiting salt intake of sodium may reduce the amount of calcium released through the kidneys. Therefore if the stone is formed is calcium, the sodium salt consumption should be limited to between 2500-3500 mg / day.
While animal protein can lead to several types of minerals in the urine to form kidney stones. Therefore, patients with kidney stones should be replaced with vegetable protein. - Expand insoluble fiber
There are two types of fiber that is soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, each having the same essential function in the body. But in this case, the insoluble fiber found in wheat, rice and wheat can reduce the levels of calcium in the urine. These fibers bind calcium while in the intestine, so it is not excreted through the kidneys. - Limit your intake of vitamin C
One of the metabolism of vitamin C is oxalic. Because oxalate can form crystals, then patients with kidney stones should limit their intake of vitamin C.