Friday, July 27, 2012

Oral Cancer / Mouth Cancer

Oral cancer is cancer found in all bangian mouth. Oral cancer can occur on the lips, gums, tongue, mouth walls and roof of the mouth or floor of the mouth.

Oral cancer is one of several types of cancer the head and neck cancer category. Oral cancer and head and neck cancer often have the same treatment procedure.

Signs and symptoms of oral cancer include:

  • Boil that can not be cured
  • Lumps or thickening of the skin of the mouth
  • White spots or redness in the mouth
  • Tooth loss
  • The teeth are not flat
  • Pain in the tongue
  • Pain or stiffness in the jaw
  • Painful or difficult to chew
  • Painful or difficult to swallow
  • Sore throat
  • Feeling like something is jammed in the throat
Causes & Risk Factors

Oral cancer occurs when cells in the lips or mouth of DNA mutation. This mutation makes the cells continued to grow and thrive, while others have normal cell cycle of life and death. Accumulation of oral cancer cells can form tumors. Can spread to other areas of the head and neck and can also spread to other body parts.

Oral cancer most originated from the thin cells that line the lips and the inside of the mouth (squamous cells). It is unclear what causes these cells to mutate. But doctors have identified factors that increase the risk of oral cancer.

Risk factors

Some factors that increase the risk of oral cancer include:
  • Tobacco either by smoking or chewing tobacco
  • Consuming alcohol
  • Too much sun on the lips
  • Sexually transmitted virus called HPV virus
  • Never experienced before cancer
  • Radiation treatment in head and neck area

There is no way to prevent cancer. But you can take action to reduce the risk of oral cancer by:

• Quitting Tobacco
• Do not consume alcohol
• Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
• Avoid too much sun
• Checking a dentist regularly

Dry mouth / dry mouth

Salivary fluid deficiency is a common problem that can be annoying, but dry mouth can affect your enjoyment when eating and dental health. The medical term for dry mouth is xerostomia. Salivary fluid helps prevent tooth decay by limiting bacterial growth and cleans food and plaque. Enzymes in the liquid lubah help the digestive process.

Although treatment depends on the cause, dry mouth is often a side effect of medication. Dry mouth can be improved by adjusting the dose again or a new prescription.

If you do not produce enough saliva fluids, you may experience the following signs and symptoms:
  • Dryness of the mouth
  • Salivary fluid was thick
  • Lump or broken at the corner of the mouth
  • Chapped lips
  • Sore throat
  • Changes in the ability to feel
  • Fungal infections of the mouth
  • Increased plaque, tooth decay and gum disease
  • In women may be caused by dry mouth lipstick on the teeth.
Causes & Risk Factors
Dry mouth has a cause, among others:
  • Drugs. Hundreds of medications, including some non-prescription drugs, causing dry mouth as a side effect.
  • Of age. Old age is not a factor that increases the risk of dry mouth. But after all elderly people more often need drugs that can cause dry mouth.
  • Cancer therapy. Chemotherapy can change the nature of the fluid and saliva production. Radiation treatment in head and neck can damage salivary glands leading to reduced production of salivary fluid.
  • Nerve damage. In the event of an accident or surgery that causes nerve damage in head and neck area can also cause xerostomia.
  • Other health conditions. Dry mouth can be the result of certain health conditions - or when treatment - including diabetes, Parkinson's, HIV / AIDS, and depression. Stroke and Alzheimer's can cause dry mouth. Snoring and breathing using the mouth can cause mouth is pushing this issue.
  • Tobacco use. Smoking or chewing tobacco can increase the symptoms of dry mouth.

Migraine / Migraine


Migraine headache is a chronic condition that causes significant pain for many hours the material for days. Some migraines are preceded or concurrently with sensory symptoms or warning signs, such as rays or tingling in the arms or legs. Migraines are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and a feeling of extreme sensitivity to light and sound.


Although there is no cure, medical treatment can help reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. If the treatment does not work for you in the past, it's better to talk to your doctor to try another medical treatment. The right medication combined with self-awareness and lifestyle changes can make a tremendous change.

Migraine is always started when the children, adolescence and early adulthood. Migraine attacks typically produce some or all of the following signs and symptoms:
  • Moderate to severe pain, which is limited to one side of the head or may have an effect on the two sides
  • Throbbing headache
  • A severe headache when doing physical activity
  • The pain affects your routine activities
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
  • Sensitive to light and sound
When left untreated, the migraine attack usually between 4 to 72 hours, but the frequency with which headaches occur differ between each person. You may have a frequency of migraines several times a month or less.
Not all migraine same. Many people experience migraines without aura, which is usually called common migraines. Some people experience migraine with aura, the so-called classic migraines. Aura may consist of changes in vision, like when I saw rays, and stabbing feeling in arms or legs.
Presence or absence of aura, you may have one or more foreboding sensation (prodrome) several hours or days or until you run into the attack, including:

• Feeling happy or more energy
• crave the sweet taste
• Thirst
• Drowsiness
• Irritability

Causes & Risk Factors

Although many causes of migraines are unknown, genetic and environmental factors seem to play a role.
Migraine may be caused by changes in the trigeminal nerve, which is the path of pain. The imbalance of brain chemistry, including serotonin - which helps regulate pain - may also be related.

Serotonin levels fall time of the migraine. It triggers the trigeminal system to release substances called neuropeptides, which led to the outer layer of the brain (meninges).
Migraine Triggers
Whatever the exact mechanisms of headaches, a lot of things that trigger it. It is used to trigger a migraine include:
  • Hormonal changes in women. Fluctuations in estrogen trigger headaches in women who have a history of migraine migrain.Wanita often report headaches immediately before or during the coming months, when they experience a large decrease in their estrogen. The other has a tendency to increase in migraines during pregnancy or menopause. Medical treatment on hormones - such as oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy - also may worsen migraines.
  • Food. Some migraines arise due to be triggered by certain foods. A common cause is usually alcohol, especially beer and wine; cheese that has been long kept; brown; sweetener aspartame, excessive consumption of caffeine; monosodium glutamare - the main ingredient in some Asian foods; salty foods, and processed foods. Skipping meals or fasting also can trigger migraines.
  • Stress. Stress at work or home can trigger a migraine.
  • Sensory stimulus. Bright light and glare of sunlight that can cause migraines, just as loud. Unusual scents - including perfumes, such as perfume, and a bad odor, like paint thinner, and the smell of cigarette smoke, can also trigger migraines.
  • Changes in sleep patterns. Or stay up too late to sleep can trigger migraine attacks in a person.
  • Physical factors. Intense physical exertion, are like sexual activity, can trigger a migraine.
  • Environmental changes. Changes in the weather or air pressure to push a migraine attack.
  • Medical treatment. Certain medical treatments can aggravate migraines.
Risk factors
Factors that could cause you more likely to have migraines are:
  • Family records. Many people with migraines have a record of family members with migraines. If one or both of your parents has migraines, you may also be affected.
  • Younger than age 40. Half of people who experience migraine headaches before they were 20 and migraine are common in people aged between 30 and 39 years.
  • Woman. Women are three times more likely to have migraines than men. The headaches tend to strike boys than girls during childhood, but at puberty, more girls affected than boys.
  • Hormonal changes. If you are a woman with a migraine, you may find that your headaches started before or after menstruation. These headaches can also occur during pregnancy or menopause. Some women report that their migraines become worse when the first three months of pregnancy.

Lifestyle changes can provide an advantage in helping reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. One or more of these clues may help you:
  • Avoid triggers. If certain foods seem to trigger your headaches in the past, avoid these foods. Apply your daily rutinintas with regular sleep patterns and regular eating patterns.
  • Regular exercise. Regular aerobic exercise reduces tension and can help prevent migraines. If your doctor agrees, choose aerobic exercise that makes you comfortable, like walking, swimming and cycling. Warm up slowly, however, because sudden, intense exercise can cause headaches. Obesity is also thought to be a factor of migraine, and exercise can help you teratut reduces weight.
  • Decrease in estrogen. If you are a woman with migraines and estrogen seems to trigger or make your headaches worse, you may want to avoid or reduce the use of medical drugs that contain estrogen. Medical drugs, including the birth control pills and hormone therapy. Ask your doctor about alternative or the best dose for you.

