Sunday, March 25, 2012

Therapy "Rheumatoid Arthritis" Coming Soon in Indonesia

Jakarta (ANTARA) - therapy for the treatment of "rheumatoid arthritis", inflammatory joint disease with pain that is very, very, soon in Indonesia, so people will have the antidote.

"Rheumatoid arthritis For many patients, treatment with current therapies do not treat pain and other signs of deterioration of the disease," said Harry Isbagio, President of the Association of Rheumatoid Indonesia, in Jakarta, Monday.

According to him, the disease afflicts more than 21 million people worldwide and the disease it causes distortion of the joints and reduce the function of the pain, stiffness and swelling.

In a further development of the disease can lead to joint destruction that can not be repaired and cause disability.

"The hallmark of systemic penyakitr was accompanied by fatigue, anemia, osteoporosis and may reduce life expectancy by affecting the vital organs of the system," he said.

PT Roche Indonesia, an affiliate of Roche Group announced plans to implementation of clinical research "tocilizumab", the first-line biological therapy inhibiting receptor "interleukin six" (IL-6) approved its use based on the largest clinical Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Patients living with the disease was expected demand for better treatment and understanding of the impact and burden of the conditions experienced by them.

PT Roche Indonesia, one of the world's leading companies in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics based research, the challenge is to conduct research that ended in mid-2011 that tocilizumab clinical studies of IL-6 receptor inhibitor.

Inge S. Kusuma, Head of Pharma, Roche Indonesia, said pengembangkan tocilizumab and unique mechanism is an important new option for patients who experienced disease Rheumatoid arthritis continue to deteriorate despite getting treatment.

"Clinical research is an important step forward, offering a new option for the people of Indonesia affected by this serious disease," he said.

Tocilizumab is an inhibitor of IL-6 monoclonal antibody to the first.

This clinical study will involve five centers, namely, in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Malang and Yogyakarta.

Dr. Bambang Setyohadi, principal investigator explained that the purpose of this clinical study was to test the efficacy and safety of new therapies and provide therapeutic opportunities for patients with Rheumatoid arthritis in Indonesia.

Tocilizumab has been studied in five phase 3 studies involving multi-nation of more than 4,000 patients.

Research indicates that tocilizumab, a single therapy that significantly reduces the signs or the result of Rheumatoid arthritis.

Do Not Ignore The Pain That comes Suddenly Stomach

Have you when to run the daily activities, was interrupted by a sudden Suddenly stomach pain, Might you think it's normal to have one meal before, but when the stomach is not lost and no desire to defecate, it is better to check further.

By the time you feel the source of abdominal pain from the lower right abdomen, you may be Suffering from appendicitis. Symptoms of appendicitis for more details, you can see ... ..

Appendicitis Occurs due to blocked channels so That the appendix the which accumulated fluid can cause the appendix wall tension. This Causes the bacteria to multiply in the wall of the appendix.

The result showed That 7% of the population suffered appendicitis in his life, usually found in the age of 10 to 30 years. In some cases of appendicitis due to hereditary factors, if one family had suffered from appendicitis is usually the family will be affected offspring as well. And lucky for most women Often Because of appendicitis suffered by men, about 1.4 times more frequently than in women.

The cause of appendicitis until now remained unclear. The factors most That Often Causes blockage in the appendix is ​​fekolit and enlargement of lymphoid glands. Blockage due to enlarged lymphoid glands is Often occur in children with diarrhea, cough and runny nose.

From the study it was found That the occurrence of appendicitis is less common for people always eat fiber WHO Because of its digestive tract launched.

The most Important of appendicitis is not to leak Patients appendix Because it is very dangerous and can cause death. If you have symptoms that i have explained above, consult a doctor Immediately Because It may Reduced the incidence of leakage and complications.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hair Style Tips – How to choose a wedding hairstyle

Wedding hairstyles are important, as your wedding day is probably the one day in your life where you are in every photo! When you choose your wedding hairstyles there are some point to consider. Before you think about what hairstyle is the best for your wedding day, you need to make sure you have a professional hairstylist booked for your day.

If you are a new bride planning your wedding, one of the most important aspects of the day is your gown, jewelry and what you are going to do with your hair. It seems as though the lucky brides with long hairstyle have endless possibilities to style their long hair, but those with short hairstyle may feel as though they are limited to the kinds of styles that they can wear.

Monday, March 12, 2012


Anemia is a condition where the body does not have enough red blood cells to meet the need of oxygen your body tissues. If you are affected by anemia, you will feel very weak. Anemia can be temporary or long and can vary from mild to severe.

