Discussing mutton, many believe the myth that eating goat meat can increase libido in men. What do experts say about that?
Why after eating goat meat hot bodies swelter? Why, the burning of calories by the body will produce excess heat. But that reaction is misinterpreted by most people he believed to be the goat meat plant arousal in men. In fact, the excessive eating goat meat, and too often it can threaten the male sexual potency.
What article? The high concentration of fat and cholesterol in the diet even in the long run will increase the density of blood that can clog blood vessels of the penis. If it happens, the blood to the penis will be hampered. As a result of oxygen-rich blood supply so limited, so impotent.
In addition, yells heralded as passion plant, goat meat is also often accused of being the originator of high blood pressure and cause sudden death. Actually, when compared to cows, fat and cholesterol content of goat meat is lower. Charges doubtful mutton as a trigger for high blood pressure or a headache accompanied by a deadly stroke.
Pros and cons emerge. Somehow the story, believed to have mutton aphrodisiac abilities, ability to increase sexual arousal in men. The clear assumption that has long been developing in the community. And the story is true.
If observed, the physical fiber goat meat is not much different than the other red meat of sheep, cattle, and buffalo. Compared with the lamb for example, both are fine textured. The color of the meat was not too different even mutton is usually darker in color.
Striking difference with other cattle meat as reported by the Digest, it smells. Lamb, beef, or buffalo fishy smell alone, while the pungent smell of goat meat (the Javanese say prengus). In addition, fat is whiter and harder.
What people say about goat meat may increase a person's sexual potency, according to Dr. Muhilal of the Center for Nutrition Bogor, there are probably correct. People claim it is based on the experience of ancestors. "But if it should be studied scientifically researched first. But the data does not exist, so the essence of trust," explained Dr. Muhilal.
Instead, nutritionists are less likely to agree with the might of a man after eating goat sate due to energy derived from fat satay. In terms of pharmacology, it could be goat meat contains compounds similar to the male sex hormone. However, until now have not found a scientific basis to declare meat goats can improve male sexual potency.
Obtained by those who use food or drink aphrodisiac potency was not increased, but more sexual sensation. Sensation due course, someone to be passionate. However, the potential remains just that much. n FROM VARIOUS SUMBER/M-1