Ambein & Burn

Ambein / Hemorrhoids Very Tortured
At that time I was very miserable, because the disease is increasingly tormented from year to year and peak in late 2004. One's friends came to offer products Propolis, but initially I was not interested because it can be said for ambein / hemorrhoids, I immediately bought without a second thought. According to the instructions recommended friends above, I immediately take 10 drops 4 times daily and applied to the anal canal and there was a remarkable thing, I ambein recover within 3 days of the most impressive and now I can eat anything (ice, sukro, chili, etc. ) that I used to avoid because a tooth is hollow, I can not stand the cold, even without my knowing it eczema that exist in my body all gone.

Propolis thanks to all the diseases in my body ran away - teach my ass so that the spirit growing in me that is advanced in age (64 years) and even my friends who play tennis have suffered from sluggish and lying in the heart (Mr. Ali) as I am healthy now, Propolis and also thanks to my wife who suffered from chilblains / biduran also recovered.

Soaked in hot water
Propolis is great, the product can be used for all diseases. Make Propolis as your protector and your family to avoid the pain of the disease at all times ready to attack. Maid Hot Water splashed me, Ma'am Ai dated June 22, 2005 at 6:00 am screaming loud. Because so shocked we woke up, he slipped lift hot water bath to prepare for my wife. From all over the thighs to the feet scalded, he was in pain and we panic. In between panic I jumped at the Propolis and give to the wife to be applied to the part which is scalded. Spontaneously all over the surface of the leg and thigh Propolis dropwise until the expiry of a half bottle. Initially the legs and thighs are hot scalded skin but no blistering and 2 days later went back to Ai Ma'am as usual, the pain and the heat from boiling scalded Propolis was cured thanks.

Propolis advice from our fabulous too well the range of diseases caused by wounds, burns, so must be provided as P3K if things happen that are not desirable as an accident.

Diagnostics and Therapy of Cancer Lymphoma


Hodgkin's lymphoma. Some people with this disease may not realize that he was suffering from Hodgkin's lymphoma. The disease is sometimes found of the findings on chest X-ray examination for other indications. Diagnosis is made from a biopsy of enlarged lymph nodes. If the biopsy found to change the shape of lymph nodes and the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells, it does confirm the diagnosis. Other investigations that may be required to diganosis and for extent / involvement of other organs are: rontgten, CT-scan, MRI, gallium scan, PET scan, bone marrow biopsy and blood tests.

Hodgkin's lymphoma be classified into 4 stages according to severity:
  • Stage I: Cancer is confined to one lymph node area or in one organ only.
  • Stage II: At this stage, it involves two different lymph nodes, but still limited in a region above or below the diaphragm body.
  • Stage III: If the cancer has moved to the lymph nodes above and below the diaphragm, but has not spread from the lymph nodes to other organs.
  • Stage IV: This is the most advanced stage. At the stadium iniyang affected not only the lymph nodes, but also other body parts, such as bone marrow or liver.
Hodgkin lymphoma is also categorized into "A" or "B"
  • A: If the patient has no symptoms of fever, sweating, or weight loss
  • B: If the patient has symptoms of fever, many berkeirngat, or weight loss.

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Of the physical examination, the doctor will find enlarged lymph nodes. Laboratory tests are needed to see the possibility of infectious diseases (also can cause enlarged lymph nodes). Diagnosis biposi evidenced by the enlarged lymph nodes. Other investigations are x-rays, CT scans, PET scans, and bone marrow biopsy may be needed to see whether the disease has spread to the bone marrow. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma composed of 30 types. Immunophenotyping laboratory tests can distinguish non-Hodgkin's lymphoma B cell or cell type T.
Hodgkin's lymphoma be classified into 4 stages according to severity:
  • Stage I: Lymphoma hany involves one lymph node area alone.
  • Stage II: Limfome involves 2 or 3 local nodes are adjacent.
  • Stage III: Lymphoma involving several regional lymph nodes in the neck, chest, and abdomen.
  • Stage IV: The lymphoma spread to lymph nodes and other body parts, such as lung, liver, or bone.
Lymphoma treated by a specialist hematology-oncology and may be referred to other specialists if needed.
Hodgkin's lymphoma. Therapy of this disease depends on several factors, such as disease stage, number and any areas of lymph nodes involved, age, symptoms, pregnant / not, and general health status. The goal of therapy is to destroy the cancer cells as possible and achieve remission. With optimal treatment, approximately 95% of patients with Hodgkin lymphoma stage I or II can survive up to 5 years or more. If the disease is already widespread, the rate of resistance hdup 5 years 60-70%. Therapeutic options are:
  • Radiation. Radiation therapy is given if the disease involves only certain areas of the body. Radiation therapy can be administered as a single therapy, but usually given together with chemotherapy. If the disease recur after radiation, chemotherapy is necessary. Some types of radiation therapy may increase the risk of other cancers, like breast cancer or lung cancer, especially if the patient is younger than 30 years. Generally, pediatric patients treated with combination chemotherapy, but may also be needed low-dose radiation therapy.
  • Chemotherapy. If the disease is widespread and has been involved lymph nodes or other organs more, then chemotherapy is the main choice. Chemotherapy regimens are commonly given ABVD, BEACOPP, Copp, Stanford V, and MOPP. MOPP regimen (consisting of mechlorethamine, Oncovin, procarazine, and prednisone) is the standard regimen, but is highly toxic, whereas the ABVD regimen (consisting of doxorubicin / Adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine) is a new regimen with fewer side effects slightly and the current regimen of choice. Chemotherapy is given in several cycles, typically between a few weeks. The duration of chemotherapy is given approximately 6-10 months.
  • Bone marrow transplantation. If the disease recur after initial remission achieved by chemotherapy, the high-dose chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation or peripheral stem cell autologous (from self) can help to prolong disease remission. Because of the high-dose chemotherapy will damage the bone marrow, the previously collected peripheral blood stem cell first or bone marrow.
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. As in Hodgkin's lymphoma, treatment is determined based on the type and stage of disease, age and general health status. Choice of therapy are:
  • Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy for lymphoma types, especially given the degree of malignancy is high and at an advanced stage.
  • Radiation. Radiation doses Cleaner aims to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation therapy is generally given to low-grade lymphoma in the early stages. However, sometimes combined with chemotherapy in malignant lymphoma with a degree of being or to treat certain places, like in the brain.
  • Stem cell transplantation. Especially if it will be given high-dose chemotherapy, which in case of relapse. This therapy is generally used for medium-high degree of lymphoma who relapse after initial therapy never works.
  • Observation. If lymphoma is slow in growth, then the doctor may decide to observation alone. Lymphoma that grows slowly with mild symptoms may not require therapy for a year or more.
  • Biological therapy. The only biologic therapy approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) United States currently is rituximab. Rituximab is a monoclonal antibody that helps the immune system recognize and destroy cancer cells. Generally given in combination with chemotherapy or in radioimunoterapi.
  • Radioimunoterapi. It is the current therapy for non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Drugs that have received recognition from the FDA for the ibritumomab and tositumomab radioimunoterapi. This therapy uses the same monoclonal antibody with a radioactive isotope. The antibodies will attach to cancer cells and radiation will mengahancurkan cancer cells.

Leukemia in Children

Leukemia in Children: There is Always Hope

Handling is not always the same in every patient, but all of them for the sole purpose of recovering

When your child is diagnosed leukemia (blood cancer), it should not be discouraged! Even if cancer is considered as a serious illness, do not forget that the child experienced cancer can be cured, especially if it is found at an early stage. What are the doctor to identify and solve it?

What happened?

Compared with other types of cancers, leukemia is a type of cancer most often found in children. As the nature of cancer in general, the cells grow wildly out of control, as well as those that occur in leukemia which is the uncontrolled proliferation of white blood cells (leukocytes) are not yet mature.

