Monday, November 21, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Patients Recovered Autism opportunity Already Open

The term autism comes from the word "auto" which means standing alone. The term was introduced by Leo Kramer in 1943 because he saw the child with autism has a strange behavior, look indifferent to the environment and tend to be solitary as if living in different worlds. Belonging to the strange behavior of this severe developmental disorder occurs because of nerve damage in some parts of the brain.
According to Dr. Rudy Sutadi, SpA, a specialist in children from the Center for Autism Therapy Kid, brain damage arises due to many factors, including the issue of genetic and environmental factors. Autism is divided into two. Called classic autism when there is nerve damage from birth, because during pregnancy, mothers infected with the virus, such as rubella, or exposure to harmful heavy metals such as mercury and lead that affect the formation process menagacaukan nerve cells in the fetal brain.
The second kind is called regressive autism. Arise when children between the ages of 12 to 24 months. Relatively normal development of children before, but suddenly at the age of 2 years child meninjak child's ability to decline. Which had been able to make a sentence of 2 to 3 words changed silent and no longer speaks. Children appear apathetic and unwilling to make eye contact. Outstanding at the conclusion klangan regressive autism experts say appears because the child directly contaminated by a number of factors trigger. The most highlighted is exposure to heavy metals, especially mercury and lead from the environment.
A hope
It used to be considered autistic has no future, now healed opportunities are wide open. Children with autism is said to heal if it is able to follow the regular school, grow and live independently in the community with no residual symptoms. abroad now have a child with autism who attend school up to S3, married and have children even became official. Key to healing children with autism there are two, namely the intervention of behavior therapy with methods of ABA and biomedical intervention. ABA stands for Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). Was first used in the treatment of autism by Lovaas, so called the Lovaas method. This method of training a child capable of language, social, academic, and ability to help themselves. In 1967, Lovaas ABA has been shown to improve abnormalities in children with autism dnan to 89 percent success rate. While the biomedical intervention is needed to fix the damage to the body's cells from heavy metal poisoning, and drive out the constraints that hinder the entry of nutrients to the brain. Biomedical intervention requires children to undergo a specific diet. Dipantang type of food poisoning depend on the severity of the condition occurring. Children with autism are generally prohibited from consuming cow's milk and foods containing white flour.
Diet Cows Milk and Wheat Flour
Cow's milk contains casein protein while the protein-containing wheat gluten. According to Rudy, autistic children's bodies can not digest casein and gluten completely. Incomplete description of the compound into the blood vessels and reach the brain as morphine. This is evidenced by the discovery of morphine is characterized by the content of casein and gluten in a urine test children with autism. The presence of morphine clearly affects the brain and nerve centers so that children behave in strange and difficult to interact with their environment. "Hence, children with autism behave like a dope fiend. Sometimes it can interact with their environment, but only temporarily and then crap again," said Rudy. With casein and gluten diet can minimize the disruption of morphine and stimulate the ability of children receiving ABA therapy.
Detection of autism
Observe your toddler motion, because the symptoms of autism appear at 0-3 years of age phase there are many symptoms of autism. even if there is eye contact, if the child shows other symptoms of autism, you should immediately consult a neurologist or a child's psychiatric expert to ensure the child's autism diagnosis. Diagnosis can be trusted if the doctor did a test with a DSM IV or ICD-10.
Indicators of autistic behavior in children Language and Communication
- Flat facial expression
- Not using language or gestures
- Rarely initiates communication
- Not mimic the action and sound
- Speak little or no
- Repeating or parroting of words, sentences, or singing
- Saying vocal intonation or rhythm peculiar
- Looks do not understand the meaning of the word. If you understand and use words in a limited
- No social smile
- Not communicate with the eyes
- Limited eye contact
- Looks fun when left alone
- Do not turn the game
- Using an adult's hand as a tool to do something
- Angry and do not require changes
- Development of a rigid routine
- Shown an interest in something that is very flexible and do not panic response to stimulation of certain sounds
- Very sensitive to noise
- Playing with light and reflections
- Plays fingers in front of the eye
- Pull away when touched
- Really do not like the clothes, food, or certain things
- Interested in patterns, textures, or odors
- Very inactive or hyperactive
- Maybe something like twirling, playing around in circles, head banging, or biting the wrist
- Jumping or hand flapping-ngepakan
- Hold or odd respond to pain
- Learn skills outside the normal sequence. For example: read but not understand the meaning
- Drawing in detail but could not buttoning clothes
- Smart play but very difficult puzzle to follow orders
- Running at normal age, but can not communicate
- Current parrot to talk, but it's hard to start talking of the self (communication initiatives)
- A time to do something, but other times not
In the body of a group of children with autism in the U.S. that were previously immunized repeatedly determined over the mercury content of normal levels. How bisamasuk mercury into the body of a child? ternyat, some vaccines containing thimerosal preservative. Nearly 50 percent of these compounds consists of etilmerkuri.
Other facts about the relevance of the vaccine and expressed autismen Andrew Wakefield in 1998. British doctor describes the combined MMR vaccine (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) to prevent measles, mumps and rubella (German measles) vaccine even if it does not contain mercury.
Rudy describes MMR contains three viurs, given to children in the hope of having children can direct three natibodi. At certain children, the arrival of the three viruses at the same time causing an autoimmune reaction in which substances are supposed to protect even invade the body, exactly which attack the sheath of nerve fibers of the brain.
At present not a single state prohibits the use of these vaccines, given its presence is needed to prevent outbreaks of dangerous diseases in the wider community. Developed countries like the United States was a new phase of ordered vaccine manufacturers for the manufacture of air-emnghentikan thoimerosal and immediately produce mercury-free vaccines. Bermerkuri vaccine stocks are still in use. When a new vaccine production has been sufficient for his country, then the vaccine "problematic" withdrawn from circulation.
Rudy therefore suggest the vaccination should be the parents prefer the child's individual condition. When in the neighborhood there are a large family with autism, genetic disorders such as down syndrown, or autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatic heart disease, children are at risk of autism. Fixed give immunizations to protect children from infectious diseases, but do a more thorough way. Ask your doctor to vaccinate measles, mumps, and rubella with the schedule is about 3 months apart from each other.
Autism symptoms Missing After Using Bee Product

