In the last decade Australia has established itself as one of the world’s leading nations in the sport of diving. Divers like Matthew Helm, Chantelle Newbery and Matthew Mitcham have brought success for team Australia at the Olympic games and helped to popularise the sport.
Diving is an exhilarating and fun sport. Combining athleticism, grace and concentration. Its attraction lies in the combination of the visual appeal of the divers coupled with the physical prowess and courage it takes to do the sport well. It also an extremely inclusive sport, no matter what age, class, sex or skill level - all can participate. Do you need more of a reason to get involved?
Come 'n' Try
‘Come 'n' Try′ diving days are held regularly at sports and aquatic centres across the country. These group sessions introduce students to the basics of diving and provides opportunities to move into Holiday or Term programs. They are a great way to get started in dviing in a fun and friendly environment.Diving Australia
Diving Australia is recognised by the Olympic Committee as the sport’s national governing body. Along with their vaious state affiliates, they offer a variety of programmes for divers of all ages and skill levels. They conduct and promote the participation in all aspects of the sport.If you are interested in trying diving, Diving Austrlalia can point you in the correct direction and help you find a club with the facilities you’ll need to get started. It is best if you check out their website and go through to your states individual website. They can then provide you with infomation on diving in your state and where you can find a Come 'n' Trysession near you.