It is the first genome-wide study that explains the link between gender and non-reproductive organ cancers, said Arlin Rogers, pathologist and Chairman of the MIT research team.
According to research published in the scientific journal "Cancer Research" that boys exposed to potentially liver cancer two times greater than women in the U.S.. In other countries, especially Asia, this figure could be higher potentials, ie, 8 to 10 times greater.
Liver cancer is the most common cancers in the world's number 5, and the cause of death of the order of the three largest. Liver cancer rates in the U.S. are lower than in other countries, but the trend shows a drastic increase in infections caused by hepatitis C through blood transfusions continue to soar since the 1970s, and of course the abuse of illegal drugs.
Another factor that triggers liver cancer rates is the problem of obesity and diabetes, which continues to be the government's attention.
Rogers explained that the hearts of men and women have a pretty noticeable difference. The difference was very obvious during the period of puberty, when the liver is more exposed male growth hormone. This then causes the liver of men and women react differently to antibiotics and similar drugs.
In her study, MIT scientists have also examined mice that had a higher trend of liver cancer in male gender compared to the women.
The mice were then injected bacteria hepatitis - which produces symptoms similar to hepatitis B and hepatitis C character in humans.
Both in humans and mice, men and women who can demonstrate a healthy reaction to the acute toxicity and other pressures. But the male liver was not as complete as the liver of women to deal with chronic inflammation arising from infection of certain substances.
When male mice encounter chronic hepatitis, some masculine liver genes increased work, some other gene activity is stopped. At the same time, some feminine genes reactivated.
Due to this, the researchers noted that the gene profile then becomes unclear, the term "gender confusion out". "There is no reason or pattern. Just really messed up only the genes with genes masculine feminine," said Rogers.Masih according to the results of the study an expert, gene by sex turned out to show a different reaction to the strep infection.
Genes men when confronted with chronic hepatitis reacted partly overloaded, while others lack the load, so the liver can not maintain normal metabolic functions when cancer appears.
Meanwhile, adult women exposed to relatively low potential for liver cancer, because genes in the liver did not feel the need to change into the masculine genes to deal with cancer, according to Rogers.
WHO estimates there are more than 180 million people worldwide have been infected with hepatitis C, and more than 400 million people living with hepatitis B. Even some health experts say hepatitis virus is 100 times more infectious than HIV.
The most dreaded of these diseases is the potential development of this disease to liver cancer or cirrhosis that may lead to liver failure and death results.
If traced based on the number of deaths of patients, the cirrhosis of the seventh as the deadly chronic diseases. Therefore, awareness of this disease are considered important, given the transmission sometimes not realized by the patient.
Moreover, the spread factor of the virus in Indonesia is growing very fast, one of which is influenced by the ignorance of the presence or absence of hepatitis virus pathway to her. In fact, 25 percent of sufferers who do not know this could potentially develop cirrhosis after 15-20 years time span virus lodged in their bodies.
According to the Chairman of the Heart Research Association Excellence Budihusodo Indonesia, some patterns of spread of viral hepatitis occurred among them through a needle piercing, narcotics equipment, risk relationship, tattoos, and blood transfusion.
"In 2000 the mentioned transmission through injections putaw mengontribusi 80 percent of the development of transmission of hepatitis, and even the pattern is very fast," said the Superior.
WHO 2000 report mentions the weekly bulletin of the world there are at least 170 million patients infected with hepatitis virus, with the estimated 315 000 new cases appear each year.
Meanwhile, in Indonesia recorded seven million people with hepatitis was found. Of this total percentage of people with chronic hepatitis by 16-77 percent, 22-78 percent of liver cirrhosis, and carcinoma of the liver (primary liver cancer) 29-69 percent.
Superior to mention that as much as 1-4 percent of the total number of patients with cirrhosis will develop liver cancer each year. Fraction of them have a very rapid progression of the disease requiring transplant act.
In addition to impact on mortality for patients with liver cancer, increasing numbers of patients with hepatitis will affect work productivity decline in patients, which means it will impact the economic losses.
Research of hepatitis in the United States said the economic losses caused by hepatitis virus reached 600 million U.S. dollars annually. (*)