Testimony Rayhan G. Rifqie (Aldo), 5.5 years, Yogyakarta

At age 1.5 years, Aldo Bera test (Brain Evoked Response Audiretry) is a test to detect whether the hearing children function well in the laboratory RSU. Dr. Sardjito, and declared there was no interference. While the EEC test results indicate a neurological brain disorder. Then do a psychological test development of the child and the tendency of the results known to lead to autism. Then, from the results of the test virus, also known that there are +126 Rubella virus on the nerves in his body. In addition, Aldo also been immunized against MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) to prevent measles, mumps and German measles.
After that, for 1 week, Aldo subjected to high heat, and the characteristics of autisnya more apparent, such as banging the hand for no apparent reason, the path on tiptoe, like yelling, eating, hard bowel movement, emotions run high. At the age of 2 years, Aldo started school in kindergarten autistic Dian Amanah, and began using X products, such as Honeybee PollenS and Clover Honey.
After taking it for 3 days, the concentration increased learning and improved appetite. And for about 6 months to consume, many developments are getting better, as the concentration of learning and improved appetite, Chapter smoothly, hiperaktifnya level is reduced, no longer susceptible to the disease strep throat and flu, as before. Six months later, I added Aldo Propolis for consumption. Virus in her body began to disappear, the more clear and effective speech, although still replicate (Echolalia), autismenya traits are increasingly disappearing.
Naturally Without Prescription Side Effects for Autism
As you can see in the above testimony, autism can be treated with bee therapy products, such as bee pollen, propolis, and honey pure (Clover Honey). Not all honey products can have a therapeutic effect such as this because it depends on factors bee sources used, the manufacturing process, and so forth.
All products are 100% bee was natural, not bitter, and very simple use. No need to peel, chopped, grated, squeezed, boiled, and others. These products are manufactured in tablet and liquid form ready for use.
If you are interested in getting a natural recipe as above Aldo testimony to overcome autism, please click here.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Autism Autism spectrum disorder (ASD

