Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Physical Activity Helps Prevent Atherosclerosis
Jakarta, Kompas - Physical activity in the form of sports, daily activities and even dancing are done routinely useful to prevent atherosclerosis (fatty deposits on artery walls). This was proven by autopsy seven-time Boston marathon champion, Clarence DeMar, which indicates the size of coronary arteries from two to three times its normal size and did not reveal any stenosis (narrowing of blood vessels) are significant despite the age of 69 years died.
Relation of physical activity with coronary heart disease prevention due to atherosclerosis is discussed Dr. Dr. Dede Kusmana SpJP (K) (60), in a speech at the inaugural ceremony as Professor of Cardiology at Stay in the Science Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Wednesday (18/6).
According to Dede who is also Chairman of the Section of Cardiology Faculty of medicine, especially aerobic physical activity increases blood flow which is a wave that encourage increased production of nitric oxide (NO) and stimulate the formation and release of endothelial relaxing Derive factor (EDRF), which relax and dilate blood vessels.
Coronary blood flow during rest approximately 200 ml per minute (four per cent of the total cardiac output). Lab studies show, increase blood flow 4 ml per minute was able to produce NO to stimulate the improvement of endothelial function (lining) of blood vessels.
"Therefore, being in the form of physical activity or walking exercise that increases blood flow to 350 ml per minute (up by 150 ml per minute) was more than enough to avoid the vascular endothelium of the atherosclerotic process," says Dede.
However, the benefits can only be obtained if the increase in blood flow through regular physical activity takes place in a long time (20 minutes to an hour), and performed regularly for life.
Mechanism of atherosclerosis
Dede explains that atherosclerosis begins with buildup of cholesterol, especially LDL-cholesterol ester (low density lipoprotein) in the arterial wall. LDL normally get in and out of the artery through the endothelial wall. The entry of lipoproteins into the inner lining of the blood vessel wall increases with the high number of lipoproteins in plasma (hyperlipidemia), the size of the lipoprotein and blood pressure (hypertension). Increase in all it will increase the permeability of the blood vessel walls, thereby precipitated lipoproteins and cholesterol esters in the arterial wall.
Malfunctioning of the blood vessel lining became the beginning of the process of atherosclerosis and inflammatory mechanisms and encourage infection.
Inflammation or inflammation is the body's basic response to injury (injuries). Injuries are usually caused by infection, but can also be allergic or immunological reaction.
Clinical manifestations of the complex process of atherosclerosis is coronary heart disease, stroke and even death.
According to the Framingham study, as Dede, C-reactive protein (CRP) is a sign (marker) inflammation associated with cardiovascular events and stroke.
Efforts to suppress inflammatory factors may prevent the atherosclerotic process. Regular physical activity is proven to suppress CRP, mean also suppress inflammatory factors.
Therefore, moving or doing regular physical activity is an early concept of cardiovascular disease prevention and rational efforts for patients with cardiovascular disorders in cardiac rehabilitation.
Resistance training combined with weight training for four months been shown to decrease levels of TNF alpha (a type of inflammatory cytokines) were significantly reduced in patients with heart failure and coronary heart disease.
Type of activity
In healthy people, the prevalence of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and ischemia (blood deficiency conditions in the network) is lower in people with more severe physical activity and regular than irregular or no exercise.
May be concluded, regular physical activity have the protection against cardiovascular mortality as well as other diseases due to lifestyle (non communicable disease).
No need to exercise a difficult and expensive. Walking six miles per hour, aerobics weight is, dancing is adequate to maintain cardiovascular health. Similarly, the equivalent of activities such as climbing stairs two levels, carrying 10 kilograms, hoe, or gardening.
"Activities of any origin can increase heart rate between 110-130 per minute, accompanied by sweating and increased respiratory rate but not until the panting is good enough to prevent heart disease and stroke," explained Dede. (ATK)
Relation of physical activity with coronary heart disease prevention due to atherosclerosis is discussed Dr. Dr. Dede Kusmana SpJP (K) (60), in a speech at the inaugural ceremony as Professor of Cardiology at Stay in the Science Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Wednesday (18/6).
According to Dede who is also Chairman of the Section of Cardiology Faculty of medicine, especially aerobic physical activity increases blood flow which is a wave that encourage increased production of nitric oxide (NO) and stimulate the formation and release of endothelial relaxing Derive factor (EDRF), which relax and dilate blood vessels.
Coronary blood flow during rest approximately 200 ml per minute (four per cent of the total cardiac output). Lab studies show, increase blood flow 4 ml per minute was able to produce NO to stimulate the improvement of endothelial function (lining) of blood vessels.
"Therefore, being in the form of physical activity or walking exercise that increases blood flow to 350 ml per minute (up by 150 ml per minute) was more than enough to avoid the vascular endothelium of the atherosclerotic process," says Dede.
However, the benefits can only be obtained if the increase in blood flow through regular physical activity takes place in a long time (20 minutes to an hour), and performed regularly for life.
Mechanism of atherosclerosis
Dede explains that atherosclerosis begins with buildup of cholesterol, especially LDL-cholesterol ester (low density lipoprotein) in the arterial wall. LDL normally get in and out of the artery through the endothelial wall. The entry of lipoproteins into the inner lining of the blood vessel wall increases with the high number of lipoproteins in plasma (hyperlipidemia), the size of the lipoprotein and blood pressure (hypertension). Increase in all it will increase the permeability of the blood vessel walls, thereby precipitated lipoproteins and cholesterol esters in the arterial wall.
Malfunctioning of the blood vessel lining became the beginning of the process of atherosclerosis and inflammatory mechanisms and encourage infection.
Inflammation or inflammation is the body's basic response to injury (injuries). Injuries are usually caused by infection, but can also be allergic or immunological reaction.
Clinical manifestations of the complex process of atherosclerosis is coronary heart disease, stroke and even death.
According to the Framingham study, as Dede, C-reactive protein (CRP) is a sign (marker) inflammation associated with cardiovascular events and stroke.
Efforts to suppress inflammatory factors may prevent the atherosclerotic process. Regular physical activity is proven to suppress CRP, mean also suppress inflammatory factors.
Therefore, moving or doing regular physical activity is an early concept of cardiovascular disease prevention and rational efforts for patients with cardiovascular disorders in cardiac rehabilitation.
Resistance training combined with weight training for four months been shown to decrease levels of TNF alpha (a type of inflammatory cytokines) were significantly reduced in patients with heart failure and coronary heart disease.
Type of activity
In healthy people, the prevalence of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and ischemia (blood deficiency conditions in the network) is lower in people with more severe physical activity and regular than irregular or no exercise.
May be concluded, regular physical activity have the protection against cardiovascular mortality as well as other diseases due to lifestyle (non communicable disease).
No need to exercise a difficult and expensive. Walking six miles per hour, aerobics weight is, dancing is adequate to maintain cardiovascular health. Similarly, the equivalent of activities such as climbing stairs two levels, carrying 10 kilograms, hoe, or gardening.
"Activities of any origin can increase heart rate between 110-130 per minute, accompanied by sweating and increased respiratory rate but not until the panting is good enough to prevent heart disease and stroke," explained Dede. (ATK)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Maintain Lifestyle, Avoiding Atherosclerosis
Currently patients with heart disease or stroke is increasing in number. Not only that, patients are increasingly younger ages. This is because high levels of life stress and lifestyle is not maintained.
If the pattern or lifestyle is not maintained and even misguided, will eventually happen atherosclerosis in our bodies. "Atherosclerosis is a disorder of the heart arteries (coronary) is narrowing," says Prof. Dr. Slamet Suyono MD, Chairman of Diseases Society of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Diseases Indonesia, Saturday (26/8) in Jakarta.
Due to the narrowing of blood vessels, the heart does not get food. In fact, the heart beat continues every day and need the calories obtained from the blood flow to the heart, the result of constriction of blood vessels, the heart was not getting the food so that there was a heart attack.
Now there is a tendency of a heart attack is gradually increasing in number, both globally and in Indonesia. This is due to the wrong lifestyle. Now we tend to eat foods that contain lots of calories, such as rice, fat, sugar, and salt.
If we eat too much, it could lead to obesity. Increased cholesterol, diabetes will also appear. All these factors will lead to atherosclerosis.
In addition, our society is too busy at work from morning till night. For example, sitting at a computer all day so no chance to exercise or move the body. In fact, exercise is essential to accelerate the blood vessels.
