Ear Nose Throat Poly Staff Head-Neck Surgery (ENT-TOS) Soetomo Hospital, Dr. Dr. Nyilo Purnami SpTHT-KL said, laryngeal cancer cases per year increased by about 30%. Although the greatest number of men, but the vocal cord cancer can also strike women.
According to data on Poly-KL ENT Audiology Soetomo Hospital, from 2001 to 2009 recorded 100 patients with laryngeal cancer who had undergone surgical removal of the vocal cords.
"The causes are many, but that is suppose to be the main cause is smoking. For the majority of patients are active smokers, although there are some second-hand smoke, "said Dr. Nyilo, Tuesday (28/4).
Described, the cause of vocal cord cancer is multifactorial. Most of the viral infection of the upper respiratory tract (eg common cold). But it could also be due to excessive use of voice and allergic reactions as well as inhaling irritants (eg cigarette smoke). Laryngitis also may accompany bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, pertussis, measles and diphtheria. "The symptoms are usually in the form of a hoarse voice changes to a loss of voice. In addition to hoarseness, no other symptoms, "he said.
Because this was not accompanied by other symptoms, the patient does not feel pain, so most patients present in the condition is acute.
Actions that can be done is to lift the patient's vocal cords. As a result, patients experience hearing loss, aka larynx vocal cords, which means patients can not speak anymore.
"It does not have vocal cords does not mean no longer able to communicate, because the persons with hearing larynx can still communicate with the gastrointestinal tract or esophagus," he said.
"It does not have vocal cords does not mean no longer able to communicate, because the persons with hearing larynx can still communicate with the gastrointestinal tract or esophagus," he said.
Although the sound produced is not as clear and as good as the vocal cords, but people can still communicate. Hopefully, people can do that if found early detection of cancer of the vocal cords can be taken to be less fatal.
Smoking culture
Smoking culture
Smoking habits are so embedded in Indonesian society. As a result, the children began to imitate the smoking at an early age. It also is one indicator, the increasing number of patients with laryngeal cancer. Moreover, patients with laryngeal cancer was also found at a young age, like Ike and one patient from Karachi who were aged 29 years.
"The culture of smoking has become one of the indicators. In addition to environmental exposure to smoke, to second-hand smoke can also be an indicator. But in addition to exposure to smoke also have other factors that support, "he explained.
Another factor in favor, say Nyilo, the genes or hereditary factors and the condition of the body's defenses are not the same individual. Early detection of cancer of the vocal cords is a change in the voice becomes hoarse. So that, when found his voice suddenly husky you should immediately consult.
"For prevention is leading a healthy lifestyle so that the resistance of the body for the better. And should avoid exposure to smoke, "advised Nyilo.
Not smoke cigarettes, but also the other smoke. The reason, the smoke contains many substances that could potentially be carbon monoxide karsiogenik ingredients that stimulate the growth of cancer cells in the body