Autism is one of a group of serious developmental problems called autism spectrum disorder (ASD) occurring in early childhood, usually before the public three years. Symptoms and severity vary, all autism affects children's ability to communicate and interact with others.
There is no cure for this condition of autism, early and intensive care can make a big change in the lives of many children with this disorder.
Children with autism generally have problems in three crucial areas of development, social interaction, language and customs. But because the symptoms of autism vary widely, two children with the same diagnosis can have different habits and abilities. In many cases, severe autism characterized by a total inability to communicate or interact with others.
Some children show symptoms of autism in early infancy. Another child to grow normally in the first few months or years and then suddenly regress, become aggressive or lose language skills they already have. Although children with autism have each pattern is unique, there are some common symptoms of autism, among others:
Social skills:
- Failed to mention his name
- Little eye contact
- Often do not listen to people who spoke to him
- Do not want to be hugged or held
- Appeared to be unconscious feelings of others
- Like to play alone-submerged in the "world" of his
- Began to speak after the age of 2 years, and has a 30-month delay in the ability
- Have lost the ability to access prior to said
- Do not make eye contact when asking for something
- Speaking with a tone or rhythm that might not normally use such as singing or sound like a robot
- Unable to initiate or sustain conversation conversation
- May repeat words or speech, but do not understand how to use
- Show repetitive movements, such as swinging, spinning or clapping
- Indicate certain rituals or routines
- Moves constantly
- Awe of the part of certain objects, such as a spinning toy car wheels
As adults, some children with autism become more familiar with one another and show little interference with the habit. Some of them usually has to live normal or near normal by the end of a severe problem as before. Some others have difficulties in language skills or socialize, and adulthood can mean a worsening of this problem.
Many children with autism are slow to improve capabilities, or new experiences, and some have signs of low intelligence. Other children with autism have normal to high intelligence. These children learn quickly when they have trouble communicating, applying what they know in everyday life and adjusting to social situations. A small number among children with autism are "autistic scholar" and has a remarkable ability in certain specific things, like art, math or music.
Causes & Risk Factors
Autism is a complex issue. Two children with autism is not the same. In many cases the cause of this condition include:
- Genetic problems. Some genes showed association with autism. Some may make children more susceptible to interference; affect brain development or the way brain cells communicate.
- Environmental factors. Many health problems occur due to genetic and environmental factors. For example, researchers found that viral infections and air pollution plays a role against autism.
Autism affects children of all races and nations, but certain factors increase the risk. Among others:
- Boys are three or four times more likely to develop autism than girls.
- Families who have one child with autism are at increased risk of having another child with this disorder.
- Children with certain medical conditions have a higher risk of developing autism. These conditions include fragile X syndrome, hereditary factors that cause the problem of intelligence, tuberous sclerosis, a condition in which benign tumors occur in the brain, neurological disorder Tourette syndrome and epilepsy which causes seizures.
- Having children at an older age increases the risk of having a child with autism.
There is no way to prevent autism. Autism can be treated and can improve children's language skills and bersosialiasi with such care. If your child is diagnosed with autism, tell your doctor about the treatment strategies for making your child. Keep in mind that you may need to try several different treatments before finding the best combination for your child.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Antibodies Cause Autism Mom

Autism itself is a disorder with a major problem in the brain and is characterized by impaired social interaction, impaired communication and repetitive behaviors, and 90% of patients with no known cause. Genetic, metabolic, and environmental factors related to the cause of autism is estimated. This study starts from the acquisition of an unusual antibody levels in children with autism and from postmortem brain tissue (dead) which gives immunity disorders (immune system) in the area of the brain. Antibodies are proteins in the body respond to viruses and bacteria or sometimes in a few cases of autoimmune disorders, antibodies may attack the body's own cells.
The majority of children with autism do not have an autoimmune disease, so the question that needs to be answered is whether the antibodies are found here are provided by the mother's antibodies while in the womb which can interfere with fetal brain directly.
To test their hypothesis (John Hopkins), the research team used a technique called immunoblotting (Western blot technology) in which antibodies derived from blood samples exposed to adult and fetal brain tissue to confirm whether the antibodies recognize and react to specific brain proteins.
Compare antibody interactions and the brain on a sample of 100 mothers with autistic children and 100 mothers with children without autism. Researchers found a greater reactivity of about 40% of mothers with children with autism. Furthermore, the presence of maternal antibodies was associated with a reduction in the development of a child who is one of the signs of autism.
Although research has linked autism with antibodies to the fetal brain, but further studies are needed to confirm whether these antibodies can cross the placenta and cause fetal brain damage.
The fact that pregnant women with antibodies may cause fetal brain damage, does not mean that she will always have a child with autism. Autism itself is a complex condition caused by the interaction between genetic factors, immunity, and environmental factors.
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