The amount of work can also lead to high stress of having to chase the target. That all are factors that support the narrowing of blood vessels.
"Atherosclerosis is the upstream, downstream is a heart attack. Therefore we must do to prevent stroke or heart attack," said Slamet Suyono.
Change your lifestyle
To prevent atherosclerosis resulting in heart attack or stroke, we must change our lifestyle is wrong.
"Do not wait to change your lifestyle if you are aged 40 years and over, but since the children's lifestyle must be maintained. Children are now a lot of fat from eating fatty foods, junk food, and did not move much. Now just a lot of kids play the game in front of the television or computer, "said Slamet Suyono.
Foods that are not maintained will improve cholesterol levels, high blood sugar also increased, plus the air pollution so that more blood vessels to narrow. These factors should be prevented from the beginning.
Adolescents also had to be educated about health, especially the bad things what would happen if we do not keep eating. (LOK)
If the pattern or lifestyle is not maintained and even misguided, will eventually happen atherosclerosis in our bodies. "Atherosclerosis is a disorder of the heart arteries (coronary) is narrowing," says Prof. Dr. Slamet Suyono MD, Chairman of Diseases Society of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Diseases Indonesia, Saturday (26/8) in Jakarta.
Due to the narrowing of blood vessels, the heart does not get food. In fact, the heart beat continues every day and need the calories obtained from the blood flow to the heart, the result of constriction of blood vessels, the heart was not getting the food so that there was a heart attack.
Now there is a tendency of a heart attack is gradually increasing in number, both globally and in Indonesia. This is due to the wrong lifestyle. Now we tend to eat foods that contain lots of calories, such as rice, fat, sugar, and salt.
If we eat too much, it could lead to obesity. Increased cholesterol, diabetes will also appear. All these factors will lead to atherosclerosis.
In addition, our society is too busy at work from morning till night. For example, sitting at a computer all day so no chance to exercise or move the body. In fact, exercise is essential to accelerate the blood vessels.
The amount of work can also lead to high stress of having to chase the target. That all are factors that support the narrowing of blood vessels.
"Atherosclerosis is the upstream, downstream is a heart attack. Therefore we must do to prevent stroke or heart attack," said Slamet Suyono.
Change your lifestyle
To prevent atherosclerosis resulting in heart attack or stroke, we must change our lifestyle is wrong.
"Do not wait to change your lifestyle if you are aged 40 years and over, but since the children's lifestyle must be maintained. Children are now a lot of fat from eating fatty foods, junk food, and did not move much. Now just a lot of kids play the game in front of the television or computer, "said Slamet Suyono.
Foods that are not maintained will improve cholesterol levels, high blood sugar also increased, plus the air pollution so that more blood vessels to narrow. These factors should be prevented from the beginning.
Adolescents also had to be educated about health, especially the bad things what would happen if we do not keep eating. (LOK)
Monday, November 21, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Patients Recovered Autism opportunity Already Open

The term autism comes from the word "auto" which means standing alone. The term was introduced by Leo Kramer in 1943 because he saw the child with autism has a strange behavior, look indifferent to the environment and tend to be solitary as if living in different worlds. Belonging to the strange behavior of this severe developmental disorder occurs because of nerve damage in some parts of the brain.
According to Dr. Rudy Sutadi, SpA, a specialist in children from the Center for Autism Therapy Kid, brain damage arises due to many factors, including the issue of genetic and environmental factors. Autism is divided into two. Called classic autism when there is nerve damage from birth, because during pregnancy, mothers infected with the virus, such as rubella, or exposure to harmful heavy metals such as mercury and lead that affect the formation process menagacaukan nerve cells in the fetal brain.
The second kind is called regressive autism. Arise when children between the ages of 12 to 24 months. Relatively normal development of children before, but suddenly at the age of 2 years child meninjak child's ability to decline. Which had been able to make a sentence of 2 to 3 words changed silent and no longer speaks. Children appear apathetic and unwilling to make eye contact. Outstanding at the conclusion klangan regressive autism experts say appears because the child directly contaminated by a number of factors trigger. The most highlighted is exposure to heavy metals, especially mercury and lead from the environment.
A hope
It used to be considered autistic has no future, now healed opportunities are wide open. Children with autism is said to heal if it is able to follow the regular school, grow and live independently in the community with no residual symptoms. abroad now have a child with autism who attend school up to S3, married and have children even became official. Key to healing children with autism there are two, namely the intervention of behavior therapy with methods of ABA and biomedical intervention. ABA stands for Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). Was first used in the treatment of autism by Lovaas, so called the Lovaas method. This method of training a child capable of language, social, academic, and ability to help themselves. In 1967, Lovaas ABA has been shown to improve abnormalities in children with autism dnan to 89 percent success rate. While the biomedical intervention is needed to fix the damage to the body's cells from heavy metal poisoning, and drive out the constraints that hinder the entry of nutrients to the brain. Biomedical intervention requires children to undergo a specific diet. Dipantang type of food poisoning depend on the severity of the condition occurring. Children with autism are generally prohibited from consuming cow's milk and foods containing white flour.
Diet Cows Milk and Wheat Flour
Cow's milk contains casein protein while the protein-containing wheat gluten. According to Rudy, autistic children's bodies can not digest casein and gluten completely. Incomplete description of the compound into the blood vessels and reach the brain as morphine. This is evidenced by the discovery of morphine is characterized by the content of casein and gluten in a urine test children with autism. The presence of morphine clearly affects the brain and nerve centers so that children behave in strange and difficult to interact with their environment. "Hence, children with autism behave like a dope fiend. Sometimes it can interact with their environment, but only temporarily and then crap again," said Rudy. With casein and gluten diet can minimize the disruption of morphine and stimulate the ability of children receiving ABA therapy.
Detection of autism
Observe your toddler motion, because the symptoms of autism appear at 0-3 years of age phase there are many symptoms of autism. even if there is eye contact, if the child shows other symptoms of autism, you should immediately consult a neurologist or a child's psychiatric expert to ensure the child's autism diagnosis. Diagnosis can be trusted if the doctor did a test with a DSM IV or ICD-10.
Indicators of autistic behavior in children Language and Communication
- Flat facial expression
- Not using language or gestures
- Rarely initiates communication
- Not mimic the action and sound
- Speak little or no
- Repeating or parroting of words, sentences, or singing
- Saying vocal intonation or rhythm peculiar
- Looks do not understand the meaning of the word. If you understand and use words in a limited
- No social smile
- Not communicate with the eyes
- Limited eye contact
- Looks fun when left alone
- Do not turn the game
- Using an adult's hand as a tool to do something
- Angry and do not require changes
- Development of a rigid routine
- Shown an interest in something that is very flexible and do not panic response to stimulation of certain sounds
- Very sensitive to noise
- Playing with light and reflections
- Plays fingers in front of the eye
- Pull away when touched
- Really do not like the clothes, food, or certain things
- Interested in patterns, textures, or odors
- Very inactive or hyperactive
- Maybe something like twirling, playing around in circles, head banging, or biting the wrist
- Jumping or hand flapping-ngepakan
- Hold or odd respond to pain
- Learn skills outside the normal sequence. For example: read but not understand the meaning
- Drawing in detail but could not buttoning clothes
- Smart play but very difficult puzzle to follow orders
- Running at normal age, but can not communicate
- Current parrot to talk, but it's hard to start talking of the self (communication initiatives)
- A time to do something, but other times not
In the body of a group of children with autism in the U.S. that were previously immunized repeatedly determined over the mercury content of normal levels. How bisamasuk mercury into the body of a child? ternyat, some vaccines containing thimerosal preservative. Nearly 50 percent of these compounds consists of etilmerkuri.
Other facts about the relevance of the vaccine and expressed autismen Andrew Wakefield in 1998. British doctor describes the combined MMR vaccine (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) to prevent measles, mumps and rubella (German measles) vaccine even if it does not contain mercury.
Rudy describes MMR contains three viurs, given to children in the hope of having children can direct three natibodi. At certain children, the arrival of the three viruses at the same time causing an autoimmune reaction in which substances are supposed to protect even invade the body, exactly which attack the sheath of nerve fibers of the brain.
