Friday, May 25, 2012

Propolis foils Amputation

Visit close relatives in mid-2006 have been fatal to Yatinah. With a blood sugar level 423 mg / l legs do not feel the hood of the heat transport. Arriving at the home of your foot blister.

Blister was then swollen with fluid. Due to the growing swell, 61-year-old woman was then taken to a hospital in Calcutta. Doctors rending and then suturing discharge. That cuts the initial pain. Diseases of sugar makes the wound never closes. In 3 months, the wound was wide and deep.

Although every day is washed with warm water and compressed, the wound was too small. In the fifth month, the wound begins to fester and gave off a bad odor. Peak in early 2007 penetrating injuries to the soles of the feet and into ganren. He was no longer able to stand, let alone walk. Mobility of women 9 children were dependent on a wheelchair.

Yatinah often commute to the clinic and the hospital to check his wound. Women whose lives rely on a small food stall in front of the house must spend Rp250.000-Rp500.000 each check. However, ganren continue spreading until blackened bruise surrounding skin. March 2007, black bruise was spreading near the ankle. "If it was up to the ankle should be amputated," said Yatinah quoting doctors. He was only able to let go while continuing to take medication from a doctor.


On April 2007, a neighbor came to visit and suggested taking propolis. Yatinah in doubt though. "Doctors at the clinics and hospitals by the famous plant-made drugs can not cure, let alone ordinary supplements," he said. During the three days he consumed capsules containing 500 mg of propolis in the morning, noon, and night. According Yatinah, low initial consumption is to allow the body to adapt.

After 3 days of consumption, Yatinah feel no rejection reaction of the body and the smell is reduced. That's when he felt a throbbing wound, a sign of taste nerve re-active. Consumption was increased to 3 capsules every drink with a fixed frequency. Two weeks of eating, pus stopped out. The odor was no longer smell. Sores on the palms begin to dry, while the wounds in his back legs to narrow. Bruising around the wound faded black.

At that time the consumption of propolis is still accompanied by chemical drugs. After the doctor finished drugs, Yatinah continue treatment only with propolis. A month after consumption, turn wound on the back foot to close the wound to dry together in the palm. Two months of eating, my grandmother's 17 grandchildren get out of the wheelchair. He returned to walk though a bit wobbly. Less than 3 months of consuming, terrible wound was gone.

Not just taking propolis orally, Yatinah also used for topical ointments. He applied ointment containing propolis and aloe vera on ganren at his feet. Previous wound was washed 2-3 times with intravenous fluids. Was chosen because of sterile infusion fluids. After rinsing with liquid honey, did topical ointment. Replace the liquid honey that although potent alcohol dries the wound but the pain was unbearable.

Inner and outer

According to Dr. Hafuan Lutfie, doctors who prescribe propolis since 2002, propolis can work inside and outside the body. If taken orally, propolis improve the function of the pancreas to produce insulin that lowers blood glucose levels. "But with a record of the pancreas is still functioning and has not been totally destroyed," he said. In addition to helping the healing, propolis also provides nutrients that the cells can regenerate. Functions that can not be replaced by medical drugs.

If used outside the body, such as a topical ointment, propolis ganren can heal and remove the pus and odor. Because the bee glue that is antibacterial. According Hafuan, pus and smell the rest of the battle between the white blood cells and bacterial pathogens from the air. If the bacteria has been defeated by propolis, no more odor causing pus to form. Other properties of propolis and other beekeeping products in general is to assist the drying so it is not overcome by bacterial pathogens.

Healing power of propolis depends on the levels of consumption. The higher the level, the more potent the cure. However, if levels are too high, ie exceeding 60% of these compounds can not undigested body because of its tough and hard. As nonkimiawi products, propolis is safe for consumption in the long term without side effects. After all, Hafuan reminded, in addition to the intake of propolis, diabetics still have to maintain your diet and avoid high consumption of glucose and carbohydrates.


Propolis is a powerful muzzle diabetes mellitus and its side effects because the content of CAPE fenetil kafeat acid ester alias. Fuliang research from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, and Hepburn of Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, proving propolis extract lowers glucose, fructosamine, malonaldehida, nitric oxide, nitric oxide synthetase, triglycerides, total cholesterol in the blood up. While the results of laboratory testing of the Integrated Research and Testing (LPT), Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, found propolis rich in alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols, saponins, tannins and quercetin, all of which are antioxidants.

According to Dr. Robert Hatibie, doctors who prescribe propolis and bee products, propolis stimulates the immune system so the body can fight the infection of pathogenic bacteria. According to Prof Dr Ir Mappatoba Sila, a bee researcher at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Hasanuddin, Makassar, South Sulawesi, bee propolis was formed to protect the newly hatched larvae from fungal and bacterial infections. So, "Naturally it has to be antibacterial," he said.

Mappatoba reinforced the opinion of Dr. Robert and Dr. Eko Budi Koendhori MKes of the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga. Propolis research in 2007 proved able to kill the 26 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria that cause infections of the skin and respiratory tract and gastrointestinal Escherichia coli penginfeksi. Propolis dose of 10% and 20% are able to kill the entire sample both types of bacteria. For Yatinah, whatever the explanation, the important thing he escaped amputation and can walk again