Currently patients with heart disease or stroke is increasing in number. Not only that, patients are increasingly younger ages. This is because high levels of life stress and lifestyle is not maintained.
If the pattern or lifestyle is not maintained and even misguided, will eventually happen atherosclerosis in our bodies. "Atherosclerosis is a disorder of the heart arteries (coronary) is narrowing," says Prof. Dr. Slamet Suyono MD, Chairman of Diseases Society of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Diseases Indonesia, Saturday (26/8) in Jakarta.
Due to the narrowing of blood vessels, the heart does not get food. In fact, the heart beat continues every day and need the calories obtained from the blood flow to the heart, the result of constriction of blood vessels, the heart was not getting the food so that there was a heart attack.
Now there is a tendency of a heart attack is gradually increasing in number, both globally and in Indonesia. This is due to the wrong lifestyle. Now we tend to eat foods that contain lots of calories, such as rice, fat, sugar, and salt.
If we eat too much, it could lead to obesity. Increased cholesterol, diabetes will also appear. All these factors will lead to atherosclerosis.
In addition, our society is too busy at work from morning till night. For example, sitting at a computer all day so no chance to exercise or move the body. In fact, exercise is essential to accelerate the blood vessels.
The amount of work can also lead to high stress of having to chase the target. That all are factors that support the narrowing of blood vessels.
"Atherosclerosis is the upstream, downstream is a heart attack. Therefore we must do to prevent stroke or heart attack," said Slamet Suyono.
Change your lifestyle
To prevent atherosclerosis resulting in heart attack or stroke, we must change our lifestyle is wrong.
"Do not wait to change your lifestyle if you are aged 40 years and over, but since the children's lifestyle must be maintained. Children are now a lot of fat from eating fatty foods, junk food, and did not move much. Now just a lot of kids play the game in front of the television or computer, "said Slamet Suyono.
Foods that are not maintained will improve cholesterol levels, high blood sugar also increased, plus the air pollution so that more blood vessels to narrow. These factors should be prevented from the beginning.
Adolescents also had to be educated about health, especially the bad things what would happen if we do not keep eating.
If the pattern or lifestyle is not maintained and even misguided, will eventually happen atherosclerosis in our bodies. "Atherosclerosis is a disorder of the heart arteries (coronary) is narrowing," says Prof. Dr. Slamet Suyono MD, Chairman of Diseases Society of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Diseases Indonesia, Saturday (26/8) in Jakarta.
Due to the narrowing of blood vessels, the heart does not get food. In fact, the heart beat continues every day and need the calories obtained from the blood flow to the heart, the result of constriction of blood vessels, the heart was not getting the food so that there was a heart attack.
Now there is a tendency of a heart attack is gradually increasing in number, both globally and in Indonesia. This is due to the wrong lifestyle. Now we tend to eat foods that contain lots of calories, such as rice, fat, sugar, and salt.
If we eat too much, it could lead to obesity. Increased cholesterol, diabetes will also appear. All these factors will lead to atherosclerosis.
In addition, our society is too busy at work from morning till night. For example, sitting at a computer all day so no chance to exercise or move the body. In fact, exercise is essential to accelerate the blood vessels.
The amount of work can also lead to high stress of having to chase the target. That all are factors that support the narrowing of blood vessels.
"Atherosclerosis is the upstream, downstream is a heart attack. Therefore we must do to prevent stroke or heart attack," said Slamet Suyono.
Change your lifestyle
To prevent atherosclerosis resulting in heart attack or stroke, we must change our lifestyle is wrong.
"Do not wait to change your lifestyle if you are aged 40 years and over, but since the children's lifestyle must be maintained. Children are now a lot of fat from eating fatty foods, junk food, and did not move much. Now just a lot of kids play the game in front of the television or computer, "said Slamet Suyono.
Foods that are not maintained will improve cholesterol levels, high blood sugar also increased, plus the air pollution so that more blood vessels to narrow. These factors should be prevented from the beginning.
Adolescents also had to be educated about health, especially the bad things what would happen if we do not keep eating.