Bone marrow picture will usually show the number of white blood cells that evil (blast cells) are increased, while the number of other cells or slightly reduced due to the manufacturing process is depressed by the blast cells. If the state of the manufacturer have been so, how it is to be expected outside the plant, which can be seen from the results of peripheral blood. Levels of hemoglobin, leukocytes, and platelets are generally lower than normal values. As a result, children who suffer from leukemia will usually show symptoms that are a reflection of the lower third of the blood components. The cause of leukemia in children until now not known with certainty, but it possessed the genetic factors believed to contribute to the onset of this blood cancer.

Recognizing the symptoms

There are a few of the following symptoms that need to be observed by parents that children who experience these symptoms can be brought to the doctor for further examination. Some symptoms include:
  • Weak, pale, tiredness, and increased heart rate. This situation occurs because the number of red blood cells are reduced due to being pressured by white blood cells that evil.
  • Frequent fevers and infections. This situation is caused by the reduced number of white blood cells that served both as the "army" to fight disease-causing organisms.
  • Appears blue-blue in some parts of the body, red spots, nosebleeds, and bleeding gums. This situation occurs because the reduced number of platelets.
  • Felt pains in the bones. This situation has caused the spread of blast cells into the bone.
  • Enlarged liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. This situation has also occurred due to the spread of blast cells in the organs mentioned above.
The symptoms that arise between a child with leukemia to another is not always the same and not necessarily any of these symptoms occur all at once. Therefore, if your child's skin looks blue-blue here and there which are not due to hit something, or he complained of vague pain and limped his way, frequent nosebleeds and bleeding gums are also frequent, consult your child to the doctor . The doctor will conduct an examination of the child's body and suggest some checks that are expected to support the results of previous examinations.

Various examinations
As previously described above, that after the doctor doing the examination of the child's body and found the symptoms that point towards a diagnosis of leukemia, it is recommended that further examination is the examination of peripheral blood. Blood sampling locations are usually on hand. Allegations in the direction of leukemia will be stronger if the results of the examination showed hemoglobin, leukocytes, and platelets are generally low.
To be sure, then the doctor will recommend that the small bone marrow aspirate examination or BMP (Bone Marrow puncture) to look directly into the factory. This examination, in children over 2 years old, conducted in the area around the bony prominence that is located a few inches from the tail bone. That children do not feel any pain during the procedure, the doctor will begin by giving an injection of local anesthetic. Through this examination of the child can be determined whether he was suffering from leukemia or not. If it is ascertained that the child was suffering from leukemia, the next step of course is the treatment.

Overcome leukemia
In cancer treatment, there are three modalities used, namely chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. In leukemia, which used the chemotherapeutic modalities that take less than 2 years. Beginning with the induction phase, a very intensive phase, in order to demolish or destroy the cells of existing blast. Striking at the success or failure can be determined through examination of a second bone marrow aspiration, performed at the end of the induction phase. Striking at otherwise successful when the number of blast cells is reduced to the extent otherwise specified normal. This situation is referred to as remission. Once remission is achieved, then go to the next phase, the phase of the central nervous system prophylaxis. This phase aims to pursue a blast cells that may escape into the brain. The chase can be done through the provision of chemotherapy drugs or radiation. After all the procedures in this phase is complete, then go to the next phase, namely the maintenance phase. Unlike the two previous phases, this phase the child is not required to stay in the hospital again. For drugs that are administered intravenously or through the space that lies between two lower vertebrae (intrathecal), the little guy just went into the hospital a day or shorter. Moreover, in addition to the drugs mentioned above, other drugs are drugs that have taken quite a gift. This phase lasted until the period of 2 years was achieved.
Chemotherapeutic drugs, if I may say, is a drug that "stupid". It means "stupid" is these drugs can not only attack the cancer cells alone, all good and active cells are also attacked. This can be seen from the results of peripheral blood examination conducted after the implementation of chemotherapy. For example, such as leukocytes that had normal levels after chemotherapy can be turned into low even to "the soldiers' bodies reached a number that does not allow for an attack when the enemy comes. This situation can lead to the chemotherapy was delayed until the leukocyte count reaches a safe level for chemotherapy can be resumed. When chemotherapy is still being done, there is most likely your child will experience severe infection given the level of infection in our country is still high. To anticipate, the doctor usually will do the monitoring through examination of peripheral blood. Therefore, parents are expected not to get confused and wondering why his blood drawn back and forth. Hair loss after administration of certain chemotherapy drugs are also a result of "stupidity" is a chemotherapy drug. Parents need not fear him to be bald bald after chemo because it is reversible, meaning that if the chemotherapy drug in question is stopped hair will grow back.
Chemotherapeutic drugs also have side effects on organs such as liver and kidney. If at any time an interruption in the function of these organs, the doctor will reduce the dose or even a delay of chemotherapy.
Looking at the process of chemotherapy in the above, parents are expected to prepare the child or herself to be familiar with the process and ways of implementation. In addition, chemotherapy can make the process run smoothly, it is necessary also to state the efforts of the family of the little ones can always be fit. Make it a habit to pay attention to cleanliness, whether it's cleanliness child's body, the food, the environment around it, and others. Ask for assistance to families who want to visit so as not to come in full cry at the same time, then came into the room where the child in care. Families of disobedience to the rules stated above will affect the delay of chemotherapy. Of chemotherapy should be conducted as scheduled today for example, could be delayed until who knows when to condition the child is fit enough to do chemo again. If you want to consume food or medicine out of chemotherapeutic drugs, consult your physician first. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor regarding your child suffering from leukemia. A good working relationship between parents and doctors are expected to produce the expected results, the child can be free of leukemia.

Beware of Post-Earthquake Threat of Leptospirosis

Jakarta, - The ruins of buildings after earthquake is not immediately cleaned up the potential to cause disease leptospirosis. Given the condition of the ruins can be a rat's nest that is the source of the dangerous disease.

Disease leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by leptospires bacteria that are often transmitted by rat urine. Scratches (abrasions) on the skin of a person can be the gateway entrance of contaminated urine leptospires.

"The ruins and the wood is a good place for a nest of rats. Learning from post-disaster flood in Jakarta earthquake in Jogjakarta, and Aceh, leptospirosis cases have to watch out for," said dr.Ari Fahrial, Sp.PD, KEGH, of the Society of Expert disease in Indonesia.

According to Ari, now an earthquake victim in the recovery process and start cleaning the debris of his house. In a community site clearance equip themselves with the protection required.

"People should be told to always wear shoes and gloves so as not to nail punctured the tread can cause tetanus or direct mouse droppings," he explained.

Therefore, Ari suggested that equipment such as boots or gloves, including the one that sent aid to earthquake victims in West Sumatra.
A good self-protection is also required to be done by staff and volunteers who clean up the debris. "The bodies that might have been saved in the location of the ruins can be a source of disease transmission. Therefore in order to avoid direct contact with decaying corpses, the officers should be equipped with self-protection," he said.

Larynx Tuna Trap Smoker

SURABAYA - not only causes lung cancer, cigarette smoke turned out to be a major cause of cancer of the vocal cords or larynx tuna. Although not very popular in society, but every year the number of cases of vocal cord cancer continues to increase.

Ear Nose Throat Poly Staff Head-Neck Surgery (ENT-TOS) Soetomo Hospital, Dr. Dr. Nyilo Purnami SpTHT-KL said, laryngeal cancer cases per year increased by about 30%. Although the greatest number of men, but the vocal cord cancer can also strike women.

According to data on Poly-KL ENT Audiology Soetomo Hospital, from 2001 to 2009 recorded 100 patients with laryngeal cancer who had undergone surgical removal of the vocal cords.

"The causes are many, but that is suppose to be the main cause is smoking. For the majority of patients are active smokers, although there are some second-hand smoke, "said Dr. Nyilo, Tuesday (28/4).

Described, the cause of vocal cord cancer is multifactorial. Most of the viral infection of the upper respiratory tract (eg common cold). But it could also be due to excessive use of voice and allergic reactions as well as inhaling irritants (eg cigarette smoke). Laryngitis also may accompany bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, pertussis, measles and diphtheria. "The symptoms are usually in the form of a hoarse voice changes to a loss of voice. In addition to hoarseness, no other symptoms, "he said.