At present not a single state prohibits the use of these vaccines, given its presence is needed to prevent outbreaks of dangerous diseases in the wider community. Developed countries like the United States was a new phase of ordered vaccine manufacturers for the manufacture of air-emnghentikan thoimerosal and immediately produce mercury-free vaccines. Bermerkuri vaccine stocks are still in use. When a new vaccine production has been sufficient for his country, then the vaccine "problematic" withdrawn from circulation.
Rudy therefore suggest the vaccination should be the parents prefer the child's individual condition. When in the neighborhood there are a large family with autism, genetic disorders such as down syndrown, or autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatic heart disease, children are at risk of autism. Fixed give immunizations to protect children from infectious diseases, but do a more thorough way. Ask your doctor to vaccinate measles, mumps, and rubella with the schedule is about 3 months apart from each other.
Autism symptoms Missing After Using Bee Product

Testimony Rayhan G. Rifqie (Aldo), 5.5 years, Yogyakarta

At age 1.5 years, Aldo Bera test (Brain Evoked Response Audiretry) is a test to detect whether the hearing children function well in the laboratory RSU. Dr. Sardjito, and declared there was no interference. While the EEC test results indicate a neurological brain disorder. Then do a psychological test development of the child and the tendency of the results known to lead to autism. Then, from the results of the test virus, also known that there are +126 Rubella virus on the nerves in his body. In addition, Aldo also been immunized against MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) to prevent measles, mumps and German measles.
After that, for 1 week, Aldo subjected to high heat, and the characteristics of autisnya more apparent, such as banging the hand for no apparent reason, the path on tiptoe, like yelling, eating, hard bowel movement, emotions run high. At the age of 2 years, Aldo started school in kindergarten autistic Dian Amanah, and began using X products, such as Honeybee PollenS and Clover Honey.
After taking it for 3 days, the concentration increased learning and improved appetite. And for about 6 months to consume, many developments are getting better, as the concentration of learning and improved appetite, Chapter smoothly, hiperaktifnya level is reduced, no longer susceptible to the disease strep throat and flu, as before. Six months later, I added Aldo Propolis for consumption. Virus in her body began to disappear, the more clear and effective speech, although still replicate (Echolalia), autismenya traits are increasingly disappearing.
Naturally Without Prescription Side Effects for Autism
As you can see in the above testimony, autism can be treated with bee therapy products, such as bee pollen, propolis, and honey pure (Clover Honey). Not all honey products can have a therapeutic effect such as this because it depends on factors bee sources used, the manufacturing process, and so forth.
All products are 100% bee was natural, not bitter, and very simple use. No need to peel, chopped, grated, squeezed, boiled, and others. These products are manufactured in tablet and liquid form ready for use.
If you are interested in getting a natural recipe as above Aldo testimony to overcome autism, please click here.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Autism Autism spectrum disorder (ASD

Autism is one of a group of serious developmental problems called autism spectrum disorder (ASD) occurring in early childhood, usually before the public three years. Symptoms and severity vary, all autism affects children's ability to communicate and interact with others.
There is no cure for this condition of autism, early and intensive care can make a big change in the lives of many children with this disorder.
Children with autism generally have problems in three crucial areas of development, social interaction, language and customs. But because the symptoms of autism vary widely, two children with the same diagnosis can have different habits and abilities. In many cases, severe autism characterized by a total inability to communicate or interact with others.
Some children show symptoms of autism in early infancy. Another child to grow normally in the first few months or years and then suddenly regress, become aggressive or lose language skills they already have. Although children with autism have each pattern is unique, there are some common symptoms of autism, among others:
Social skills:
- Failed to mention his name
- Little eye contact
- Often do not listen to people who spoke to him
- Do not want to be hugged or held
- Appeared to be unconscious feelings of others
- Like to play alone-submerged in the "world" of his
- Began to speak after the age of 2 years, and has a 30-month delay in the ability
- Have lost the ability to access prior to said
- Do not make eye contact when asking for something
- Speaking with a tone or rhythm that might not normally use such as singing or sound like a robot
- Unable to initiate or sustain conversation conversation
- May repeat words or speech, but do not understand how to use
- Show repetitive movements, such as swinging, spinning or clapping
- Indicate certain rituals or routines
- Moves constantly
- Awe of the part of certain objects, such as a spinning toy car wheels
As adults, some children with autism become more familiar with one another and show little interference with the habit. Some of them usually has to live normal or near normal by the end of a severe problem as before. Some others have difficulties in language skills or socialize, and adulthood can mean a worsening of this problem.
Many children with autism are slow to improve capabilities, or new experiences, and some have signs of low intelligence. Other children with autism have normal to high intelligence. These children learn quickly when they have trouble communicating, applying what they know in everyday life and adjusting to social situations. A small number among children with autism are "autistic scholar" and has a remarkable ability in certain specific things, like art, math or music.
Causes & Risk Factors
Autism is a complex issue. Two children with autism is not the same. In many cases the cause of this condition include:
- Genetic problems. Some genes showed association with autism. Some may make children more susceptible to interference; affect brain development or the way brain cells communicate.
- Environmental factors. Many health problems occur due to genetic and environmental factors. For example, researchers found that viral infections and air pollution plays a role against autism.
Autism affects children of all races and nations, but certain factors increase the risk. Among others:
- Boys are three or four times more likely to develop autism than girls.
- Families who have one child with autism are at increased risk of having another child with this disorder.
- Children with certain medical conditions have a higher risk of developing autism. These conditions include fragile X syndrome, hereditary factors that cause the problem of intelligence, tuberous sclerosis, a condition in which benign tumors occur in the brain, neurological disorder Tourette syndrome and epilepsy which causes seizures.
- Having children at an older age increases the risk of having a child with autism.
There is no way to prevent autism. Autism can be treated and can improve children's language skills and bersosialiasi with such care. If your child is diagnosed with autism, tell your doctor about the treatment strategies for making your child. Keep in mind that you may need to try several different treatments before finding the best combination for your child.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Antibodies Cause Autism Mom

Autism itself is a disorder with a major problem in the brain and is characterized by impaired social interaction, impaired communication and repetitive behaviors, and 90% of patients with no known cause. Genetic, metabolic, and environmental factors related to the cause of autism is estimated. This study starts from the acquisition of an unusual antibody levels in children with autism and from postmortem brain tissue (dead) which gives immunity disorders (immune system) in the area of the brain. Antibodies are proteins in the body respond to viruses and bacteria or sometimes in a few cases of autoimmune disorders, antibodies may attack the body's own cells.
The majority of children with autism do not have an autoimmune disease, so the question that needs to be answered is whether the antibodies are found here are provided by the mother's antibodies while in the womb which can interfere with fetal brain directly.
To test their hypothesis (John Hopkins), the research team used a technique called immunoblotting (Western blot technology) in which antibodies derived from blood samples exposed to adult and fetal brain tissue to confirm whether the antibodies recognize and react to specific brain proteins.
Compare antibody interactions and the brain on a sample of 100 mothers with autistic children and 100 mothers with children without autism. Researchers found a greater reactivity of about 40% of mothers with children with autism. Furthermore, the presence of maternal antibodies was associated with a reduction in the development of a child who is one of the signs of autism.
Although research has linked autism with antibodies to the fetal brain, but further studies are needed to confirm whether these antibodies can cross the placenta and cause fetal brain damage.
The fact that pregnant women with antibodies may cause fetal brain damage, does not mean that she will always have a child with autism. Autism itself is a complex condition caused by the interaction between genetic factors, immunity, and environmental factors.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Trendy hairstyle from beautiful women
This short hairstyle can give you a chic, elegant and sexy new look.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Cute Trendy Short Hairstyles for Women
Short hairstyles are nice and flexible as it works with practically any texture or type of hair from thick to fine, wavy to curly and straight, or even a combination.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
HOT Trendy Short haircuts
Short hairstyles are preferred in summer and they are for independent and confident women. Very short haircuts also need minimal maintenance. Before opting for any of the very short hairstyles, it is important that you consult your hairstylist to assess its suitability to your face shape and skin tone.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Self-hatred Seeing the BDD Disease Victims

Nurul Ulfah - detikHealth
Hannah Camille (photo: dailymail)
Jakarta, When he saw himself in the mirror, Hannah Camille was very ugly, fat, useless, and even hated himself. 26 year-old girl was the victim of disease Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). The disease got him making a suicide attempt at least eight times he was so hated in his own body.
