- By: trubusid_admindb
- Proven By Science
Caskets and burial sites Tarsisius Sarbini was prepared. 61 years his condition deteriorated due to coronary heart disease. Doctors offer bypass surgery to address the bully's life executioners, but the family refused.
For couples and Sri Subekti Tarsisius Sarbini a teacher by profession, operating costs Rp150-millions that are very expensive. 'If I sell a house is also not solve the problem. I do not want to torment a child-wife, 'said Sarbini who smoke since 1970 and spent three packs per day from 1985 to 1995. Moreover, according to the treating physician the opportunity heal after surgery only 50%. Under conditions of surrender that a coffin was prepared.
There was no other option for Sri Subekti than have to bring my husband back home. On 5 September 2005 that they left the hospital in London and returned to Depok, West Java. Men born in Banyumas, Central Java, March 14, 1944 was just lying. The whole activity took place on the bed. Families like waiting for death bells Sarbini.
Defense of the city
Long before the recommended surgery, Sarbini working hard to find a cure. He is consumes a variety of herbs. Just to cite an example he regularly drank a glass of boiled leaves of Artocarpus altilis breadfruit tree. Consumption of 3 months old, yet also bring about change. He has also disciplined swallowing 9 types of prescription drugs three times a day, 7 blockages in the heart but not yet resolved.
A few days after arriving home, H Anwar, parents of students she educates, thrusting propolis. Sarbini was obedient and taking each of the 3 propolis capsules 3 times daily. Three types of drugs from the doctor - the same as in the previous consumption - he ingested 1 hour after ingestion of propolis. A week later, 65 year-old man felt his usefulness. 'I can walk 5 meters and a lifting bucket,' said Sarbini.
That's tremendous progress. Before, let alone walk, get up from bed even he could not. The original chest pain as the knife pierced, its intensity diminished. Frivolous wife and family just absurdly pleased. A month later he was feeling very fit. Trubus when found at his home on December 16, 2009, Sarbini looks dashing.
Its activity as a healthy walk in the morning and teaching in the afternoon to evening. In short the complaints that he had felt, disappeared altogether. Recovery does not he prove through medical examination. After his condition improved, the last 4 years have not been examined Sarbini heart because the cost is relatively expensive, reaching Rp25-millions.
According to Dr. Robert Hatibi in Jakarta Sarbini recovery of the heart due to blockage of blood vessels propolis ability to scavenge free radicals that erode the blockage. Blockage was caused by nicotine in cigarettes that thicken the walls of blood vessels in the heart. In addition to erode, "Propolis also keep and maintain the elasticity and capillarity the aorta and vena heart, 'said Hatibi.
Sarbini consumed Propolis is a product produced by bees. That many farmed species is Apis cerana and Apis mellifera. Different from honey propolis, bee main product. There is honey in the hive hexagonal; propolis outside the nest. Artificial nest boxes on the form of wood, put the worker bees in the gap antarpapan propolis, frame, or close the nest.
Ir CH Hotnida MSi Siregar, a bee expert from Bogor Institute of Agriculture said the worker bee propolis processing of various materials such as leaf, the sap of plants, and plant a variety of skin such as acacia and pine. According Dolok Tinanda Haposan Sihombing, a bee expert from Bogor Agricultural University, propolis is a complex mixture of materials consisting of the night, resins, balsams, oils, and pollen.
The word propolis comes from the Greek: pro meaning before, polis meaning city. Cities in life it is a hotbed of social insects. Literally propolis significantly before reaching the city. For the benefit of bee propolis nest patching cracks, cover the hole, and disinfect the nest. 'City' has always bee propolis in a sterile condition thanks.
Hotnida said propolis is another function or mummify corpses wrapped pests that enter the hive. Thus propolis stops the growth and spread of bacteria, fungi, and viruses that spread disease and no nests remained sterile. Pests are wrapped with a durable and propolis was not bad because of propolis are antibacterial. Method that is imitated by the ancestors of the Egyptians to preserve bodies.
According to Ir Bambang Soekartiko, Bina Apiari owners, the quality of propolis depends on the source plant and manufacturing process. Plant sources of propolis in temperate countries such as Bulgaria, Korea, and Russia is the poplar tree Populus sp. Brazil has Bacharis dracunculifolia and Dalbergia sp respectively as sources of green and red propolis which has a high bioflavonoid. Brazil's famous as the main producer countries in the world propolis.
Its products are well-known high-grade green propolis because of the high content of bioflavonoids. Flavonoids are plant components that are as anticendawan materials, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory. "In Indonesia there are no plant sources of propolis type of research is high bioflavonoid content, 'said Soekartiko (read: A Secret in the nest page 25).
The color of propolis varied, although generally dark brown. However, it is sometimes found also in green propolis, red, black, even white depending on the source of resin. Propolis production is relatively small, 20 grams a year from 200,000 bees. Because dark colors tend to assume that many beekeepers propolis as dirt.
Moreover, the farmers were also not yet know the properties of propolis. Therefore, they would throw propolis from the hive because they think dirty. In fact, for harvested propolis, is relatively easy. Breeders are carefully scrape and extract it (read: The key to the Solvent page 20). Well, because farmers rarely glimpsed, then the use of propolis for health less popular than other bee products like honey and royal jelly. Beekeepers in the United States also consider propolis as a nuisance. Propolis is attached in the hands, clothing, and shoes when the weather turns hot and hard and crusty when cold.
In fact, the price of propolis is far more expensive than honey. Currently in Indonesia the price of propolis at the farmer level reached Rp700.000; honey, Rp35.000 per kg. Only in the late 1990s ogled propolis as an ingredient when the Japanese nutritious bee glue for health research. Takagi Y from the Suzuka University Medical School prove the efficacy of propolis increases the body's immune system. Other research from the University of Japan proved that propolis reduces the risk of tooth pain. Of scientific evidence that the use of propolis famous in Japan.
