The appeal was issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) after an investigation for 15 months for asthma drug manufactured by Merck & Co. pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca, and Cornerstone Therapeutics. Previously found numerous cases of patients with psychiatric disorders after taking asthma medication.
"Patients and physicians should be more concerned about the potential for neuropsychiatric disorders while taking these drugs," wrote the FDA on its website.
Merck & Co. spokeswoman, Pamela Eisele said the warnings of side effects are in fact already contained in the label production asthma drug, Singulair. But since the existence of this warning it would put forward the danger that in the label.
Singulair is a medicine manufacturing Merc with the highest sales in the U.S. by sales value reached 3.5 billion U.S. dollars. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical AstraZeneca said the danger of mental disorders has been written in the product label, but a side effect called a new form of depression and insomnia.
The FDA says all parties should mention asthma medication side effects such as mental disorders such as agitation, aggression, anxiety, abnormal dreams, hallucinations, depression, insomnia, irrational, excessive fatigue, actions and thoughts of suicide, and tremors.
In Indonesia, for sale by various classes of asthma medication. Much can be purchased freely, which is relief, and some have a doctor's prescription. Asthma medications can be given in the form taken by mouth, injected, or be sprayed or inhaled (inhalation).
Although no official statement from the Ministry of Health-related information from the FDA, as the patient could not hurt us to equip themselves about the ins and outs of asthma and its treatment.