Hannah has always felt he got a view of the contempt of her male friends. "Every time I see myself in the mirror, I feel fat. I saw that was protruding belly, wide hips and big legs. I be able to view any part of my body is skinny, but I removed it from my mind," said Hannah as quoted from Dailymail, Monday (16/11/2009).
"I can not stand the thought ugly people as if disgusted me. I just focus on that alone which ultimately makes me depressed and attempted suicide. It was useless to my life. I am so not afraid to die," said Hannah.
Hannah began experiencing symptoms of BDD when the onset of puberty, that is when he was 9 years old. At age 12, she was anorexic, and at the age of 16 he became very depressed to the point did not want to go to school. Experiments were performed Hannah suicide at age 15 years using a pain relief medication overdose.
Although already attempted suicide several times, but he always managed to be saved. He was saved by his friends and two times rescued by Heather Samuels, 69-year-old woman who turns out to be a therapist. He also suggested that Hannah photo therapy.
And it turns out the photo therapy managed to cure the disease slowly Hannah. "By looking at the pictures, I think of me as part of an art, not as myself. Therapy that really helped me accept myself what it is without thinking about the shape of the body. Photos made me feel like a man in full , "said Hannah.
"Maybe it's BDD disease will never end, but by saying that I was fine all of them can be overcome. If you are looking in the mirror and say 'I look okay', then I can go out and do everything normally. I can go shopping or a picnic, I feel much better than before, "said Hannah.
Now, Hannah tried to encourage others to do the therapy BDD sufferers photos and to see his body as an object that should be accepted and appreciated. "Life seems more beautiful when we can accept ourselves as we are," he added.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Eliminate Gall Stones by Scientific
This method has worked for many people. If your event as well, please tell others. Dr. Chiu-Nan is not charging for this, so we should make it free. Reward is when someone, because the information you provide will be healthy.
Gallstones may not be everyone's concern, but really all you need to know because we all have them. Moreover, gallstones may lead to cancer. "Cancer is never the first illness, generally there are other diseases that preceded it" said Dr. Chiu-Nan.
In a study in China, I find reading that people with cancer usually have stones. In the gall bladder contains almost all of our gall stones. They differ only in size and numbers only. Symptoms of gallstones is a feeling in the stomach ('nauseated / edema) after meals. It was not digest food. In severe conditions, you feel pain in the kidneys.
If you think you have gallstones, try the manner advocated by Dr. Chiu Nan to remove them naturally. This treatment can also be used when there are complaints of heart disorders, because the liver and gall bladder related.
Procedures for treatment are as follows:
How nice if we ever gallbladder cleanse us:
Gallstones may not be everyone's concern, but really all you need to know because we all have them. Moreover, gallstones may lead to cancer. "Cancer is never the first illness, generally there are other diseases that preceded it" said Dr. Chiu-Nan.
In a study in China, I find reading that people with cancer usually have stones. In the gall bladder contains almost all of our gall stones. They differ only in size and numbers only. Symptoms of gallstones is a feeling in the stomach ('nauseated / edema) after meals. It was not digest food. In severe conditions, you feel pain in the kidneys.
If you think you have gallstones, try the manner advocated by Dr. Chiu Nan to remove them naturally. This treatment can also be used when there are complaints of heart disorders, because the liver and gall bladder related.
Procedures for treatment are as follows:
- For five consecutive days drink four (4) cup of fresh apple juice every day, or eat four or five apples, whichever you prefer. Nutritious apples soften gallstones. During this time you may eat as usual.
- On day six should not eat dinner. At 6 pm, take a teaspoon of 'Epsom salts' (magnesium sulfate, salt UK) with a glass of warm water. At 8 pm, doing the same thing. Magnesium sulfatberkhasiat open vessels of the gallbladder. 10 pm Mix a half cup of olive oil (or sesame oil) with half cup of lemon / lime juice fresh. Stir well and drink. The oil lubricates the stones to carry out 'gall stones'.
How nice if we ever gallbladder cleanse us:
- Apples are actually the same kind, I am just a sweet seneng ... Yesterday I ate apples are often discounted if the PRC in the supermarket discount prices per 100 grams 800-1000 (is usually 1600).
- Drinking / eating apples for 1 day 4 (rata2) five will do.
- Previously I was the original apple juice drink. Just takes time to make it .. Finally, for 5 days ... I ate an apple from the refrigerator Seger, I discard the skin. Because apples are now many are given the same layer of wax and pesticide-contaminated ... so I throw the peel, then cut into small .. and I put into the fridge ... so when we want to eat, apple still Seger and cold.
- British Salt buy at pharmacies price Rp2.500 (Place of the drug)
- Olive oil to the supermarket when we named Olive Oil, the price of one bottle of 25-30 thousand. In the pharmacy there, I bought it there because it's close to home ..... To Oranges do not vomit when drinking Olive Oil,
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
2012 Trendy prom hairstyles
Prom hairstyles are just one out of multitudes of
concerns on such a festive night for many students. Prom is usually the
earliest formal party we attend as teenagers. If you are the type of
person that is always doing things for your friends, and seldom doing
anything special for you, now is the time to choose a prom hairstyle, creating a little excitement for the top of your head.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Cold Sore

Cold sores are fluid-filled sores caused by herpes simplex virus infection type 1. Different from cold sores to cancer. A person's body condition sometimes associated with the disease is cold sores. When you think the disease is not curable, you can take steps to reduce the frequency of appearance and to limit the duration of this happening.
The symptoms of cold sores include:
- The emergence of small bumps, sore, and filled with fluid, making the skin red, especially around the mouth.
- Pain or tingling, called prodome, often preceded by skin blisters between one to two days.
- Usually occurs between 10-14 days.
Causes & Risk Factors
Herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores particular. Herpes simplex virus type 1 that causes cold sores. Herpes simplex virus type 2 usually causes genital herpes.
The first phase of what happens is you get herpes from someone who has a wound that has not healed. Sharing eating utensils, towels or razors, kissing and such can spread the herpes simplex virus type 1. Then contact the mouth - can cause genital herpes simplex virus infection type 1 on the genitals.
Once you hit the first stages of herpes infection before, the virus will be asleep for a while in the nerve cells of your skin and may emerge again as the infection at or near the affected body part in the first stage of infection. You will feel itchy or high sensitivity in the affected part of the previous infection. Fever, menstruation, stress, fatigue and exposure to direct sunlight can trigger a recurrence of this disease.
Cold sores and canker sores
Quite different from cold sores with canker in the afternoon, the conditions in which some people associate with cold sores disease. Cold sores caused by herpes simplex virus active again, and contagious. Canker afternoon is not contagious, canker sores afternoon is occurring in the soft tissues in the mouth, places where cold sores do not typically happen.
You can take steps to shield themselves from the cold evening. To prevent the disease spreading to other body parts or to avoid infectious to others, such as:
- Avoid kissing and skin contact with others when seen any blisters. The virus can spread easily along the existing discharge from blisters.
- Avoid borrowing equipment. Supplies, towels, lipbalm and other equipment can spread the virus when blisters are formed.
- Keep your hands to keep them clean. Wash your hands properly before touching other people if you get cold sores.
- Be careful when touching other parts of your body. Area around the eyes and genitals can be a special area vulnerable to the spread of the virus.
- Use a sunblock. Use a sunblock on the lips and face before exposure to the sun for a long time to help prevent cold sores.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Bronchitis Treatment with Propolis
Bronchitis is an inflammation caused by a bacillus or virus and a variety of pollutants such as chemicals from cigarettes or cigarette smoke and other pollution elements. This inflammation occurs in the stem and resulting discharge throat. The existence of this mucus making the body react to cough which is a mechanism to clear mucus. This situation is a result of meradangnya airway that connects the throat to the lungs (bronchi).
If the inflammation goes on and on for 2 years which is characterized by coughing accompanied by excessive phlegm is called chronic bronchitis. Other symptoms are usually in the patient feeling is: the emergence of pain and heat in the chest, difficulty breathing, body temperature rises due to inflammation, and sometimes accompanied by symptoms of asthma symptoms like coughing.
Whereas in chronic bronchitis are commonly found elements of the allergic patient and the presence of transcription factors that influence it. Chronic bronchitis include chronic pulmonary obstruction disease that is growing increasingly severe symptoms. Smoking habit is a factor supporting the emergence of chronic bronchitis.
Bronchitis Treatment with Propolis
It has long been traditionally we know the tooth count and contains a lot of propolis beeswax is used to treat bronchitis.