If you are affected by anemia, it should immediately see your doctor because of anemia can be signs of serious illness. Treatment of anemia can be a supplement to medical treatment pemberin. You can prevent anemia by eating foods that are nutritious.

Signs and symptoms of anemia include:
• Weak
• Pale
• fast heartbeat or irregular
• Shortness of breath
• Pain in chest
• Dizziness
• Hands and feet were cold
• Headache

Causes & Risk Factors

Blood consists of plasma and cells. There are three types of blood cells:
  • White blood cells (leukocytes). Blood cells are useful for fighting infection.
  • Platelets / platelet. These blood cells help to freeze the blood when injured.
  • White blood cells (erythrocytes). These red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs through the bloodstream to the brain and other organs and tissues. Supply of oxygen to the body requires to function. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin which is a protein that kayak with iron gives a red color.
Many blood cells are produced by the spinal cord. To be able to produce red blood cells and hemoglobin, your body needs iron, minerals, protein and other vitamins from the foods you eat.

Common cause of anemia
Anemia occurs when the body produces too few red blood cells, loses too many red blood cells or red blood cells more lethal than replace it. Some types of anemia and its causes are:
  • Iron deficiency anemia. The cause of this type of anemia is iron deficiency in the body. Bone marrow needs iron to make hemoglobin. Without enough iron, your body will not produce enough hemoglobin for red blood cells.
  • Vitamin deficiency anemia. In addition to iron, the body also requires folate and vitamin B-12 to produce enough red blood cells. Low dietary intake of these substances and other essential nutrients can lead to decreased production of red blood cells. In addition, some people can not effectively absorb vitamin B-12.
  • Anemia of chronic disease. Certain chronic diseases, such as cancer and HIV / AIDS. Can affect the production of red blood cells, resulting in chronic anemia. Kidney failure can also cause anemia.
  • Aplastic anemia. This species is very rare and is a life-threatening conditions. This is due to the reduced ability of bone marrow to produce all three types of blood cells. The cause is unknown.
  • Anemias associated with bone marrow disease. Conditions such as leukemia and myelodysplasia may cause anemia leading to the production of blood in the spinal cord is reduced.
  • Hemolytic anemias. This occurs when red blood cells were destroyed more quickly and spinal cord are not able to compensate by producing red blood cell substitute. Certain diseases such as disorders of the blood may be the cause. And autoimmune disorders of the body can cause the body to produce antibodies to red blood cells that destroy red blood cells.
  • Sickle cell anemia. This type of anemia is caused by a defect form of hemoglobin that makes red blood cells are formed like a sickle. These red blood cells die prematurely and lead to chronic conditions lack of red blood cells.
  • Another anemia. This type of anemia is different from the others, such as thalassemia and anemia caused by hemoglobin disability.
Risk factors

Some factors that may increase the chance of anemia include:
• Low intake of nutrients in food.
• Health problems of the small intestine or operations related to the small intestine.
• Menstruation.
• Pregnancy.
• Chronic conditions such as cancer, kidney failure or liver failure.
• Heredity.

Certain infections such as blood and autoimmune disorders, exposed to toxic chemicals, and use some drugs that affect the production of red blood cells and cause anemia.

Another risk is diabetes, alcohol and people who become vegetarians are less stringent and the intake of iron or vitamin B-12 on food.


Many types of anemia can not be prevented. But you can help prevent iron deficiency anemia and vitamin deficiency anemias with healthy foods that contain:
  • Iron. Can be found in meat. Another type is nuts, colored dark green vegetables, dried fruit, and others.
  • Folate. Can be found in oranges, bananas, dark green vegetables, nuts kavangan, cereals and pasta.
  • Vitamin B-12. Vitamin is abundant in meat and milk.
  • Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps iron absorption. Foods that contain vitamin C include citrus, melons and berries.
Foods that contain iron is important for those who need such high iron in children, menstruating women and pregnant women. Adequate iron intake is also important for babies, vegetarians and athletes.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Wedding hairstyles tips

Wedding hairstyles tips
Your wedding day is on the horizon and you are faced with the dilemma of sifting through many different wedding hairstyles to find the right one for you. Not only will you be overwhelmed with all the designs you will also need to decide if you want to have your hair up or down. There are kinds of wedding hairstyles, classic and new, that are fit for each person. Bridal hairstyles can be any style from updos to flowing down.

Beautiful bride on wedding day
How you wear your hair will have a huge impact on your wedding day look. It can be stylish and romantic, or it can be something you will regret in later years. To make sure that your wedding hairstyle is a “do”, check out the latest trends.