Friday, July 27, 2012

Singapore Flu Hand Foot Mouth Disease Or (HFMD)

DEFINITIONS "Singapore Flu" is actually a disease in the world of medicine known as Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD) or in the Indonesian language Disease Hand, Foot, and Mouth (PTKM).

In Indonesia, the disease is actually not a new disease. The term "Singapore Flu" appears because it was an explosion of cases and deaths from the disease in Singapore. Because the symptoms resemble the flu, and when it occurred in Singapore (and later also occurred in Indonesia), many print media which makes the term "Singapore flu", although this is not standard terminology.

PTKM CAUSE This is an infectious disease caused by a VIRUS RNA included in the family Picornaviridae (Pico, Spain = small), genus Enterovirus (non-polio).


The disease is transmitted (such as flu etc.) and often occur in summer. PTKM is a disease that often occurs in dense groups and in children aged 2 weeks to 5 years (sometimes up to 10 years). Adults are generally more resistant to enteroviruses, although it could be affected. Transmitted through the faecal-pral (digestion) and the respiratory tract, from the droplets (granular saliva), runny nose, saliva, feces, fluid vesicle (a skin disorder in the form of small bubbles filled with fluid) or excreta in which the incubation period of 2-5 days.


At first, not a high fever for 2-3 days, followed by sore throat (pharyngitis), no appetite, runny nose, symptoms such as "flu" is not usually deadly. Vesicles arise (bouncy skin filled with water) which then broke out, there are 3-10 ulcer (bubbles) in the mouth such as thrush (tongue, gums, inner cheeks) feels pain so difficult to swallow. Along with that arising rash / rash or vesicles (blisters redness / blisters are small and flat), which do not papulovesikel ditelapak itchy hands and feet. Sometimes the rash / rash (makulopapel) there dibokong. This disease will generally improve themselves in 7-10 days, and do not need to be hospitalized.

If there are symptoms severe enough, then the patient should be hospitalized. Symptoms severe enough, among others:

  • Hyperpyrexia, ie a high fever with temperatures over 39 C.
  • Fever did not go down and down for 72 hours.
  • Tachycardia (a rapid pulse)
  • Takipneu, that is so fast and shortness of breath.
  • Severe dehydration.
  • Lethargy, weakness, and drowsiness continues.
  • Pain in the neck, arms, and legs.
  • Seizures, or cranial nerve paralysis.
  • Photophobia (not bear to see the light).
  • Tension on the abdominal area.
  • Hallucinations or disturbances of consciousness.
Complications of this disease are:
  • Meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain) is aseptic.
  • Encephalitis (brain inflammation).
  • Myocarditis (Coxsackie Virus carditis) or pericarditis.
  • Acute flaccid paralysis / acute paralyzed Paralyzed ("Polio-like illness")
Get plenty of rest, drink plenty of (to prevent dehydration), and consumption of nutritious foods.
There is no specific treatment, so it is only given to symptomatic clinical course based on the existing situation (do not need antibiotics unless there is a bacterial infection)
This disease is "self-limiting diseases", which can be cured by itself, within 7-10 days, the patient needs to rest because of decreased immune system. Patients treated are those with severe symptoms and complications mentioned above.
The disease is common in communities with poor sanitation. Prevention of disease is to maintain cleanliness (hygiene and sanitation) and individual environment.
The easiest way to do is get always wash your hands, especially before and after the toilet is also before and after meals. The patient did not need was exiled because of excretion of virus persists several weeks after symptoms disappear, which is important to maintain personal hygiene. The disease is not preventable by vaccine (immunization) / IHC