In 1975 Russian doctors have reported results of 76 children Pheuminia disease. This study to examine the effectiveness of the use of antibiotics commonly used than natural antibiotic from Propolis . the results of this study indicate that the use of natural antibiotic Propolis showed very satisfactory results in comparison with chemical antibiotics in overcoming pheumonia disease in children.
In 1980 Dr. Schelle of the Silesian Medical School in care of 260 steel mill workers suffering from bronchitis. Patients treated within 24 days of treatment with extract of propolis liquid. The result is the use of propolis is very effective for treating bronchitis.
In 1989, Russian researchers treat 104 patients suffering from chronic bronchitis conventional methods used for 56 patients while 48 patients were given inhaled medicines propolis and honey. Patients receiving propolis and honey can be out of the hospital 3-4 days sooner than patients treated conventionally. Rate for patients with back pain who were treated conventionally 2x higher than those treated using honey and propolis.
Combine the honey and propolis to cure bronchitis proved quite effective. Honey also has anti-bacterial agents that support the work of propolis and honey and propolis perpadunan will taste better.
If the inflammation goes on and on for 2 years which is characterized by coughing accompanied by excessive phlegm is called chronic bronchitis. Other symptoms are usually in the patient feeling is: the emergence of pain and heat in the chest, difficulty breathing, body temperature rises due to inflammation, and sometimes accompanied by symptoms of asthma symptoms like coughing.
Whereas in chronic bronchitis are commonly found elements of the allergic patient and the presence of transcription factors that influence it. Chronic bronchitis include chronic pulmonary obstruction disease that is growing increasingly severe symptoms. Smoking habit is a factor supporting the emergence of chronic bronchitis.
Bronchitis Treatment with Propolis
It has long been traditionally we know the tooth count and contains a lot of propolis beeswax is used to treat bronchitis.
In 1975 Russian doctors have reported results of 76 children Pheuminia disease. This study to examine the effectiveness of the use of antibiotics commonly used than natural antibiotic from Propolis . the results of this study indicate that the use of natural antibiotic Propolis showed very satisfactory results in comparison with chemical antibiotics in overcoming pheumonia disease in children.
In 1980 Dr. Schelle of the Silesian Medical School in care of 260 steel mill workers suffering from bronchitis. Patients treated within 24 days of treatment with extract of propolis liquid. The result is the use of propolis is very effective for treating bronchitis.
In 1989, Russian researchers treat 104 patients suffering from chronic bronchitis conventional methods used for 56 patients while 48 patients were given inhaled medicines propolis and honey. Patients receiving propolis and honey can be out of the hospital 3-4 days sooner than patients treated conventionally. Rate for patients with back pain who were treated conventionally 2x higher than those treated using honey and propolis.
Combine the honey and propolis to cure bronchitis proved quite effective. Honey also has anti-bacterial agents that support the work of propolis and honey and propolis perpadunan will taste better.
Trendy Rihanna's hairstyles
Trendy Rihanna’s hairstyles

Rihanna always mixes up her hairstyles with highlights, bangs, and different layers for a fresh new look. Her new pixie hairstyle is quickly growing popular setting even more hair trends along the way.
Rihanna always mixes up her hairstyles with highlights, bangs, and different layers for a fresh new look. Her new pixie hairstyle is quickly growing popular setting even more hair trends along the way.
Monday, August 22, 2011
2012 trendy short haircut for women
An all time favorite is the short pixie hairstyle - which is a great idea for the ultra busy corporate woman who wants a look that’s convenient. Try out the short blunt bob if you have fine hair, as that adds volume to your hair and also manages to create a professional look.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Hair tips for women
With the arrival of spring, winter and autumn was the dominance of natural shades, you must give hair shine and lifeless.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Dandruff / Dandruff

Dandruff is a chronic condition where there is a loss on the scalp, which is characterized by itching and flaking of the scalp. Although dandruff is not contagious and is rarely serious but it can be embarrassing and sometimes difficult to treat.
The good news, dandruff can usually be controlled. In mild cases only require nothing more than washing your hair every day with a gentle cleanser. In the more difficult cases often require medical shampoo. ......
In many adolescents and adults, symptoms of dandruff is easily seen that the white powder, flakes of dead skin on the oily head as dots on the hair and shoulders and itchy.
Type of dandruff called cradle cap in infants can be exposed. This disease, which causes the loss of the scalp, is most common in newborns, but can occur at any time up to the childhood. Although a warning for parents, cradle cap is harmless and usually disappear over time.
Causes & Risk Factors
Dandruff can have several causes, namely:
- Dry skin. Are many causes of dry skin and itching of the scalp hair loss. Flakes of dry skin are generally smaller and less oily than other cases of dandruff.
- Irritation, oily skin (seborrheic dermatitis). Condition often causes dandruff. Characterized by redness, oily skin is covered with flakes of white or yellow scales. Seborrheic dermatitis, result in not only the scalp but also other areas that have lots of oil glands, such as the eyebrows, the nose and behind the ears, chest and sometimes in the armpit.
- Often do not use shampoo. If you do not clean your hair regularly, oil and skin cells on the scalp can be formed, which causes dandruff.
- Psoriasis. This skin disease causes the accumulation of dead skin cells that form the silver scales. Psoriasis usually occurs in the knees, elbows, and other body parts, but may also occur on the scalp.
- Eczema. If you have eczema on the scalp, chances are you will be exposed to dander.
- Sensitivity to hair care products. Sometimes sensitivity to certain hair care products or hair dye can cause redness, itching, and loss of scalp. Wash your hair with shampoo too often or using too many products for hair can also cause irritation of the scalp, causing dandruff.
- Yeast-like fungus (Malassezia). Malassezia lives on the scalp in many adults without causing problems. But sometimes these mushrooms grow out of control and take oil out of the pores of the head. It can irritate the scalp and cause a lot of skin cells grow. Excess skin cells will cause some cells to die and fall.
Risk factors
Nearly everyone has dandruff, but certain factors can make you more susceptible:
- Of age. Dandruff usually begins at a young age. But somehow that does not mean people with advanced age did not have dandruff. For some of these problems can continue for a long time.
- Men. As more men have dandruff, some scientists think the male hormone has a role in the cause of dandruff. Men also have more hair and skin oil production contributing cause dandruff.
- Hair and scalp are oily. Malassezia consuming oil on the scalp. For that reason, have the oil on the skin and hair makes you more vulnerable to excessive dandruff.
- Diet. If you are deficient diet foods that contain iron, vitamin B or certain types of fat, you are much easier to dandruff.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Low Blood Pressure alert
Weakness, tiredness, and fainting easily could be a sign you are likely suffering from low blood pressure (hypotension). However, in general, low blood pressure causes no symptoms. Quite a few people who do not feel any complaints..............
Even if it is felt, the symptoms most similar to the symptoms of anemia (anemia). No wonder so many who thought that low blood pressure with less blood. Though they are different. Blood pressure was determined by measuring the strength of the pulse, while less known to the examination daraah hemoglobin (Hb) blood in the laboratory.
A person of low blood pressure if diastolic blood pressure numbers less than 80 mmHg. Low blood pressure, according to Dr. Agus Taolin, Sp.PD of Bogor Hospital can occur in people who eat less, lying too long, the autonomic nervous breakdown (such as diabetics), or hormonal disorders.
In principle, low blood pressure do not require treatment. When you feel symptoms, immediately lie down. Contrary to people with hypertension, blood pressure rendaaah it is recommended to add salt intake, including salty foods salty. Total recommended daily salt intake estimated to be equivalent to 10-20 grams (1-2 tablespoons flat).
Maybe jutru a kemujuraan that you have low blood pressure. In the conclusion of the study say that the owners of low blood pressure have a higher life expectancy than people with normal blood pressure. Different from high blood pressure, low blood pressure can be said to not need treatment. Doctors will only prescribe blood pressure-enhancing drugs if the symptoms of low blood pressure is very disturbing your daily activities.
Although relatively harmless, in Binaco Robert, MD, of Washington Adventist Hospital in Massachusetts, USA, reminds seyogjanya low blood pressure alert. With increasing age, low blood pressure tend to be temporary, called orthostatic hypotension. For example, when out of bed suddenly going to faint, suddenly felt weak, the room seemed to spin, or a view into the dark. If you experience this, especially if frequent, see a doctor immediately.
