Multivitamins come in a virtually limitless selection. Some are combined with minerals, others not; some are of the "mega" variety that contain several times the U.S. Recommended Daily
Allowance, or RDA, of their constituent micronutrients, whereas others have only the minimum requirement of the most common vitamins and minerals and sometimes less. A number of these products are aimed at the specific needs of men, who differ physiologically not only from women but from each other in age and physical activity level.
This product is intended for men over 50 and contains an especially high concentration of both antioxidants and vitamin B12. It also features both lutein as a means of helping preserve eyesight and vitamin D for colon health, both being especially important in this age cohort.
This preparation contains not only vitamins and minerals but essential fatty acids. The vitamins are "activated" for improved absorption, and fish oil -- widely believed to be beneficial to the human brain -- is included. Packets come in different formulations for morning and evening, with the latter consisting mainly of trace minerals.
GNC Mega Men Multivitamin contains no iron, which for men can be a good thing, as iron may interfere with absorption of other nutrients. Also, most of the vitamin A is in beta-carotene form.
This is a comparatively inexpensive formula that has a wide range of vitamins without going overboard on any one of them. It contains 50 mcg of vitamin B12, which some older men may need in increased amounts. Members of Costco pay less than others.
This vitamin -- on the market for many years in some formulation or another -- stands out for containing 150 percent of the U.S. RDA of selenium. This trace metal has been touted as a preventative agent for prostate cancer, although these claims are not medically substantiated.
The Rainbow Light Men's One Multivitamin contains no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives. It's more expensive than others on the list but covers all of the usual bases without some of the extras in the area of colorants and binding agents that you may wish to avoid.
This supplement contains no animal-derived products of any kind, so vegans and vegetarians can take it. It has many times the RDA of B vitamins and folic acid, but this may not be a drawback in men who don't consume meat.
At $18.50 or so for 180 tablets, this is one of the less expensive megavitamin-type supplements. With some 40 to 50 times the RDA of thiamine and riboflavin, it is perhaps well-suited for men who have been deficient in these nutrients.
The manufacturer of this natural vitamin supplement attributes to it a host of unusual benefits, many of them centered on prostate and sexual health. Its complement of herbal extracts sets it apart, as does its price tag -- close to $50 for a one-month supply.
This natural product addresses heart, muscular, and skeletal issues particular to males. Its emphasis on both vitamin D and antioxidant vitamins underscore its orientation to men seeking to avoid the effects of premature aging, and vitamin K is included because of its beneficial effects on the heart and blood clotting.