Because this was not accompanied by other symptoms, the patient does not feel pain, so most patients present in the condition is acute.

Actions that can be done is to lift the patient's vocal cords. As a result, patients experience hearing loss, aka larynx vocal cords, which means patients can not speak anymore.

"It does not have vocal cords does not mean no longer able to communicate, because the persons with hearing larynx can still communicate with the gastrointestinal tract or esophagus," he said.

Although the sound produced is not as clear and as good as the vocal cords, but people can still communicate. Hopefully, people can do that if found early detection of cancer of the vocal cords can be taken to be less fatal.

Smoking culture

Smoking habits are so embedded in Indonesian society. As a result, the children began to imitate the smoking at an early age. It also is one indicator, the increasing number of patients with laryngeal cancer. Moreover, patients with laryngeal cancer was also found at a young age, like Ike and one patient from Karachi who were aged 29 years.

"The culture of smoking has become one of the indicators. In addition to environmental exposure to smoke, to second-hand smoke can also be an indicator. But in addition to exposure to smoke also have other factors that support, "he explained.

Another factor in favor, say Nyilo, the genes or hereditary factors and the condition of the body's defenses are not the same individual. Early detection of cancer of the vocal cords is a change in the voice becomes hoarse. So that, when found his voice suddenly husky you should immediately consult.

"For prevention is leading a healthy lifestyle so that the resistance of the body for the better. And should avoid exposure to smoke, "advised Nyilo.

Not smoke cigarettes, but also the other smoke. The reason, the smoke contains many substances that could potentially be carbon monoxide karsiogenik ingredients that stimulate the growth of cancer cells in the body

Natural Nutrition Lowering Cholesterol

Jakarta, high cholesterol seems to have become their own fears, so many people trying to lower it with cholesterol-lowering drugs. But there are actually natural nutrients from the foods that can lower blood cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol is a fatty substance in the blood and is normally produced in the body and has many important functions.

The body actually needs cholesterol to survive. However, if the amount is excessive, there will be an increased risk of heart disease and stroke, due to a buildup in blood vessels.

Reporting from Livestrong, Wednesday (09/15/2010), here are some foods that can lower blood cholesterol levels naturally:

  1. Fatty fish
    According to the American Heart Association, eating at least two servings of fatty fish per week can help lower cholesterol. Fatty fish such as salmon, halibut, tuna and mackerel are high in omega-3 fatty acids, have been shown to reduce levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

    In addition, fish is a good source of protein and can be used as a substitute for protein sources of high cholesterol, such as red meat.
  2. Olive oil (olive oil)
    Similarly, fish, olive oil is also an important component of food called 'Mediterranean diet'. The name was taken from an area where heart disease is rare.

    Olive oil contains a mixture of antioxidants and monounsaturated fats that help lower high cholesterol levels. Olive oil can be used as a substitute for salad oil are rich in cholesterol and can also replace butter to saute vegetables.

    U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends at least 23 grams of olive oil per day or about 2 tablespoons, to benefit heart health.

  3. Whole wheat and whole grains are rich in fiber
    Fiber is helpful in the fight against cholesterol, since it acts as a cleanser of toxins in the bloodstream. Mayo Clinic recommends at least 50-10 grams of soluble fiber per day to help reduce cholesterol.

    A serving of oatmeal or whole wheat typically contains at least 2 to 6 grams of soluble fiber from total fiber.

    In addition, by adding a fibrous fruit such as bananas or strawberries can add another half a gram of soluble fiber.

  4. Walnuts, almonds, peanuts and other nuts
    Most nuts, like walnuts, almonds and peanuts have kandungna high in fiber, and can reduce cholesterol levels up to 5 percent with only a portion.

    But because of the high number of calories in nuts, the FDA recommends limiting the intake of only about a handful of nuts per day.

    In addition to having the ability to fight cholesterol, nuts also have nutrients that can protect the heart.

He is Good Fats to Improve Cholesterol

Jakarta, long known as a nutrient is fat that should be avoided because it can lead to various diseases. But there are fats that can actually increase the good cholesterol in the body, the unsaturated fats.

Good fats can increase cholesterol are:
A. Vegetable oil
2. Nuts such as almonds, soybeans

3. Avocado

Unsaturated fats are found in the 3 groups could help to raise levels of good cholesterol (High Density Lipoproteins / HDL) and lowers bad cholesterol (low density lipoproteins / LDL).

Unsaturated fats can be added to the diet as a whole.

A recent study reported Canadian Medical Association Journal, the researchers tested the effect of the addition of unsaturated fat into a high-fiber diet has previously been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol in adults.

The results of participants who reduced intake of saturated fat and add the vegetables in the diet decreased LDL cholesterol by 35 percent. This compares with the benefits obtained if someone is eating a cholesterol-lowering drugs.

However, if participants are adding saturated fat in his diet, showed an average increase in HDL cholesterol by 12 percent.

"The combination of eating vegetables and monounsaturated fats will help someone do something he wants when it comes to cholesterol levels," said Dr. David Jenkins of the University of Toronto and St. Petersburg. Michael's Hospital in Ontario, Canada, as quoted by Reuters on Wednesday (03/11/2010).

Dr Jenkins advised the people to replace some types of carbohydrates are consumed, such as:
White bread and processed snacks are replaced with monounsaturated fats from nuts, avocados and olive oil.

But fat is not a magical way to lower cholesterol, but changing eating habits is the key keseluruhanlah. Therefore recommended to reduce the intake of red meat and milk, but increased intake of fish, vegetables, soy-based foods, almond and olive oil.

Efficacy myth Goat Meat

Day Festival of Sacrifice for Muslims take place tomorrow. As usual, the day coincides with Iduladha it almost every mosque and synagogue groups held a sacrifice. Goats or sheep to be one common type of sacrificed animals. Inevitably, in the day, residents of goat meat consumed. In fact, the excess amount.

Discussing mutton, many believe the myth that eating goat meat can increase libido in men. What do experts say about that?

Why after eating goat meat hot bodies swelter? Why, the burning of calories by the body will produce excess heat. But that reaction is misinterpreted by most people he believed to be the goat meat plant arousal in men. In fact, the excessive eating goat meat, and too often it can threaten the male sexual potency.

What article? The high concentration of fat and cholesterol in the diet even in the long run will increase the density of blood that can clog blood vessels of the penis. If it happens, the blood to the penis will be hampered. As a result of oxygen-rich blood supply so limited, so impotent.

In addition, yells heralded as passion plant, goat meat is also often accused of being the originator of high blood pressure and cause sudden death. Actually, when compared to cows, fat and cholesterol content of goat meat is lower. Charges doubtful mutton as a trigger for high blood pressure or a headache accompanied by a deadly stroke.

Pros and cons emerge. Somehow the story, believed to have mutton aphrodisiac abilities, ability to increase sexual arousal in men. The clear assumption that has long been developing in the community. And the story is true.

If observed, the physical fiber goat meat is not much different than the other red meat of sheep, cattle, and buffalo. Compared with the lamb for example, both are fine textured. The color of the meat was not too different even mutton is usually darker in color.

Striking difference with other cattle meat as reported by the Digest, it smells. Lamb, beef, or buffalo fishy smell alone, while the pungent smell of goat meat (the Javanese say prengus). In addition, fat is whiter and harder.

What people say about goat meat may increase a person's sexual potency, according to Dr. Muhilal of the Center for Nutrition Bogor, there are probably correct. People claim it is based on the experience of ancestors. "But if it should be studied scientifically researched first. But the data does not exist, so the essence of trust," explained Dr. Muhilal.

Instead, nutritionists are less likely to agree with the might of a man after eating goat sate due to energy derived from fat satay. In terms of pharmacology, it could be goat meat contains compounds similar to the male sex hormone. However, until now have not found a scientific basis to declare meat goats can improve male sexual potency.

Obtained by those who use food or drink aphrodisiac potency was not increased, but more sexual sensation. Sensation due course, someone to be passionate. However, the potential remains just that much. n FROM VARIOUS SUMBER/M-1

Understanding Cholesterol Numbers

As soon as you pass the age of 20 years, doctors will suggest you celebrate by checking cholesterol levels in the blood. Next, you should undergo the same examination at least once every five years.