Sources: Nirmala Magazine
Even if it is felt, the symptoms most similar to the symptoms of anemia (anemia). No wonder so many who thought that low blood pressure with less blood. Though they are different. Blood pressure was determined by measuring the strength of the pulse, while less known to the examination daraah hemoglobin (Hb) blood in the laboratory.
A person of low blood pressure if diastolic blood pressure numbers less than 80 mmHg. Low blood pressure, according to Dr. Agus Taolin, Sp.PD of Bogor Hospital can occur in people who eat less, lying too long, the autonomic nervous breakdown (such as diabetics), or hormonal disorders.
In principle, low blood pressure do not require treatment. When you feel symptoms, immediately lie down. Contrary to people with hypertension, blood pressure rendaaah it is recommended to add salt intake, including salty foods salty. Total recommended daily salt intake estimated to be equivalent to 10-20 grams (1-2 tablespoons flat).
Maybe jutru a kemujuraan that you have low blood pressure. In the conclusion of the study say that the owners of low blood pressure have a higher life expectancy than people with normal blood pressure. Different from high blood pressure, low blood pressure can be said to not need treatment. Doctors will only prescribe blood pressure-enhancing drugs if the symptoms of low blood pressure is very disturbing your daily activities.
Although relatively harmless, in Binaco Robert, MD, of Washington Adventist Hospital in Massachusetts, USA, reminds seyogjanya low blood pressure alert. With increasing age, low blood pressure tend to be temporary, called orthostatic hypotension. For example, when out of bed suddenly going to faint, suddenly felt weak, the room seemed to spin, or a view into the dark. If you experience this, especially if frequent, see a doctor immediately.
Sources: Nirmala Magazine
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Beware of Thick Blood at Young Age
For those of you who experience frequent migraines, never considered a trivial complaint. It may be that the headaches that you feel is an early symptom of the syndrome gore.
Clot syndrome is a set of symptoms that arise due to excessive blood viscosity. As a result of the blood is too thick, the flow of blood throughout the body to be not smooth. Supply of oxygen to body cells was inhibited. Migraine is one of the symptoms because the supply of oxygen to the brain hiccup.
"In the world of medicine, gore is not new, but not many people know or alert with gore. In fact, many victims of stroke or heart attack caused by a clot, "said Dr. Aru W Sudoyo, hematology-oncology specialist (consultant) Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.
The blood becomes thick due to the lack of fluid or blood platelets (substances that play a role in blood clotting) so easily attached to one another. When a person has high cholesterol or smoking habits, blood was flowing thick increasingly difficult.
Cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels to constrict the blood vessel cross section. The cigarette smoke will damage the lining of the inner walls of blood vessels (endothelial).
This also activate endothelial blood-clotting system. If the endothelium is damaged, platelets will be easily attached to one another. Constraints in the blood vessels is known as thrombosis.
Thrombosis can occur in all blood vessels. Therefore, the impact depends on the blood vessels is inhibited. If thrombosis occurs in the vessels of the brain, a stroke will occur. Meanwhile, in the coronary arteries causing a heart attack.
Young women
Now more and more young people, ie those aged 18-45 years, suffering from blood viscosity. It was known as the patient perform a series of blood tests. "Unhealthy lifestyles and high stress triggers blood coagulation," said Dr. Aru.
Sheryl (35) is one of the people who have thick blood. Prior to exposure to a mild stroke a year ago, Sheryl admitted frequent migraines. When migraine recurrence, sometimes he felt his eyes spinning so sick. "To get rid of migraines, I often take the medicine a headache," he said.
When I wake up, Sheryl whole body felt sore. Later also began to frequent ringing in his ears. "I am somewhat late because of a new check to the doctor after a stroke," Sheryl said that since a year ago diligently take blood-thinning medication.
On a small number of patients with gore, the cause is genetic (inherited). Therefore, they are at risk of thrombosis at a young age. Those who have a genetic gore must take anticoagulant medication (antipenggumpalan) lifetime. "Thankfully, these abnormalities are found only in a minority of the human population," said Dr. Aru.
Unfortunately, in Indonesia there are no data on the number of patients who experienced an early age gore. Aru said, almost every day there are always new patients are diagnosed in the gore and Medistra RSCM hematology clinic, where he practiced.
Patients usually present with complaints of headache, migraine, view spinning (vertigo), ringing in the ears (sometimes sudden deafness), and impaired vision. According to Aru, it's all a symptom of vascular disorders that cause is one of the gore.
Gore is not the case only occurs in men but also women. The entry of women into the workplace allegedly related to the growing number of women affected by clot syndrome.
"Women's work load so that they are more vulnerable to stress," said Aru. In Indonesia an estimated total population of productive age between 18 and 45 as many as 97.60 million people. Of that number as much as 50.54 percent are women.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Bob Hairstyles & Haircuts
The bob hairstyle
is definitely a trendy which will never go out of hair fashion. With
its simple manageability, chic look, and versatility, the bob
hairstyle’s attraction will always be strong for many women worldwide.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Office employees more taxable Risk Blood Clots
Employees of the Office of Risk Got More Blood Clots
Research carried out Professor Richard Beasley of the Medical Research Institute in Wellington found that a third of hospital patients who had deep vein thrombosis (DVT) were office workers who spent time at the computer.
A total of 34 percent of the 62 samples that had a blood clot is a person who for a long time to work by sitting in a chair, while 21 percent of patients had recently traveled long distances by plane, newspaper published by the New Zealand Herald.
DVT is the formation of blood clots in the veins, most commonly in the legs.
Clots can travel to the heart, lungs or brain, causing chest pain, shortness of breath or even death from heart attack or stroke.
The condition is commonly called economy class syndrome because of passenger aircraft to travel long distances, but not free to relax their limbs are most at risk.
The study found that clots occurred in 10 percent of passengers who have a high risk.
Beasley said some office workers who experience lumps, sitting for 14 hours a day.
Some of them even every three to four hours of not getting out of chairs, he said.
The problem is most prevalent in the information technology industry as well as a telephone service center, he said.
Sources: Gatra
Research carried out Professor Richard Beasley of the Medical Research Institute in Wellington found that a third of hospital patients who had deep vein thrombosis (DVT) were office workers who spent time at the computer.
A total of 34 percent of the 62 samples that had a blood clot is a person who for a long time to work by sitting in a chair, while 21 percent of patients had recently traveled long distances by plane, newspaper published by the New Zealand Herald.
DVT is the formation of blood clots in the veins, most commonly in the legs.
Clots can travel to the heart, lungs or brain, causing chest pain, shortness of breath or even death from heart attack or stroke.
The condition is commonly called economy class syndrome because of passenger aircraft to travel long distances, but not free to relax their limbs are most at risk.
The study found that clots occurred in 10 percent of passengers who have a high risk.
Beasley said some office workers who experience lumps, sitting for 14 hours a day.
Some of them even every three to four hours of not getting out of chairs, he said.
The problem is most prevalent in the information technology industry as well as a telephone service center, he said.
Sources: Gatra
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Who needs to know about Hypertension
Hypertension or high blood pressure is a common disease in our society. This situation occurs when the blood pressure on major arteries in the body is too high. Hypertension is increasingly common in the elderly. ........
The body's normal blood pressure is 120/80 (systolic pressure of 120 mmHg and diastolic pressure of 80 mmHg). However, the blood pressure does not have a default value. It varies depending on physical activity and emotions.
Hypertension is a disorder that is difficult to know by our own bodies. The only way to know for hypertension is to measure your blood pressure regularly. Known to nine out of ten people suffering from hypertension can not be identified the cause of the disease. Hypertension can actually be derived from parent to child. If one parent affected by hypertension, the tendency of children to suffer from hypertension are greater than those who do not have parents suffering from hypertension.
Complaints that may arise due to hypertension, among others, the pain in the back of the head, nose bleeds, blurred vision, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, and so forth.
Based on the cause of hypertension can be classified as follows:
The body's normal blood pressure is 120/80 (systolic pressure of 120 mmHg and diastolic pressure of 80 mmHg). However, the blood pressure does not have a default value. It varies depending on physical activity and emotions.
Hypertension is a disorder that is difficult to know by our own bodies. The only way to know for hypertension is to measure your blood pressure regularly. Known to nine out of ten people suffering from hypertension can not be identified the cause of the disease. Hypertension can actually be derived from parent to child. If one parent affected by hypertension, the tendency of children to suffer from hypertension are greater than those who do not have parents suffering from hypertension.