According Hotnida use of propolis in Indonesia also affected the results of research in Japan. Vibrant communities in Indonesia uses bee glue propolis alias in the last 2 years. Since the presence of several manufacturers and distributors such as Queen PT Nusantara, CV Cahya Prosperous, PT Melianature Indonesia and PT Indonesia High Dessert. In the market there are now a variety of propolis-based products such as propolis capsules of pure, pure propolis liquid, propolis and honey and mix.
Scientific research
Along with the trend of utilization of propolis, the researchers tested the bees glue it scientifically. Dra Mulyati MSi Sarto, researchers at the Faculty of Biology, University of Gadjah Mada University, proved that propolis is safe to eat. In preclinical testing, proving Mulyati LD50 propolis reached over 10,000 mg. LD50 is the lethal dose of a lethal dosage aka half of experimental animals.
If converted, the dose was equivalent to 7 ounces for human consumption once weighing 70 kg. In fact, the dose of propolis in public consumption is very low, only 1-2 drops in a glass of water. Another use of the dose was only 1 tablespoon dissolved in 50 ml of water.
'The toxicity of propolis is very low, if not arguably less toxic, "said Mulyati. How the effects of consumption in the long run? Master of Biology, Gadjah Mada University alumnus was also testing the toxicity subkronik. The result in long-term consumption of propolis did not cause damage to the blood, liver, and kidneys. Two scientific test - acute toxicity and toxicity subkronik - proves an ancient supplement ingredients that are very safe to eat.
Propolis is also consumed Sri Evie, head of Public Elementary School Kertajaya 4 Surabaya, to cope with stage IV breast cancer. Evie eventually recover from the deadly disease. Recovery in line with the research of Prof. Dr. Mustafa MKes, researchers at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada University, who researched the in vitro propolis as anticancer. The master of using HeLa cells and Siha - both cervical cancer cells - as well as T47D and MCF7 (breast cancer cells).
He was also tested in vivo in mice induced 20 mg dimethilbenz (a) anthracene (DMBA), a carcinogenic compound triggers cancer cells. Frequency of 2 times a week for 5 weeks. The results showed propolis has a cytotoxic effect on cancer cells. IC50 values in in vitro assays reach 20-41 ug / ml. IC50 is the concentration of inhibition consentration alias propolis inhibition of cancer cells.
To inhibit half the cells tested, only need 20-41 mg / ml. That figure is equivalent to 0.02 to 0.041 ppm. Compare with most top tocopherol as an antioxidant. IC50 values tocopherol only 4-8 ppm. This means that ntuk inhibit free radicals by propolis need fewer doses than tocopherols. In other words propolis antioxidant value is much larger than the tocopherols.
In the test in vivo, propolis antiproliferasi effect. Growth of cancer cell proliferation is uncontrolled so successfully in groups. Of the group appeared to be separated from its mother cell and live independently with the 'migrate' to other networks. Antiproliferasi means propolis could inhibit cancer cell growth.
'Due to the reduced volume and the number of cancer nodules in rats given 0.3 ml and 1.2 ml of propolis,' says Dr. Woro Rukmi Pratiwi MKes, SpPD, research team members. In that study is not yet known active compounds in propolis which are anticancer. However, according to Dr. Ivan Hoesada in Semarang, Central Java, which is an anticancer compound is an acid ester fenetil caffeat.
Much empirical evidence indicating death disease sufferers recover after consumption of propolis. 'Serious illness that a specialist had resigned, "said Dr. Ivan. Just to mention a few examples are Siti Latifah who suffered a stroke, Mandy Sudarwati (ginja failure), and Rohaya (diabetes mellitus). According to Dr. Hafuan Lutfie MBA highly integrated mechanism of propolis. In the face of cancer cells, for example, propolis is anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory alias anesthesia or pain reduction.
More important propolis stimulates the immune system. 'The body is empowered to immunity works so as to combat the disease, "said Lutfie, doctors Sriwjaya University alumnus. The ability of propolis increase endurance called immunomodulators. Dr. Dr. Eko Budi Koendhori MKes of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga proven to increase immune mice given propolis. Usually infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis - bacteria that cause tuberculosis (TB) - an indication of lowered immunity with interferon gamma and increased drop in interleukin 10 and TGF. Interferon gamma is a compound produced by immune cells or T cells that activate macrophages to kill the TB germs. TGF Interleukin and interferon gamma is inhibitory compounds.
Doctoral scholars proved tuberculosis interferon gamma mice given propolis tended to increase until week-12. Instead interleukin 10 would not show significant differences. 'Provision of propolis on mice infected with TB are able to reduce damage to the lungs by increasing the body's immune system, "said Dr. Eko.
With excess propolis is appropriate when demand tends to increase. Yudi Cahya Widianto in May 2009 a new market 300 bottles each containing 250 ml bottle has now reached 500. Malaysia routinely requested 250 bottles per month. Hendra Wijaya who manage outlets in Coventry Melianature Indonesia, Bogor, West Java, was able to sell 50 packages per day. A package consists of 7 bottles each volume of 6 ml for Rp2.750.000 Rp550.000 or total daily turnover.
Marta Irawati archipelago of the Queen of propolis reluctant to reveal sales volume. 'Increased sales volume reached 20% per year, "said Marta. Conditions that encourage Jeanny Komar, beekeepers in Sukabumi, West Java, in January 2010 began using propolis. 1000 he was managing the colony. Commodities during the time he let the drug was efficacious. 'Medicines of which created beings are far better than man-made drugs, "said Dr. Lutfie