Hodgkin's lymphoma. Some people with this disease may not realize that he was suffering from Hodgkin's lymphoma. The disease is sometimes found of the findings on chest X-ray examination for other indications. Diagnosis is made from a biopsy of enlarged lymph nodes. If the biopsy found to change the shape of lymph nodes and the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells, it does confirm the diagnosis. Other investigations that may be required to diganosis and for extent / involvement of other organs are: rontgten, CT-scan, MRI, gallium scan, PET scan, bone marrow biopsy and blood tests.
Hodgkin's lymphoma be classified into 4 stages according to severity:
- Stage I: Cancer is confined to one lymph node area or in one organ only.
- Stage II: At this stage, it involves two different lymph nodes, but still limited in a region above or below the diaphragm body.
- Stage III: If the cancer has moved to the lymph nodes above and below the diaphragm, but has not spread from the lymph nodes to other organs.
- Stage IV: This is the most advanced stage. At the stadium iniyang affected not only the lymph nodes, but also other body parts, such as bone marrow or liver.
- A: If the patient has no symptoms of fever, sweating, or weight loss
- B: If the patient has symptoms of fever, many berkeirngat, or weight loss.
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Of the physical examination, the doctor will find enlarged lymph nodes. Laboratory tests are needed to see the possibility of infectious diseases (also can cause enlarged lymph nodes). Diagnosis biposi evidenced by the enlarged lymph nodes. Other investigations are x-rays, CT scans, PET scans, and bone marrow biopsy may be needed to see whether the disease has spread to the bone marrow. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma composed of 30 types. Immunophenotyping laboratory tests can distinguish non-Hodgkin's lymphoma B cell or cell type T.
Hodgkin's lymphoma be classified into 4 stages according to severity:
- Stage I: Lymphoma hany involves one lymph node area alone.
- Stage II: Limfome involves 2 or 3 local nodes are adjacent.
- Stage III: Lymphoma involving several regional lymph nodes in the neck, chest, and abdomen.
- Stage IV: The lymphoma spread to lymph nodes and other body parts, such as lung, liver, or bone.
Lymphoma treated by a specialist hematology-oncology and may be referred to other specialists if needed.
Hodgkin's lymphoma. Therapy of this disease depends on several factors, such as disease stage, number and any areas of lymph nodes involved, age, symptoms, pregnant / not, and general health status. The goal of therapy is to destroy the cancer cells as possible and achieve remission. With optimal treatment, approximately 95% of patients with Hodgkin lymphoma stage I or II can survive up to 5 years or more. If the disease is already widespread, the rate of resistance hdup 5 years 60-70%. Therapeutic options are:
- Radiation. Radiation therapy is given if the disease involves only certain areas of the body. Radiation therapy can be administered as a single therapy, but usually given together with chemotherapy. If the disease recur after radiation, chemotherapy is necessary. Some types of radiation therapy may increase the risk of other cancers, like breast cancer or lung cancer, especially if the patient is younger than 30 years. Generally, pediatric patients treated with combination chemotherapy, but may also be needed low-dose radiation therapy.
- Chemotherapy. If the disease is widespread and has been involved lymph nodes or other organs more, then chemotherapy is the main choice. Chemotherapy regimens are commonly given ABVD, BEACOPP, Copp, Stanford V, and MOPP. MOPP regimen (consisting of mechlorethamine, Oncovin, procarazine, and prednisone) is the standard regimen, but is highly toxic, whereas the ABVD regimen (consisting of doxorubicin / Adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine) is a new regimen with fewer side effects slightly and the current regimen of choice. Chemotherapy is given in several cycles, typically between a few weeks. The duration of chemotherapy is given approximately 6-10 months.
- Bone marrow transplantation. If the disease recur after initial remission achieved by chemotherapy, the high-dose chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation or peripheral stem cell autologous (from self) can help to prolong disease remission. Because of the high-dose chemotherapy will damage the bone marrow, the previously collected peripheral blood stem cell first or bone marrow.
- Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy for lymphoma types, especially given the degree of malignancy is high and at an advanced stage.
- Radiation. Radiation doses Cleaner aims to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation therapy is generally given to low-grade lymphoma in the early stages. However, sometimes combined with chemotherapy in malignant lymphoma with a degree of being or to treat certain places, like in the brain.
- Stem cell transplantation. Especially if it will be given high-dose chemotherapy, which in case of relapse. This therapy is generally used for medium-high degree of lymphoma who relapse after initial therapy never works.
- Observation. If lymphoma is slow in growth, then the doctor may decide to observation alone. Lymphoma that grows slowly with mild symptoms may not require therapy for a year or more.
- Biological therapy. The only biologic therapy approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) United States currently is rituximab. Rituximab is a monoclonal antibody that helps the immune system recognize and destroy cancer cells. Generally given in combination with chemotherapy or in radioimunoterapi.
- Radioimunoterapi. It is the current therapy for non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Drugs that have received recognition from the FDA for the ibritumomab and tositumomab radioimunoterapi. This therapy uses the same monoclonal antibody with a radioactive isotope. The antibodies will attach to cancer cells and radiation will mengahancurkan cancer cells.