One of the readings that will be generated by this investigation is in the blood levels of total cholesterol (total cholesterol).

Here's how to understand the meaning of these figures (all figures refer to milligrams per deciliter of blood).

Less than 200-is the desired
200 to 239, need to be aware
240 and higher-hazardous

However, even if your total cholesterol number is still within safe limits, you still need to measure it on a regular basis, including HDL cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is the good kind.

Sometimes high levels of HDL cholesterol will help to neutralize the total number that have been "on the border" (although you may still be advisable to lower total cholesterol as low as possible).

If your HDL readings of less than 35, is considered to be categorized as "low," then you need to try to raise it again. (The best option for you in this case is exercising to lose weight, quit smoking and cut down the sugar you eat.)

And what about cholesterol LDL (low-density lipoprotein), which is kind of bad? If other tests reveal that you are in danger, your doctor should use the data from your cholesterol test to calculate LDL levels as well. This figure should be below 130.

Finally, to help interpret the meaning of all these numbers, your doctor may say your cholesterol ratio, the ratio between total cholesterol and HDL numbers. If this ratio is 35: 1 or lower, meaning you just fine.

Patients confide in cyst

"I had the cyst for about 7 years and during that consume a variety of prescribed drugs are quite expensive. If I'm not taking the drug, my stomach became like mules pricked a needle puncture. Then I tried taking propolis, the night before bed I drink as much as 7 drops. 2 hours of the morning because I woke up bleeding, sort out the Jelly blobs of chicken liver. I immediately rushed to the examination to a gynecologist. I was very surprised of the results of the examination the doctor said that my womb is now 90% is still a lot of blood clots and a cyst that will come out. Thank DuniaPropolis now I again have hope for more children. "

Cataract / Cataracts


Cataract is a condition of the eye lens as there are white patches of cloud. This condition makes the eye affected. Cataracts can affect the eye sight and eye glare. Cataracts usually does not cause irritation or pain.

Many cases of eye cataracts develop slowly and do not interfere with your eyes at first. But when a white smudge on the lens begin to appear, then the comfort of your vision will be disturbed. Initially the light is bright and eye sight glasses can help you.

But if this is very disturbing your daily life, then surgery is a procedure that you need. The good news is the surgical removal of cataract eye procedures are safe and effective thing to do.


Cataracts usually grow slowly and do not cause pain. In the early stages of this condition will only affect a small part of your eye's lens and probably will not affect your views. When the cataract grows larger then the white spots will begin to cover the lens of the eye and interfere with the entry of light into the eye. In the end, your eyes will be blurred and distorted.

Signs and symptoms of cataracts include:

• eye view of the vague, dim, or as a shadow or a cloud of smoke.
• It is difficult to see at night
• Sensitive to light
• There is a circle of light when looking at the light
• Requires bright light for reading or when the activity
• Frequently changing eyeglasses or contact lenses because of discomfort
• The color tends to fade or turn yellow when viewing
• dual view when looking with one eye

Cataracts do not harm your physical health until the cataract becomes severe. Severe conditions that can cause inflammation, pain and headaches.

Causes & Risk Factors


With age, decreased flexibility of the eye, with the thickness and clarity begitpula eye. The lens composed of water and protein fibers. With increasing age, composition and structure of the eye to change the fiber protein decreased. Some of the fiber protein will clot and cause stains on the lens of the eye.

There are three types of cataracts, which are:
  1. Nuclear. Cataracts occur middle of the lens. In the early stages there will be changes in the focus of light. For a while you will experience a vision of progress, especially in reading. But then the vision of becoming yellow and white stains on the lens terbentu. Further resources will see the vision deteriorated to brown. In the severe stage would be difficult to distinguish colors because the view will be blue or purple.

  2. Cortical. Cataract formation begins with the stains on the outer layer of the eye. This process will be slow. These stains can then spread to the center of the lens and disrupt the flow of light into the center of the lens. People with cataracts of this type will experience glare when looking at the light.

  3. Subcapsular. Cataracts of this type begins with the formation of opaque areas under the lens. Cataracts are usually formed behind the lens which is a street light to the retina of the eye. Cataracts often affect the ability to read, reducing the ability to see in bright light and cause glare or halos when looking at the light at night.
Scientists do not know exactly why age affects the eye's lens changes. One possibility is damage to the lens due to an unstable molecule which is free radicals. Smoke and exposed to ultraviolet light are two sources of free radicals.

Age is not the only reason why the eye's lens changes. Some people are born with congenital cataracts or current experience of childhood. Cataracts can also result from the mother is exposed to German measles (rubella) during pregnancy. This disease can also cause metabolic disorders.

Risk factors
Risk factors that may increase the chances of developing cataracts include:
• Age
• Diabetes
• family history of cataracts
• Have experienced an injury or inflammation of the eye
• Ever had eye surgery
• The use of corticosteroids in the long term
• Exposure to excessive sunlight
• Exposure to ionizing radiation
• Smoking


Steps you can take to reduce the chances of developing cataracts include:
• Do not smoke
• Eat a balanced diet
• Protect your eyes from sun rays
• Maintaining health in general

Cervical Cancer Patients Prone to Natural Kidney Disorders

JAKARTA, THURSDAY - cervical cancer patients were at high risk for disorders of the kidney. Every year, there were an estimated 460 000 new cases of invasive cancer (cancer that has already spread) are undiagnosed and causes over 250,000 deaths in 2005. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 80 percent of deaths occur in developing countries.

"Without adequate management, estimated deaths due to cervical or cervical cancer will increase 25 percent in the next 10 years," said Dr. Imam Rasjidi while defending his dissertation to earn a doctorate in the science of epidemiology, University of Indonesia, Thursday (17/7), in Jakarta . Imam graduated with cum laude or very satisfactory.

Pathology-based cancer data in 13 central states of pathology laboratories, cervical cancer is a cancer with prevalence (the percentage of sick people in a group of the population) approximately 36 percent. So, with Indonesia's current population of around 220 million, there are approximately 52 million women at risk of cervical cancer.

This is consistent with estimates from the National Cancer Control Committee to estimate the incidence or the incidence of cancer in Indonesia minimum one hundred events per 100,000 population per year. While at the General Hospital Center for Cipto Mangunkusumo 1998, the number of new cases of cervical cancer ranked first, which is 26.2 percent. Many patients come to the stadium stage IIB with impaired renal function.

Indonesia is currently experiencing difficulties in the financing of health when in advanced cervical cancer patients with impaired renal function is also impaired multipatologi urogenitalnya system (urinary system and kelaim) and thus require a longer hospitalization time and need sophisticated investigations. Therefore, it is necessary management program advanced cervical cancer patients with impaired renal function is effective and cheap, he said.

Prevent Cervical Cancer by HPV Vaccines

EXCEPT pap smear, a step to prevent the emergence of cervical cancer in women is by vaccination. Are now efforts to combat the growing problem of cervical cancer vaccine helped by the presence of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is introduced into the community.
HPV vaccination should be done since the age of 9-26 years in both boys and girls. Because men also tend to pass on cervical cancer.

"Unfortunately for HPV vaccine price to be paid every time you make a vaccine is very expensive around Rp1, 3 million. But the price is not comparable with cervical cancer "said dr. Rachmawati on the sidelines of Scientific Lectures for the Laity Society Early Detection of Cervical Cancer in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Jakarta, Tuesday (8/4).

HPV vaccine injection performed 3 times in the months to 0, to 2 and 6. The workings of this vaccine to stimulate antibody immune response against HPV in which the antibody was arrested for killing HPV, so HPV virus can not enter into the neck of the womb (cervix).

Cervical cancer tends to arise in women aged 35-55 years (at age). But can also appear in younger women. The cause of this cancer is Human Papilloma Virus is a virus that infect humans and could potentially lead to the occurrence of complications and sterility.

The journey is very long illness with symptoms such as bleeding after intercourse, abnormal bleeding (excluding time period), bleeding after menopause and disorders of the vagina (kekuniangan discharge, odor). as well as other symptoms, which is often the case that pain / pain in the hips and legs.

