UNTIL now have not found an effective treatment to overcome the flu, so prevention is the most appropriate action. Active in the fight against flu will make your life healthier.
The most effective way to prevent flu is to use the right treatment. It might not natural but it works better than the other way. But there are other strategies that you can try.
Here's some advice from Charles B. Inlander, president of The People's Medical Society, which you can try:
A. Hand Washing
Most of the flu virus is spread memalui direct contact. someone who has the flu sneezes into his hand, then touches the telephone, keyboard, glass in the kitchen. Germs can survive for several hours, even in some cases last up to weekly, then the thing will be touched by others.
Therefore, frequently washing hands. If hand washing is not available, rub your hands vigorously for several minutes. This will help to destroy most germs cause flu. Or wash your hands with alcohol-based cleaning.
2. Do not cover your sneeze or cough with your hands
Because germs and viruses can attach to an unprotected hand, the cover sneezes or coughs with your hands will facilitate the spread of germs to others. If you want to sneeze or cough, use a tissue, then throw in the trash-covered. If no tissue, palingkan your head of people who are around you then batuklah into the air.
3. Do not touch the face
The flu virus enters the body through the eyes, nose, or mouth. Touching the face is the primary mode of transmission in children with flu, and is the main way of transmitting the flu to their parents. 4. Water Drink plenty of water will speed up the system in your body, cleanse all the toxins in the body. A healthy adult needs eight glasses of fluid per day. How do you determine whether you get enough fluids or not? If the color of your urine is almost clear, you are well hydrated. If the color yellow, you need more fluids.
5. Sauna
Researchers are not certain about the role of sauna in flu prevention measures, but a German study in 1989 found that those who do the sauna twice a week decreased the frequency of experiencing flu by half compared with those who do not do sauna. His theory: when do the sauna you inhale air hotter, the temperature is too hot for flu viruses that do not allow the virus to survive.
6. The fresh air
Fresh air is important, especially during the rainy season that requires you to stay longer in the room, which means there will be more and more germs are circulating in crowded, dry rooms.
7. Doing regular aerobic
Aerobic exercise speeds up the heart to pump blood in larger quantities, so that will make you breathe faster and help transfer oxygen from the lungs into the blood, making you sweat when the body heats up. This exercise helps increase the body's natural ability to kill virus cells. 8. Eat foods that contain phytochemicals "Phyto" means plants, and natural chemicals in plants is very good for health. So, keep the vitamin pill, and eat green vegetables, red and yellow and do not forget the fruit.
9. Consumption of yogurt
Some studies show that eating a cup of low fat yogurt a day can reduce susceptibility to colds by 25%. According to the researchers, the good bacteria in yogurt may stimulate production of immune system substances that protect against disease.
10. Avoid cigarette
Statistics show that heavy smokers often suffer from colds and flu suffered more severe. Even secondhand smoke can affect the immune system. Smoking dries out the airways and paralyzes cilia, tiny hairs that limiting mucus membranes in the nose and lungs. In addition, the movement of fine wavy hair will issue a flu virus from the respiratory tract. Experts believe, one cigarette can paralyze cilia for 30-40 minutes.
11. Reduce alcohol consumption
Excessive alcohol consumption will suppress the immune system in various ways. Heavy drinkers tend to be infected and develop complications. Alcohol because alcohol is drying fluid from the body.
12. Relax
You can make yourself relax and activate the immune system. Evidence suggests, when you relax, interleukin, a leader in the response of the immune system to fight the flu virus, an increase in blood flow.
Train yourself to describe a pleasant or relaxing images. Do it for 30 minutes per day for a miraculous month. Remember, relaxation skills can be learned. People who try to relax, but still feel tired, will not experience changes in blood chemicals