'The opportunity to recover only 1%,' said the doctor who examined Sri Evie. Sri stage III breast cancer. Unfortunately the cancer cells had metastasized to the liver. 'It felt like needles prickling, "said Sri. However, eleven months later, Evie Sri still fit. The doctor who examined Sri stunned, the downsizing of the cancer cells so quickly.
Sri Evie remembers feeling a lump in her right breast. It was in February 2008. Female 50 years old do not bother because it does not cause pain bumps. Pain as the needle pierced his newly felt in April 2008 so he rushed to the hospital. That's when doctors diagnose breast cancer Evie Sri stage III. To overcome the malignant disease, doker biopsy and 8 times the chemotherapy.
At all biopsy costs Rp3 ,5-million, chemotherapy, Rp 6-million. Must provide the means to fund Sri-Rp50 million. In fact, the only remaining savings Rp7 ,5-million. That's what makes Sri Evie and her husband hesitated. Sri perform the test levels for CA15-3-find breast tumor antigen in the blood, again in a laboratory. However, the result is the same: CA levels reached 172.95 μ / ml; normal levels up to 30 μ / ml.
Mental test results that make Sri sag. Week-long he cried. After all, the end of primary school head did not have much choice. He underwent eight chemotherapy with interval of 21 days starting in May 2008. Each comb, he saw the hair sticking to the comb. It's one of the effects of chemotherapy, in addition to loss of appetite, so emaciated bodies. After 4 times of chemotherapy, doctors stated that Sri cured cancer in the liver.
Reappear After chemotherapy on the 8th September 2008, doctors recommend breast removal surgery. Sri flinch at having to fly to tanahsuci to perform the pilgrimage. Sri surprised that a lump in the breast were increasingly enlarged and yellow discharge. 'It was like a big wire disilet and stabbed, "said Sri.
Eventually canceled due to surgical removal of cancer cells to grow. Doctors recommend further chemotherapy. According to Dr. Henry Naland Sp.B Oncology, almost all humans have a gene alias oncogene on chromosome carriers of cancer cells. With the help of cancer-causing substances, aka carcinogens, normal cells turn into malignant cells. 'However, a good immune system can inhibit the onset of cancer, "said Henry.
Henry said there are several factors that could cause cancer, including breast cancer. Fatty foods and less fiber one of the triggers of cancer. Not only that, fatigue, smoking, stress, environmental pollution, and genetic factors also play a role in the onset of cancer.
On January 2009, Sri consume a mixture of propolis, honey and royal jelly which has been processed in the form of syrup. Sri consume 3 times a day each tablespoon. The effect that he felt, the body feels comfortable, like a stab of pain sliced by razor wire and lost.
Another important thing, lumps in the breast smaller than 4 cm to 0.5 cm. When checked out, until the doctor was amazed to see the development of cancer cells to shrink.
Cytotoxic Propolis is a powerful control of breast cancer cells? Propolis beehive meaningful protection from external threats. He is a disinfectant to sterilize incoming bee hive. Bees are vulnerable to attack viruses and bacteria. Propolis is usually sourced from the resin or sap of the plant, then mixed with wax and glued with bee saliva.
Propolis is consumed Evie Sri tested by Integrated Research and Testing Laboratory (LPPT), Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. The result, propolis is rich in content of alkaloids, flavonoids as antioxidants, polyphenols, saponins, tannins and quercetin. According to Costas Koumenis, assistant professor at Baptist Health Center Wake Forest University, United States, propolis also rich in caffeic acid content of CEPA Phenetyl Eester. CEPA is an anti-inflammatory and protective to liver cell damage due to administration of chemotherapy drugs.
Efficacy of propolis as evidenced by the killing of cancer cells from the Tri Yuliati SKM LPPT UGM. He tested the efficacy of propolis to test HeLa cells and SiHa cells (cervical cancer), T47D cells (breast cancer) and MCF7 (breast cancer). The result, propolis had LC50 values from 15.625 to 62.5 g / ml. LC50 is the concentration that causes cancer cell death by 50%.
Similar results have been proven by Dr. drh drh Pudji Astuti and Sitarina Widyarini MP, MP, PhD from LPPT UGM. Way, 40 Sprague Dawley strain female rats aged 5 weeks were divided into three treatment groups. Each group of 10 individuals.
Group 1 was induced with DMBA dimetilbenz (a) ntrasen which are carcinogenic. In the mammary gland, DMBA will be converted to epoxide, a metabolically active DNA damaging molecules. That is, a condition causing breast cancer. DMBA dissolved in corn oil first and induced a dose of 20 mg / kg body weight.
Group II a week before DMBA exposure, given a dose of 2.5 ml propolis / kg 2 times a day. The third group of rats in DMBA-induced dose of 20 mg / kg bw. A week before the treatment the rats were given corn oil induced with DMBA dose and frequency similar to group 2. Provision of corn oil and propolis with the same dose remained dilajutkan during the process of DMBA.
The result: when measured one month later on the development of nodules in group I, aka bump in rats gained momentum, reaching 87.5% of the remaining 8 rats. Compared with groups 2 and 3 which gives the nodule is getting smaller each reached 69.23% and 66.66% of test animals. The study also proves that the nodules occur diminution of diameter 1.8 cm to 0.6 cm after 1 month administration of propolis. The results were exactly the experienced Sri Evie.