Some factors that may facilitate infected with HPV virus that is getting married or starting sexual activity at a young age (less than 18 years), multiple sex partners (the woman's partner or spouse of her husband), she gave birth to many children, often suffer from infections in the uterus, and female smokers who had a 2 times greater risk of developing cervical cancer than women who do not smoke.

Time to Prevent Cervical Cancer

Cancer is one type of disease that is no stranger to ear. Various types of new cases are found, but what kind of cancer cases the highest prevalence, especially among women? And how to prevent it?

Recently begun to bloom heard the news about cervical kenker. What exactly is cervical cancer? How often does cervical cancer occur in women in Indonesia? Cervical cancer (cervical cancer) is cancer that occurs in the cervix or cervical area. Uterine cervix is ​​the part related to the vagina.

Cervical cancer is cancer the second most commonly affects women all over the world. And also the second most common cancer causing death. In Indonesia alone, is estimated to occur every day, 41 new cases of cervical kenker and 20 women died of the disease. The high figure is usually caused by lack of knowledge and awareness of the dangers of cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer tends to arise in women aged 35-55 years, but can also appear in women with a younger age. The cause of this cancer is a virus known as Human papilloma virus (HPV), a type of virus that attacks humans. There are 100 types of HPV which most do not harm, not cause visible symptoms and goes away by itself. HPV infection is most common in young adults (18-28 years).

Towards the development of cervical cancer HPV infection depends first of its type of HPV. Low-risk HPV types or high can cause pre-cancerous condition called. Low-risk HPV types is almost no risk, but can cause genital warts (genital wart disease).

Although most HPV infections will go away by itself within 1-2 years because of the natural immune system, but a persistent infection caused by HPV types can lead to high cervical kenker. And can grow without control and can be a tumor.

Symptoms of cervical cancer in pre-cancerous condition characterized by abnormal cells found at the bottom of the cervix can be detected through a Pap smear test, or who have recently socialized is by Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid. Cervical cancer often causes no symptoms. But when it develops into cervical cancer, before symptoms appear such as vaginal bleeding and vaginal discharge that is not normal, pain during urination and pain during intercourse.

HPV can infect all people because HPV can be spread through sexual contact. Women who have sex under the age of 20 years and frequently change partners at high risk of infection. But this does not rule out going to happen in women who have been faithful to one partner.

Currently cervical cancer can be prevented by getting vaccinated. These steps can help provide protection against some types of HPV that can cause problems and complications such as cervical cancer and genital warts. This vaccine should be given to young girls as early as possible, because the body's immunization rates and the growth and reproduction of cells in the cervical area is still very good.

Vaccination is a method of early detection as an effort to prevent cervical cancer. Through the greater the chance of healed vaccination this disease and more likely to reduce the number of cases of cervical cancer that threatens women. For that, call your doctor immediately to help prevent cervical cancer. Come help prevent cervical cancer now!

Propolis, Bees offerings Cancer Drugs

'The opportunity to recover only 1%,' said the doctor who examined Sri Evie. Sri stage III breast cancer. Unfortunately the cancer cells had metastasized to the liver. 'It felt like needles prickling, "said Sri. However, eleven months later, Evie Sri still fit. The doctor who examined Sri stunned, the downsizing of the cancer cells so quickly.

Sri Evie remembers feeling a lump in her right breast. It was in February 2008. Female 50 years old do not bother because it does not cause pain bumps. Pain as the needle pierced his newly felt in April 2008 so he rushed to the hospital. That's when doctors diagnose breast cancer Evie Sri stage III. To overcome the malignant disease, doker biopsy and 8 times the chemotherapy.

At all biopsy costs Rp3 ,5-million, chemotherapy, Rp 6-million. Must provide the means to fund Sri-Rp50 million. In fact, the only remaining savings Rp7 ,5-million. That's what makes Sri Evie and her husband hesitated. Sri perform the test levels for CA15-3-find breast tumor antigen in the blood, again in a laboratory. However, the result is the same: CA levels reached 172.95 μ / ml; normal levels up to 30 μ / ml.

Mental test results that make Sri sag. Week-long he cried. After all, the end of primary school head did not have much choice. He underwent eight chemotherapy with interval of 21 days starting in May 2008. Each comb, he saw the hair sticking to the comb. It's one of the effects of chemotherapy, in addition to loss of appetite, so emaciated bodies. After 4 times of chemotherapy, doctors stated that Sri cured cancer in the liver.


After chemotherapy on the 8th September 2008, doctors recommend breast removal surgery. Sri flinch at having to fly to tanahsuci to perform the pilgrimage. Sri surprised that a lump in the breast were increasingly enlarged and yellow discharge. 'It was like a big wire disilet and stabbed, "said Sri.

Eventually canceled due to surgical removal of cancer cells to grow. Doctors recommend further chemotherapy. According to Dr. Henry Naland Sp.B Oncology, almost all humans have a gene alias oncogene on chromosome carriers of cancer cells. With the help of cancer-causing substances, aka carcinogens, normal cells turn into malignant cells. 'However, a good immune system can inhibit the onset of cancer, "said Henry.

Henry said there are several factors that could cause cancer, including breast cancer. Fatty foods and less fiber one of the triggers of cancer. Not only that, fatigue, smoking, stress, environmental pollution, and genetic factors also play a role in the onset of cancer.

On January 2009, Sri consume a mixture of propolis, honey and royal jelly which has been processed in the form of syrup. Sri consume 3 times a day each tablespoon. The effect that he felt, the body feels comfortable, like a stab of pain sliced ​​by razor wire and lost.

Another important thing, lumps in the breast smaller than 4 cm to 0.5 cm. When checked out, until the doctor was amazed to see the development of cancer cells to shrink.


Propolis is a powerful control of breast cancer cells? Propolis beehive meaningful protection from external threats. He is a disinfectant to sterilize incoming bee hive. Bees are vulnerable to attack viruses and bacteria. Propolis is usually sourced from the resin or sap of the plant, then mixed with wax and glued with bee saliva.

Propolis is consumed Evie Sri tested by Integrated Research and Testing Laboratory (LPPT), Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. The result, propolis is rich in content of alkaloids, flavonoids as antioxidants, polyphenols, saponins, tannins and quercetin. According to Costas Koumenis, assistant professor at Baptist Health Center Wake Forest University, United States, propolis also rich in caffeic acid content of CEPA Phenetyl Eester. CEPA is an anti-inflammatory and protective to liver cell damage due to administration of chemotherapy drugs.

Efficacy of propolis as evidenced by the killing of cancer cells from the Tri Yuliati SKM LPPT UGM. He tested the efficacy of propolis to test HeLa cells and SiHa cells (cervical cancer), T47D cells (breast cancer) and MCF7 (breast cancer). The result, propolis had LC50 values ​​from 15.625 to 62.5 g / ml. LC50 is the concentration that causes cancer cell death by 50%.

Similar results have been proven by Dr. drh drh Pudji Astuti and Sitarina Widyarini MP, MP, PhD from LPPT UGM. Way, 40 Sprague Dawley strain female rats aged 5 weeks were divided into three treatment groups. Each group of 10 individuals.

Group 1 was induced with DMBA dimetilbenz (a) ntrasen which are carcinogenic. In the mammary gland, DMBA will be converted to epoxide, a metabolically active DNA damaging molecules. That is, a condition causing breast cancer. DMBA dissolved in corn oil first and induced a dose of 20 mg / kg body weight.

Group II a week before DMBA exposure, given a dose of 2.5 ml propolis / kg 2 times a day. The third group of rats in DMBA-induced dose of 20 mg / kg bw. A week before the treatment the rats were given corn oil induced with DMBA dose and frequency similar to group 2. Provision of corn oil and propolis with the same dose remained dilajutkan during the process of DMBA.

The result: when measured one month later on the development of nodules in group I, aka bump in rats gained momentum, reaching 87.5% of the remaining 8 rats. Compared with groups 2 and 3 which gives the nodule is getting smaller each reached 69.23% and 66.66% of test animals. The study also proves that the nodules occur diminution of diameter 1.8 cm to 0.6 cm after 1 month administration of propolis. The results were exactly the experienced Sri Evie.

