For those of you who experience frequent migraines, never considered a trivial complaint. It may be that the headaches that you feel is an early symptom of the syndrome gore.
Clot syndrome is a set of symptoms that arise due to excessive blood viscosity. As a result of the blood is too thick, the flow of blood throughout the body to be not smooth. Supply of oxygen to body cells was inhibited. Migraine is one of the symptoms because the supply of oxygen to the brain hiccup.
"In the world of medicine, gore is not new, but not many people know or alert with gore. In fact, many victims of stroke or heart attack caused by a clot, "said Dr. Aru W Sudoyo, hematology-oncology specialist (consultant) Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.
The blood becomes thick due to the lack of fluid or blood platelets (substances that play a role in blood clotting) so easily attached to one another. When a person has high cholesterol or smoking habits, blood was flowing thick increasingly difficult.
Cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels to constrict the blood vessel cross section. The cigarette smoke will damage the lining of the inner walls of blood vessels (endothelial).
This also activate endothelial blood-clotting system. If the endothelium is damaged, platelets will be easily attached to one another. Constraints in the blood vessels is known as thrombosis.
Thrombosis can occur in all blood vessels. Therefore, the impact depends on the blood vessels is inhibited. If thrombosis occurs in the vessels of the brain, a stroke will occur. Meanwhile, in the coronary arteries causing a heart attack.
Young women
Now more and more young people, ie those aged 18-45 years, suffering from blood viscosity. It was known as the patient perform a series of blood tests. "Unhealthy lifestyles and high stress triggers blood coagulation," said Dr. Aru.
Sheryl (35) is one of the people who have thick blood. Prior to exposure to a mild stroke a year ago, Sheryl admitted frequent migraines. When migraine recurrence, sometimes he felt his eyes spinning so sick. "To get rid of migraines, I often take the medicine a headache," he said.
When I wake up, Sheryl whole body felt sore. Later also began to frequent ringing in his ears. "I am somewhat late because of a new check to the doctor after a stroke," Sheryl said that since a year ago diligently take blood-thinning medication.
On a small number of patients with gore, the cause is genetic (inherited). Therefore, they are at risk of thrombosis at a young age. Those who have a genetic gore must take anticoagulant medication (antipenggumpalan) lifetime. "Thankfully, these abnormalities are found only in a minority of the human population," said Dr. Aru.
Unfortunately, in Indonesia there are no data on the number of patients who experienced an early age gore. Aru said, almost every day there are always new patients are diagnosed in the gore and Medistra RSCM hematology clinic, where he practiced.
Patients usually present with complaints of headache, migraine, view spinning (vertigo), ringing in the ears (sometimes sudden deafness), and impaired vision. According to Aru, it's all a symptom of vascular disorders that cause is one of the gore.
Gore is not the case only occurs in men but also women. The entry of women into the workplace allegedly related to the growing number of women affected by clot syndrome.
"Women's work load so that they are more vulnerable to stress," said Aru. In Indonesia an estimated total population of productive age between 18 and 45 as many as 97.60 million people. Of that number as much as 50.54 percent are women.