"Indeed, CHD patients due to genetic factors are rarely encountered," said Dr. Pauline Endang Praptini MS clinical nutrition specialist from the RS Fatmawati Jakarta, Friday (22/5). Even so, it does not mean we do not heed them. If there is one family member affected by this disease is likely the offspring are also affected. "But for the prevalence is not known," he said.
CHD risk is high when we are suffering from high cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and love to smoke. "The possibility of a person exposed to the higher CHD when he does not just have one risk factor. For example, a person is obese is still smoking, too. This is very dangerous," said Pauline.
Therefore consider that unhealthy lifestyles such as fond of eating high fat foods such as organ meats, especially those from four-legged animals, such as eating saturated fats found in coconut milk and foods fried in vegetable cooking oils, butter consumption of trans fats are classified and stop immediately.