Testimony Rayhan G. Rifqie (Aldo), 5.5 years, Yogyakarta

At age 1.5 years, Aldo Bera test (Brain Evoked Response Audiretry) is a test to detect whether the hearing children function well in the laboratory RSU. Dr. Sardjito, and declared there was no interference. While the EEC test results indicate a neurological brain disorder. Then do a psychological test development of the child and the tendency of the results known to lead to autism. Then, from the results of the test virus, also known that there are +126 Rubella virus on the nerves in his body. In addition, Aldo also been immunized against MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) to prevent measles, mumps and German measles.
After that, for 1 week, Aldo subjected to high heat, and the characteristics of autisnya more apparent, such as banging the hand for no apparent reason, the path on tiptoe, like yelling, eating, hard bowel movement, emotions run high. At the age of 2 years, Aldo started school in kindergarten autistic Dian Amanah, and began using X products, such as Honeybee PollenS and Clover Honey.
After taking it for 3 days, the concentration increased learning and improved appetite. And for about 6 months to consume, many developments are getting better, as the concentration of learning and improved appetite, Chapter smoothly, hiperaktifnya level is reduced, no longer susceptible to the disease strep throat and flu, as before. Six months later, I added Aldo Propolis for consumption. Virus in her body began to disappear, the more clear and effective speech, although still replicate (Echolalia), autismenya traits are increasingly disappearing.
Naturally Without Prescription Side Effects for Autism
As you can see in the above testimony, autism can be treated with bee therapy products, such as bee pollen, propolis, and honey pure (Clover Honey). Not all honey products can have a therapeutic effect such as this because it depends on factors bee sources used, the manufacturing process, and so forth.
All products are 100% bee was natural, not bitter, and very simple use. No need to peel, chopped, grated, squeezed, boiled, and others. These products are manufactured in tablet and liquid form ready for use.
If you are interested in getting a natural recipe as above Aldo testimony to overcome autism, please click here.