Malnutrition on the brain in the long run is one of the biochemical factors that cause some form of Alzhemier, demikia according to a new study that aims to memecahkankan mystery of the origin of the disease.
The disease will begin at age 60, and risk increases with age. Robert Vassar of Northwestern University, author of the study, found that when the brain does not have enough glucose, which can occur when cardiovascular disease restricts blood flow from arteries to the brain. It is a process that will stimulate the production of protein aggregates that have the potential to cause Alzheimer's.
After working with human and rat brains, Vassar discovered that the major protein in the brain is disrupted when the energy supply to the brain decreases. The protein, called eIF2alpha, increases the production of enzymes, which in turn meproduksi protein aggregates. 'The discovery is significant because it suggests that improving blood flow to the brain can be an effective therapeutic approach to prevent and treat Alzheimer's, So says Vassar.
The best way to increase blood flow to the brain, and reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer's is to reduce cholesterol intake, manage high blood pressure, and exercise, especially in middle age. 'If it starts from the very beginning, the disease can be avoided.' Vassar said. For people who already have symptoms, vasodilators (blood vessel dilation), can increase the intake of oxygen and glucose to the brain, so in addition to him. This study was published in the journal Neuron.
Control what you eat
When talking to the prevention of Alzheimer's, eating candy is not the solution to increase the flow of blood glucose to the brain, says Vassar. Decreased blood flow to the brain occurs with the passage of the aging process, and gradually lead to the brain is deprived of glucose. This is the phenomenon of aging in general, Vassar said. Also, decreased blood flow associated with atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, and hypertension, high blood pressure.
'We have to improve cardiovascular health, not mengasup excessive sugar, "says Vassar. 'What is gained from epidemiological studies are now middle-aged sports is one of the best preventive strategy against Alzheimer's disease, then one should remain physically active, and they should keep the diet and reduce intake of cholesterol, because cholesterol contributes to atherosclerosis'. According to Vassar, it is possible to design drugs to block the protein that initiates elF2alfa formation of protein aggregates, called amyloid plaques.
The initial discovery
Ten years ago, Vassar discovered the enzyme, BACE1, which is responsible for making sticky protein aggregates that form outside neurons and disrupt their ability to send a message. But the cause of the high level of protein in people with the disease was not known. Vassar's latest study also showed that the energy shortage in the brain can stimulate the formation of plaques in Alzheimer's. Vassar said his work suggests that Alzheimer's disease may result from some type of energy shortages that occur in stroke. Brain cells react by increasing BACE1, which may be a protective response short term, but damaging in the long run.
"Stroke is a barrier that prevents blood flow and produces cell death during the acute and dramatic," says Vassar. "What we are talking about here is a slow process that took place many years, where people have a low propensity for cardiovascular disease or artherosclerosisi. He is not felt, but has a long-term effects, because it produces a chronic reduction in blood flow. ' Vassar also stressed that if the person has reached a certain age, some will get increased levels of enzymes that cause plaque.