"Their growth will not be disturbed, provided that they comply with the rules established by the physician using insulin from the outside," says consultant with diabetes Indonesia Association (PERSADIA) unit Jogja International Hospital (JIH) Prabata, in Yogyakarta on Sunday.
With diabetes (diabetic) children is mainly due to genetic factors, so long as his life will be very dependent on insulin. "Diabetes is the kind one, and arises because pancreatic beta cells are unable to produce insulin naturally because there are hereditary factors," he said.
According Prabata, diabetes type one is not dependent on the 'sex linkage', for example the father who suffered from diabetes then the female offspring will also suffer from diabetes. "The thought was wrong, nothing to do with 'sex linkage', descendants of men or women equally have the same opportunities to develop diabetes," he said. He said, people who have a factor that could have been suffering from the disease before the age of 40 years, if they do not maintain the pattern of his life. However, he denied that diabetics should consume no sugar in any form.
"They can still eat sugar, but the insulin dose is adjusted to be included. Because after all, the body also needs sugar," he said. In addition to type one diabetes, type two diabetes there is also emerging as one live an unhealthy lifestyle. According Prabata, children who have the talent to be overweight or already overweight from too little to watch, because of the possibility of suffering from sugar when it was 40 years old.
Similarly, women who gave birth to a baby weighing more than four pounds, has a vulnerability of developing diabetes at the age of 40 years. For the treatment of type two diabetes, can be done with insulinisasi early, in hopes of giving the opportunity to recover the rest to the pancreas cells that have been damaged, so that later returned to produce insulin naturally.
In addition to food intake and maintain a healthy lifestyle, people with diabetes in his opinion should not be stressed and have to accept the conditions encountered. "Factors support of family and the environment is also very important for people with diabetes to live their lives," he said.