Cold Sore

Cold sores are fluid-filled sores caused by herpes simplex virus infection type 1. Different from cold sores to cancer. A person's body condition sometimes associated with the disease is cold sores. When you think the disease is not curable, you can take steps to reduce the frequency of appearance and to limit the duration of this happening.

The symptoms of cold sores include:
  • The emergence of small bumps, sore, and filled with fluid, making the skin red, especially around the mouth.
  • Pain or tingling, called prodome, often preceded by skin blisters between one to two days.
  • Usually occurs between 10-14 days.
Cold sores occur mostly in the area around the lips. Sometimes cold sores occur on nostrils, chin or hands - often also grow on the walls of the gums and mouth. The afternoon came on the soft tissues in the mouth, such as the mouth or under the surface of the tongue, it might be cancer, but usually it is the cold evening. Signs or symptoms may not appear for 20 days after exposure to herpes simplex virus. This is the hallmark of the evening.

Causes & Risk Factors

Herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores particular. Herpes simplex virus type 1 that causes cold sores. Herpes simplex virus type 2 usually causes genital herpes.

The first phase of what happens is you get herpes from someone who has a wound that has not healed. Sharing eating utensils, towels or razors, kissing and such can spread the herpes simplex virus type 1. Then contact the mouth - can cause genital herpes simplex virus infection type 1 on the genitals.

Once you hit the first stages of herpes infection before, the virus will be asleep for a while in the nerve cells of your skin and may emerge again as the infection at or near the affected body part in the first stage of infection. You will feel itchy or high sensitivity in the affected part of the previous infection. Fever, menstruation, stress, fatigue and exposure to direct sunlight can trigger a recurrence of this disease.

Cold sores and canker sores
Quite different from cold sores with canker in the afternoon, the conditions in which some people associate with cold sores disease. Cold sores caused by herpes simplex virus active again, and contagious. Canker afternoon is not contagious, canker sores afternoon is occurring in the soft tissues in the mouth, places where cold sores do not typically happen.


You can take steps to shield themselves from the cold evening. To prevent the disease spreading to other body parts or to avoid infectious to others, such as:
  • Avoid kissing and skin contact with others when seen any blisters. The virus can spread easily along the existing discharge from blisters.
  • Avoid borrowing equipment. Supplies, towels, lipbalm and other equipment can spread the virus when blisters are formed.
  • Keep your hands to keep them clean. Wash your hands properly before touching other people if you get cold sores.
  • Be careful when touching other parts of your body. Area around the eyes and genitals can be a special area vulnerable to the spread of the virus.
  • Use a sunblock. Use a sunblock on the lips and face before exposure to the sun for a long time to help prevent cold sores.

Cigarettes Trigger Oral Cancer

VIVAnews - oral cancer cases happen more and more young people. According to the study of Aberdeen University, UK, the trigger is the habit of drinking alcohol, smoking and eating unhealthy foods.

The study was conducted over five years in 350 oral cancer patients under 50 years of age. A total of 9 out of 10 cancer patients shown to have a habit of drinking alcohol, smoking and eating fewer fruits and vegetables in their food menu.

"The case of the upper digestive tract cancer has increased worldwide and to date has been the biggest improvement in adults under the age of 50," says professor of epidemiology, Gary Macfarlane, as quoted by the Daily Mail.

Researchers then analyzed the findings with 400 other participants who did not have cancer of the mouth. In addition to seeing the influence of an unhealthy lifestyle on the development of cancer, this study also looked at other factors such as genetics and environment.

Bad lifestyle that became a kind of 'fuel' that raged tumor progression when older. Unhealthy living habits also increase the risk of serious diseases such as cancer at a young age.

"We are seeing an increase in oral cancer cases doubled in men aged 40 hinggai 49 years in the UK for 20 years," said Macfarlane.

Based on research, unhealthy living habits have the same impact on all ages. So start a healthy life from now on so that you avoid the deadly disease. (Pet)

Smoking Increase Risk of Colon Cancer

Added one more list of types of cancer that can result from smoking. Researchers from Italy reported that the risk of colon cancer is higher for smokers.

Smoking increases about 18% of colorectal cancer and the risk of death from malignancies is about 25%. It is revealed from the results of a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. People should be more aware that smoking increases the risk of cancer,

Smoking increases about 18% of colorectal cancer and the risk of death from malignancies is about 25%. It is revealed from the results of a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

People should be more aware that smoking increases the risk of cancer, not only in organs in direct contact with tobacco, such as the lungs, throat. But also the organ that is also affected by the evils of tobacco indirectly as pancreas, kidney, bladder, cervix, colon and rectum.

This is explained by Edoardo Botteri, an expert involved in the study of Eropean Institute of Oncology in Milan, Italy.

Tobacco is responsible for more than 100 million deaths over the last century, and more than five million deaths a year.

Nevertheless the results of this study indicate that up to now there is more than one billion smokers in the world selurah. As many as 8% of lung cancer caused by smoking.

Research on smoking as a cause of colon cancer are still being conducted by experts. Botteri research by processing data from 10 observations with a variety of trials.

So if now you have started to consider quitting smoking?

3 Cancer Strikes Young Women the Most

VIVAnews - Cancer is not just attack the elderly, but also children and young people. In fact there are three types of cancer according to the American Cancer Society, many of attacking a young woman between the ages of 20 to 39 years.

The cancer is melanoma, thyroid cancer and kidney cancer. Find out how the symptoms of these three cancers, as quoted from the Self.

A. Melanoma

Since 1992, recorded an increase of three percent of cases of melanoma type skin cancer in Caucasian women. Symptoms of this cancer is that there is a stain on the skin that changes the shape, size or color. Alternatively, the new skin grows.

Briefly the changes that occur over several days are usually not cancer. But, if there is a change in a month or more, you should consult a dermatologist.

2. Thyroid Cancer

Three out of four cases of thyroid cancer in women. The number of cases of thyroid cancer has increased since the mid-1990s, and more women hit men and women. The most common symptom is a lump in the neck that you or your doctor aware of when performing examinations.

There was also a sense of tightness in the neck and filled with difficulty breathing or swallowing. There is also a hoarse voice and swelling of lymph nodes as well as pain in the neck or throat that does not go away. The good news, if known from the beginning, thyroid cancer is one type of cancer can be cured.

3. Kidney Cancer

Since 1975, the number of cases of kidney cancer in women increased by 2.4 percent per year. That's according to data from the American Cancer Society. Unfortunately, the early stages of kidney cancer generally do not have many symptoms.

But, when the cancer is getting worse, there will be blood in the urine. Other symptoms are pain or a lump appeared on the lower back or abdomen, accompanied by weight loss, fatigue, fever, or swelling in the feet and ankles. Triggers a number of ginjla cancer is smoking.

Mouth cancer (Mouth Cancer)


Oral cancer is cancer found in all bangian mouth. Oral cancer can occur on the lips, gums, tongue, mouth walls and roof of the mouth or floor of the mouth.

Oral cancer is one of several types of cancer the head and neck cancer category. Oral cancer and head and neck cancer often have the same treatment procedure.


Signs and symptoms of oral cancer include:

• Ulcers which can not be cured
• lump or thickening of the skin of the mouth
• White spots or redness in the mouth
• Teeth on
• The composition of uneven teeth
• Pain in the tongue
• Pain or stiffness in the jaw
• Painful or difficult to chew
• Painful or difficult to swallow
• Sore throat
• Feeling like something is jammed in the throat

Causes & Risk Factors

Oral cancer occurs when cells in the lips or mouth of DNA mutation. This mutation makes the cells continued to grow and thrive, while others have normal cell cycle of life and death. Accumulation of oral cancer cells can form tumors. Can spread to other areas of the head and neck and can also spread to other body parts.

Oral cancer most originated from the thin cells that line the lips and the inside of the mouth (squamous cells). It is unclear what causes these cells to mutate. But doctors have identified factors that increase the risk of oral cancer.

