In a preclinical test of anti-impotence drug known known as sildenafil (Viagra) and vardenafil (Levitra) helps the absorption of chemotherapy drugs into the "defense layer of blood" in the brain better. It is important to ensure that the chemotherapy made it to the cancer cells have spread to the brain.
Defense layer of blood in the brain is actually a natural mechanism for protecting the brain from exposure to hazardous substances. In the treatment of brain cancer, this would impede the delivery of drugs, especially by a large molecule drugs such as chemotherapy drugs. Well, anti impotence drugs turned out to make the absorption of the section is a good defense.
"Although chemotherapy drugs used the best, but if they can not penetrate the defenses of blood in the brain, the impact of chemotherapy will not be maximized. Because it allows the anti-impotence drug reaches the target cells," said Dr.Keith Black, neurosurgeon from Cedars Hospital -Sinai's AS.
Brain tumors caused by the growth of abnormal cells. This condition is either directly or indirectly, damage or destroy the parts dealing with vision, movement, balance, memory, or behavior.