Complaints that may arise due to hypertension, among others, the pain in the back of the head, nose bleeds, blurred vision, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, and so forth.
Based on the cause of hypertension can be classified as follows:
- Hipretensi primer, namely hypertension of unknown cause.
- Secondary hypertension, ie hypertension caused by disease, drugs, or pregnancy.
- Hypertension grade I, ie if the diastolic pressure of 95-109 mmHg.
- Hypertension degrees II, that is if the diastolic pressure 110-119 mmHg.
- Hypertension III degree, that is if the diastolic pressure over 120 mmHg.
- Hypertension is difficult to realize someone for hypertension do not have specific symptoms. Mild symptoms such as dizziness, anxiety, nosebleeds, and headaches are rarely directly related to hypertension. Hypertension can be detected by measuring blood pressure regularly.
- Hypertensive patients, if not handled properly, will have a great risk to die from cardiovascular complications such as stroke, heart attack, heart failure, and kidney failure.
- Without drug treatment, among others, with a diet low in salt, cholesterol, and saturated fat; easing emotional stress; quit smoking and alcohol as well as regular physical exercise.
- Treatment with antihypertensive drugs. There are many types of antihypertensive drugs currently available. For proper selection of antihypertensive drugs, you should immediately contact a doctor.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Anggelina Jolie Hairstyles
Angelina Jolie Long Wavy Cut

Angelina Jolie wore her glossy locks in smooth waves at the 3rd Annual Women in the World Summit.
Angelina Jolie Long Wavy Cut
Angelina Jolie wore her glossy locks in smooth waves at the 3rd Annual Women in the World Summit.
Angelina Jolie Long Wavy Cut
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Hair Style Tips For Short Hair
Short hairstyles are being seen more and more on women of all ages. Whether worn with bangs, layered for style or cut asymmetrically, a great short hairstyle can take years off of anyone. Whether you want to go more serious or more playful, there is a short haircut with your name on it.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Kate Middleton Hairstyles New
Kate Middleton Long Curls

Kate Middleton wore her long locks in soft, shiny curls while attending a concert in London.
Kate Middleton wore her long locks in soft, shiny curls while attending a concert in London.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Anemia Increases Risk of Death in the Parent
By: dr. Tri Rejeki Herdiana
The study, published by the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) in July 2009 states that the anemia that occurs in older people aged 85 years or more can increase the risk of death. ..........
This study is part of the Leiden 85-plus study involving 562 elderly people aged 85 years in the Netherlands and the study followed the subjects until they are 90 years old. Twenty-seven percent of respondents had anemia at the start of the study. At follow-up period, incidence of anemia increases to 24% of the respondents who did not have anemia at the start of the study.
Anemia in the elderly is associated with an increased risk of death associated with decreased mobility, cognitive impairment, depression, falls and fractures, hospitalization, and decreased quality of life. This greatly affects the health and costs in old age.
In the study, the risk of death is equal among male and female gender as well as in those with health facilities in the neighborhood. 'We found the incidence of anemia in participants older than 85 years greater than those aged 85 years.' said Ms. Wendy den Elzen of the Leiden University Medical Center.
Dr. Mark Clarfield of Ben-Gurion University and Dr. Ora Paltiel of Hadassah-Hebrew University of Israel said, 'For the cause of anemia is uncertain, we have not been able to decipher whether the underlying cause or causes of anemia experienced a death.'
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Leukemia in Children

Leukemia in Children: There is Always Hope
Handling is not always the same in every patient, but all of them for the sole purpose of recovering
Handling is not always the same in every patient, but all of them for the sole purpose of recovering
When your child is diagnosed leukemia (blood cancer), it should not be discouraged! Even if cancer is considered as a serious illness, do not forget that the child experienced cancer can be cured, especially if it is found at an early stage. What are the doctor to identify and solve it? ..........
What happened?
What happened?
Compared with other types of cancers, leukemia is a type of cancer most often found in children. As the nature of cancer in general, the cells grow wildly out of control, as well as those that occur in leukemia which is the uncontrolled proliferation of white blood cells (leukocytes) are not yet mature.
Bone marrow picture will usually show the number of white blood cells that evil (blast cells) are increased, while the number of other cells or slightly reduced due to the manufacturing process is depressed by the blast cells. If the state of the manufacturer have been so, how it is to be expected outside the plant, which can be seen from the results of peripheral blood. Levels of hemoglobin, leukocytes, and platelets are generally lower than normal values. As a result, children who suffer from leukemia will usually show symptoms that are a reflection of the lower third of the blood components. The cause of leukemia in children until now not known with certainty, but it possessed the genetic factors believed to contribute to the onset of this blood cancer.
Recognizing the symptoms
Recognizing the symptoms
There are a few of the following symptoms that need to be observed by parents that children who experience these symptoms can be brought to the doctor for further examination. Some symptoms include:
- Weak, pale, tiredness, and increased heart rate. This situation occurs because the number of red blood cells are reduced due to being pressured by white blood cells that evil.
- Frequent fevers and infections. This situation is caused by the reduced number of white blood cells that served both as the "army" to fight disease-causing organisms.
- Appears blue-blue in some parts of the body, red spots, nosebleeds, and bleeding gums. This situation occurs because the reduced number of platelets.
- Felt pains in the bones. This situation has caused the spread of blast cells into the bone.
- Enlarged liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. This situation has also occurred due to the spread of blast cells in the organs mentioned above.
The symptoms that arise between a child with leukemia to another is not always the same and not necessarily any of these symptoms occur all at once. Therefore, if your child's skin looks blue-blue here and there which are not due to hit something, or he complained of vague pain and limped his way, frequent nosebleeds and bleeding gums are also frequent, consult your child to the doctor . The doctor will conduct an examination of the child's body and suggest some checks that are expected to support the results of previous examinations.
Various examinations
Various examinations
As previously described above, that after the doctor doing the examination of the child's body and found the symptoms that point towards a diagnosis of leukemia, it is recommended that further examination is the examination of peripheral blood. Blood sampling locations are usually on hand. Allegations in the direction of leukemia will be stronger if the results of the examination showed hemoglobin, leukocytes, and platelets are generally low.
To be sure, then the doctor will recommend that the small bone marrow aspirate examination or BMP (Bone Marrow puncture) to look directly into the factory. This examination, in children over 2 years old, conducted in the area around the bony prominence that is located a few inches from the tail bone. That children do not feel any pain during the procedure, the doctor will begin by giving an injection of local anesthetic. Through this examination of the child can be determined whether he was suffering from leukemia or not. If it is ascertained that the child was suffering from leukemia, the next step of course is the treatment.
Overcome leukemia
Overcome leukemia
In cancer treatment, there are three modalities used, namely chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. In leukemia, which used the chemotherapeutic modalities that take less than 2 years. Beginning with the induction phase, a very intensive phase, in order to demolish or destroy the cells of existing blast. Striking at the success or failure can be determined through examination of a second bone marrow aspiration, performed at the end of the induction phase. Striking at otherwise successful when the number of blast cells is reduced to the extent otherwise specified normal. This situation is referred to as remission. Once remission is achieved, then go to the next phase, the phase of the central nervous system prophylaxis. This phase aims to pursue a blast cells that may escape into the brain. The chase can be done through the provision of chemotherapy drugs or radiation. After all the procedures in this phase is complete, then go to the next phase, namely the maintenance phase. Unlike the two previous phases, this phase the child is not required to stay in the hospital again. For drugs that are administered intravenously or through the space that lies between two lower vertebrae (intrathecal), the little guy just went into the hospital a day or shorter. Moreover, in addition to the drugs mentioned above, other drugs are drugs that have taken quite a gift. This phase lasted until the period of 2 years was achieved.
Chemotherapeutic drugs, if I may say, is a drug that "stupid". It means "stupid" is these drugs can not only attack the cancer cells alone, all good and active cells are also attacked. This can be seen from the results of peripheral blood examination conducted after the implementation of chemotherapy. For example, such as leukocytes that had normal levels after chemotherapy can be turned into low even to "the soldiers' bodies reached a number that does not allow for an attack when the enemy comes. This situation can lead to the chemotherapy was delayed until the leukocyte count reaches a safe level for chemotherapy can be resumed. When chemotherapy is still being done, there is most likely your child will experience severe infection given the level of infection in our country is still high. To anticipate, the doctor usually will do the monitoring through examination of peripheral blood. Therefore, parents are expected not to get confused and wondering why his blood drawn back and forth. Hair loss after administration of certain chemotherapy drugs are also a result of "stupidity" is a chemotherapy drug. Parents need not fear him to be bald bald after chemo because it is reversible, meaning that if the chemotherapy drug in question is stopped hair will grow back.
