When the ivory coloured wedding invite thumps through your letter box you know that it is time to start creating your plan of action and figuring out how to pull at this wedding. Although most people assume that pulling at a wedding is easy, there are some tricky obstacles to overcome and getting organised early is essential if you are going to prove your pulling prowess. Here we
show you who to talk to, what you should say and how you should act so that you can find a gorgeous guy or girl to pull.
How to pull at a wedding: Don’t be aloof
You may have heard your mates chatting about their pulling tactics now and again and you’ll all have one friend who claims that they pull every single time because they act hard to get. Yet if you listen to the research it would seem that your friend is a liar. Research suggests that people who seem available get more action, so don’t play hard to get when you’re trying to get with that guy or girl at the wedding. Instead be open, friendly and approach people. The days where girls swooned over Darcy-like characters are over. The same goes for you girls, no one can look pretty when they’re trying to act nonchalant and mysterious; chances are you’ll probably just look confused.
How to pull at a wedding: Mingle
If you remember just one thing in life, it should be this: mingle. When you arrive at the wedding don’t gawk at the bridesmaids or giggle as the groomsmen pass by you. Instead use the time before the ceremony to mingle. Introduce yourself and if you’re not much of a conversationalist remember that everyone at the wedding knows either the groom or the bride. Use this common ground to start up conversations. Once you’ve mingled you will seem really popular at the wedding reception, which is a trait both men and women find attractive.
How to pull at a wedding: Target
Once you’ve mingled with a lot of different people you’ll be able to judge who you want to pull. Before you make the approach be sure you know that they are single and that you definitely want to pull them. Realistically, you need to be certain about these things because if you try to pull them and the mission fails you can’t try to pull too many other hotties. Ideally, you’ll pull first time round (at least with these tips you will), but if your first pulling target bails, you should try once or twice more; any more than this and you’ll look sad and desperate in front of your friends and your family.
How to pull at a wedding: Be private
Weddings are romantic occasions and we all expect to see one or two late-night kisses on the dance floor, but bear in mind that the person you want to pull may be embarrassed to get with you in front of their grandma or dad. To make sure they’re comfortable and able to get with you, create opportunities for them. You could ask them to cool off and step outside for a little while, or go for a walk if the wedding reception venue has good grounds. If you create these little moments you can also share more about yourself. Being intimate and opening up about who you are will increase your chances of pulling because the guy or girl you like will feel closer to you.
How to pull at a wedding: Don’t wear too much make-up
When you want to look your best it can be easy to pile on the make-up, but most men find girls who are caked in foundation and look like a not-too-distant cousin of an oompa lumpa unattractive. To achieve a natural look curl your lashes and wear brown mascara if you are fair skinned. Swap heavy foundation for a primer or a BB cream, but make sure you apply a light powder to make your skin matte and to stop any shine in photos. To create some natural definition without using too much bronzer, contour by applying a light brown or beige line up your cheekbones. Rub this line into your skin to give yourself killer cheekbones.
How to pull at a wedding: Don’t drink heavily
Do you find the staggering drunk look hot? Nope, thought not. Although being drunk can be fun, it doesn’t bode well for pulling at a wedding and with the open bar it can be tempting to drink way too much. To make sure you stay relatively sober, sip on some fruity mocktails or water between drinks. You should also make sure you eat a big helping of the wedding dinner or buffet. Foods that will help you stay sober are those that break down slowly, such as oily fish and liver-detoxifying vegetables like broccoli. You should also stick to one type of alcohol and buy drinks that are difficult to drink lots of, like rich wines or heavy beers.