Risk factors

Some factors that increase the risk of oral cancer include:

• Consuming tobacco either by smoking or chewing tobacco
• Consuming alcohol
• Too much sun on the lips
• sexually transmitted virus called HPV virus
• Have experienced before cancer
• Treatment of radiation to the head and neck area


There is no way to prevent cancer. But you can take action to reduce the risk of oral cancer by:

• Quitting Tobacco
• Do not consume alcohol
• Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
• Avoid too much sun
• Checking a dentist regularly

Thyroid Cancer (Thyroid Cancer)

Thyroid cancer occurs in cells of the thyroid gland (an organ shaped like a butterfly is located at the base of the neck), which serves to produce hormones to regulate the heart beat rate, blood pressure, body temperature and weight.

Thyroid cancer usually does not cause any signs and symptoms early. Along with its growth, the patient will feel:

• A lump can be felt under the skin of the neck
• Changes in voice, including hoarseness
• It is hard to swallow
• Pain in the neck or throat
• Swollen lymph nodes in the neck

Causes & Risk Factors

It is not clear what causes thyroid cancer. Doctors believe the cancer occurs when genetic mutations occur in cells in the thyroid which causes it to continue to grow and multiply themselves when normal cells should die. Accumulation of these cells then form a tumor and can spread to other body areas.

This type of thyroid cancer include:
  • Papillary thyroid cancer. Is the most common type. Generally occur in those aged between 30 to 50 years.
  • Follicular thyroid cancer. Generally occur in those aged over 50 years.
  • Medullary thyroid cancer. Derivatives associated with genetic syndromes that also includes other gland tumor. This type of cancer is also much that is sporadic, the syndrome is not associated with genetic inheritance.
  • Anaplastic thyroid cancer. Is a malignant type of thyroid cancer, treatment is difficult and very rare happening. This type of cancer usually occurs in those aged 60 years and over.
  • Thyroid lymphoma. This cancer starts from cells of the immune system of the thyroid. This rare type of cancer most often strikes occur and those aged 70 years and over.
Risk factors
Some factors that increase the risk of thyroid cancer include:
  • Exposed to high levels of radiation
  • Personal or family records with goiter (enlarged thyroid gland)
  • Certain congenital genetic syndromes, such as familial medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia and familial adenomatous polyposis.

The experts are not sure what causes thyroid cancer. Therefore there is no way to prevent thyroid cancer. But in those at high risk of thyroid cancer will probably require surgery (prophylactic thyroidectomy) for cancer prevention.

Hurthle Cell Cancer

Hurthle cell cancer is a rare type of cancer that attacks the thyroid gland, a gland located in front of the neck down. The thyroid secretes hormones that are important to regulate the body's metabolism. Hurthle cell cancer can be aggressive and surgery is usually performed to remove the thyroid gland that has cancer.

Among the new cases of thyroid cancer, less than 5 percent are Hurthle cell cancers. The disease is also called Hurthle cell carcinoma, or sometimes called oxyphil cell carcinoma.

Signs and symptoms of hurthle cell cancer include:

• The lump is rapidly growing, slightly below the adam's apple.
• Pain in the neck and throat with ear pain that sometimes occurs.
• Hoarseness or voice change.
• Shortness of breath.
• It is hard to swallow.
• A cough that is caused by respiratory tract infections.

Causes & Risk Factors
The precise cause is unknown hurthle cell cancer, although scientists believe the condition is associated with changes in DNA, including the relationship with the aging process.

In general, cancer begins when a mutation occurs in the cell DNA. DNA mutations can cause cells to function normally. The mutation causes the cells to grow out of control and later life when other cells die. Accumulation of cells that form tumors can spread to other body areas.

Risk factors
Factors that may increase the risk hurthle cell cancer include:
• Women
• Old age
• Treatment of radiation to the head and neck

You can reduce the risk hurthle cell cancer by reducing exposure to radiation from X-rays or other sources.

Tea and Coffee Prevent Brain Cancer

VIVAnews - There have been many studies that mention the positive effects of tea and coffee for health. Recent studies showed that consumption of two popular drink that every day can reduce the chances of developing brain cancer.

The conclusion was based on analysis of data on dietary habits of more than 410 thousand men and women aged between 25 and 70. The study involved participants from various countries such as France, Holland, Italy, Spain, England, Greece, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany.

The team recruited participants between 1991 and 2000. They then observe and study the habits and health conditions of participants for 8.5 years. Starting from the intake of food, drink, until the illness.

During the study, a number of new cases diagnosed among others, 343 245 cases of meningioma cases of glioma, as well as other cancers that affect the protective tissue surrounding the brain and spinal cord.

The results showed, coffee and tea can protect against cancer of the brain, particularly in the form of glioma, a cancer of the central nervous system originating from the brain or spinal cord.

The research team found that drinking 100 mL (or 0.4 cups) of tea or coffee per day or more can reduce the risk of glioma with the percentage of 34 percent. The study is published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition November. (Pet)

Behind the Cancer Risk Fries

LEEDS, - Who is not tempted by the delicious french fries. Crispness and taste sensation when served warm addictive. However, for those who are enamored of these foods, you should remain vigilant. The content of acrylamide in French fries thought to increase cancer risk, especially in young women.

As dipubliaksikan in the British Journal of Cancer, the habit of eating foods containing acrylamide increases the risk of breast cancer, especially in women who have entered menopause.

Scientists at the University of Leeds, UK, conducted a large-scale study involving women aged 35-69 years 33.7331. These women were followed for 11 years in the research entitled "The United Kingdom Women's Cohort Study". In this study, researchers examined the intake of foods containing acrylamide, a potentially carcinogenic substance is also found in other crunchy foods, like potato chips.

During the study, the experts noted there are at least 1084 cases are diagnosed breast. The experts found that the intake of acrylamide is not a single factor that triggers breast cancer risk in women.

However, after accounting for other variables, eating habits acrylamide may increase the risk of breast cancer about 20 percent in premenopausal women.

Acrylamide is an organic compound with chemical formula C5H5NO. These compounds can be formed on high carbohydrate foods, such as corn, potatoes, cassava and starch served with fried, baked, or roasted at temperatures above 120 degrees celsius.

Some foods, like potato chips, made from potatoes or other products, such as French fries, cereals (breakfast products), bakery products (baked bread), and products made from corn or maize, is believed to produce acrylamide in its processing. This happens because the presentation is generally require high temperature and long time, especially when the color changes to brown (overcooked), or charred.

Oral Cancer / Mouth Cancer

Oral cancer is cancer found in all bangian mouth. Oral cancer can occur on the lips, gums, tongue, mouth walls and roof of the mouth or floor of the mouth.

Oral cancer is one of several types of cancer the head and neck cancer category. Oral cancer and head and neck cancer often have the same treatment procedure.

Signs and symptoms of oral cancer include:

  • Boil that can not be cured
  • Lumps or thickening of the skin of the mouth
  • White spots or redness in the mouth
  • Tooth loss
  • The teeth are not flat
  • Pain in the tongue
  • Pain or stiffness in the jaw
  • Painful or difficult to chew
  • Painful or difficult to swallow
  • Sore throat
  • Feeling like something is jammed in the throat
Causes & Risk Factors

Oral cancer occurs when cells in the lips or mouth of DNA mutation. This mutation makes the cells continued to grow and thrive, while others have normal cell cycle of life and death. Accumulation of oral cancer cells can form tumors. Can spread to other areas of the head and neck and can also spread to other body parts.

Oral cancer most originated from the thin cells that line the lips and the inside of the mouth (squamous cells). It is unclear what causes these cells to mutate. But doctors have identified factors that increase the risk of oral cancer.

Risk factors

Some factors that increase the risk of oral cancer include:
  • Tobacco either by smoking or chewing tobacco
  • Consuming alcohol
  • Too much sun on the lips
  • Sexually transmitted virus called HPV virus
  • Never experienced before cancer
  • Radiation treatment in head and neck area

There is no way to prevent cancer. But you can take action to reduce the risk of oral cancer by:

• Quitting Tobacco
• Do not consume alcohol
• Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
• Avoid too much sun
• Checking a dentist regularly