Chemotherapeutic drugs also have side effects on organs such as liver and kidney. If at any time an interruption in the function of these organs, the doctor will reduce the dose or even a delay of chemotherapy.
Looking at the process of chemotherapy in the above, parents are expected to prepare the child or herself to be familiar with the process and ways of implementation. In addition, chemotherapy can make the process run smoothly, it is necessary also to state the efforts of the family of the little ones can always be fit. Make it a habit to pay attention to cleanliness, whether it's cleanliness child's body, the food, the environment around it, and others. Ask for assistance to families who want to visit so as not to come in full cry at the same time, then came into the room where the child in care. Families of disobedience to the rules stated above will affect the delay of chemotherapy. Of chemotherapy should be conducted as scheduled today for example, could be delayed until who knows when to condition the child is fit enough to do chemo again. If you want to consume food or medicine out of chemotherapeutic drugs, consult your physician first. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor regarding your child suffering from leukemia. A good working relationship between parents and doctors are expected to produce the expected results, the child can be free of leukemia.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Blood viscosity in the body, why Happen

Well, actually the answer is "horrible" but as an honest question to be answered honestly, then that topic can be explained as follows:
Approximately 80% of the human body consists of water. In fact, there are some parts of our body which has a moisture content above 80%. Two of the most important organ with moisture content above 80% is the Brain and Blood. The brain has a component of water by 90%, while the blood has a component of 95% water.
Ration of normal humans to drink at least 2 liters a day or 8 glasses a day. Amount above should be added if you're a smoker. That much water is needed to replace the fluid that comes out of our body through urine, perspiration, respiration, and secretion.
What happens if we consume less than 2 liters a day ...?
Of course the body will balance itself. Do I ...? By the way "suck" water from the body's own components. Of the brain ...? Not until segitunya (wihh. .. imagine how it would dry the brain ...), but from the nearest source: Blood. !!
Blood is sucked up the water will be thick. As a result of this blood coagulation, the journey will be less smooth than the liquid. As it passes through the kidneys (where the filter toxins from the blood) will be working extra hard Kidneys filter the blood. And because the kidneys filter the smooth, thick blood often can lead to tearing of the renal glomerulus. As a result, the reddish color of your urine, a sign of kidney began leaking sieve. If allowed to continue, you may someday have to spend 400 000 dollars a week for dialysis
Eh, I had already talked about the brain, right ...? Well now flowing through the brain clot, travels somewhat hampered. The brain is no longer "dilute", and because brain cells are the most wasteful consumption of food and oxygen, Slow blood flow can cause brain cells to die quickly or not working properly .. (yes his name is not natural to eat .. .)
When this is coupled with heart disease (who also added his weight When blood thickens ...), then the stroke can come more quickly.
Now stay you choose: do the "investment" by drinking at least 8 glasses a day-or-"pay interest" by ill kidney or stroke. You who choose ...!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Propolis, Spine Fracture, Hypertension, Osteoporosis

Ambinari choose the path of healing with honey. Every day he consumes one-third tablespoon of honey 3 times a day. The results are remarkable. Six months later he checked into the doctor, his bones back together. Susiana also feel the benefits of honey. Women's blood pressure was very low 42-year 80/65 mmHg, normal levels of 110/90 mmHg. He could only lie down all day because of headaches. That low blood disease that attacked Susiana last 20 years.
Susiana expect healing to take prescription drugs. 'Today is taking medication, a new headache disappeared 3-4 days later,' said the woman who was born July 19, 1967 Madison's. In August 2008, Susiana use 1 tablespoon honey, propolis, 5 times a day with an interval of 3 hours. Three days later he went to the doctor. The results are truly amazing, Susiana normal blood pressure: 110/90 mmHg.
Complete composition
Why honey to help treat osteoporosis? Osteoporotic patients is usually low in calcium. According to Dr. Robert Hatibie, a nutritionist in Jakarta, calcium honey improve peristalsis in the intestines and stomach so that absorption of calcium goes well. Consumption of honey is also stabilize blood pressure. 'Honey contains thousands of nutrients that are easily absorbed by the body, "said Dr. Robert Hatibie. So honey be one of the fastest energy sources like VCO.
Proven benefits of honey and propolis from 2,000 years ago. Recent research supports this. Relatively low levels of glucose such as honey research K. Ratnayani of the Department of Chemistry, University of Udayana, Denpasar. Glucose levels were 27.13% cotton honey; longan honey, 28.09%. Compare this with the sugar glucose levels reached 80%. That is, honey is relatively safe for patients with diabetes mellitus. Recent research shows that honey is also antibacterial. Research carried out Thomas Henle of the Institute of Food Chemistry, Technical University Dresden, Germany.
The antibacterial properties of honey thanks methilglioksal compounds (MGO). 'The higher content of MGO in honey, the higher its activity against bacteria,' says Kerry Paul, president director of the New Zealand Manuka Honey, to Trubus. Preclinical testing manuka honey get rid of bacteria Escherichia coli that cause diarrhea and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria cause intoksitasi or poisoning and various infections such as acne, boils, and pneumonia.
Business confidence
A wide range of honey products, propolis is now on the market. 'There are about 200 brands of honey. Most of which rely on natural production, "said Bambang Sukartiko, chairman of the Indonesian Association of beekeeping.
Starting from a beehive in Australia has received in 1974, the bees began to be bred. Bees reared at 20 Bambang box measuring 40 cm x 45 cm x 25 cm which produces 20 kg of honey. Now, production reached 20 300 tonnes of honey a year from his box. 'The number is still less than the demand for honey Apiari that up to 100 tons of honey per year, "said Bambang.
As demand increases, falsification of honey is high. According to Bambang nearly 80% of the products currently available honey is not honey diluted alias.
'Honey we produce according to national standards, "said Budi Santoso, Queen Honey producers in Jakarta, West Java. The original honey usually has very low water content. It is easily detected by pouring it straight into the water. If the honey is easily spread mean high water content or is diluted.
Yudi Cahya Widianto, honey producer in Madison, East Java, honey, propolis develop products that are proven effective in attacking diseases such as anemia, fever, dengue, and cancer in the laboratory of the University of Gajah Mada. 'Honey business is business confidence. By testing in the lab, so more people believe honey is not only healthy but also cure the disease, "said Cahya.
Cahya not just rely on honey, but also include some of the byproducts like royal jelly bees, propolis, and bee pollen for treatment. Royal jelly or bee milk glands resulting thick white hipofaringeal nurse bees.
The main content of royal jelly 45% of protein, fat 13%, sugar 20%, various mineral salts, and various vitamins (B-complex and E). In addition it also contains royal jelly gonadotropin hormones, reproductive organs penstimulir queen and cooking eggs. 'Royal jelly nutritious and easier to get young children, "said Bambang.
While the bee pollen is made up of selected pollens collected by worker bees as food. 'Consumption of pollen increases energy in the body, "said Iin Dharmadi of Dynamic Harmony PT Indonesia, distributor of imported honey. While propolis comes from the sap of the plant are collected nurse bees and then mixed with wax and bee saliva.
Propolis is a bee nest entrance lining that serves sterilize every incoming bees. Propolis is rich in antioxidants. The number of antioxidant propolis reach 9674 or 403 times more than oranges and total phenol 135.68 or 320 times that of red apples.
According to Bambang third composition beekeeping products is different so that different functions. However, it is quite possibly all three together. The combination of royal jelly, honey, and propolis to cure for breast cancer. If honey is regularly consumed as food, could be a remedy. Just like the words of Aristotle: make food as your medicine.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Long curly hairstyle from Cheryl Cole
Long curly hairstyle from Cheryl Cole
Cheryl Cole with her sexy long curly hairstyle and Kimberly Walsh from Girls Aloud arrive at the Brit Awards 2009 Nominations Launch Party at the Roundhouse on January 20, 2009 in London, England.
2009 long curly hairstyle from Cheryl Cole
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