Ding-dong; yes, that’s the sound of wedding bells. If wedding season is filling you with dread and you’re not sure how you are going to survive yet another fairytale union, read this guide. We’ll show you how to survive wedding season when single:
How to survive wedding-hell when single: Look incredible
So, your friends are getting hitched and you have to attend their special day. To avoid the single-blues make sure you look irresistible. Book an appointment with a personal shopper or drag a very style-conscious pal along to the shops at least a month before the wedding. This will give you enough time to find an outfit that suits you and the occasion. You should also keep on top of your skin-care regime and use a facemask 12 days before the wedding. Guys, in this metrosexual age you should also try out a facemask.
How to survive wedding-hell when single: Change your way of thinking
So you’re dreading an up-coming wedding? Why? There’s free drink, free food and a great band playing. Treat the occasion like a big party and try not to get too obsessed by the idea that you are nowhere near to wedding-day ready and feel like “the one” is a massive myth. If you’re really struggling to stay positive, just remember this rather sad thought: nearly half of marriages end in divorce in the UK.
How to survive wedding-hell when single: Bring a friend
Have you ever wondered what friends are for? They have one sole purpose: to be your wedding guest. If you’ve suddenly been unceremoniously dumped and left with the burden of your plus one wedding invitation, then give your friend a ring. Don’t choose a shy, quiet friend though. You need a party pal who can handle their drink. Choose someone who is single (just so you can’t confirm your theory that everyone in the world is in a couple), someone who makes you laugh and someone who is confident enough to shoulder you and your wedding day dread.
How to survive wedding-hell when single: Heal yourself
If you’re still not over your ex, weddings can be brutal. Use the wedding as an excuse to deal with your previous relationship. Begin by making a list of all of the negative aspects of your relationship. Did you hate the way she picked fights constantly, or did his toenail biting habit drive you nuts? Making a list will knock your relationship off of its pedestal and you might realise that you didn’t want to settle for them after all. You should also make some time for yourself and make some plans for you and your future. Getting yourself in order will give you confidence and a sense of control – both key when trying to rebuild your life.
How to survive wedding-hell when single: Limit your drink
No-one likes the drunken wedding guest. Staggering around on the dance floor is not a sexy or gracious look and the chances are that in your morning-after-the-night-before state, your self-esteem will be even lower if your last memory of the wedding is you sobbing into a piece of wedding cake whilst singing along to Celine Dion. To make sure you stay relatively sober, drink a glass of water between each drink and eat food throughout the day. You should also stick to one type of alcohol or indulge in some tasty mocktails.
How to survive wedding-hell when single: Avoid that question
Chances are, at this social occasion you’re going to be asked that awful and awkward question: so, how’s your love life? Rather than spitting out a bitter answer prepare a more gracious response about your busy schedule. Reply to this outrageously insensitive fool that you haven’t had enough time for a man or lady because you’ve just been promoted and have also been volunteering at the children’s hospital. It will help if you use real-life examples, but if you haven’t actually achieved anything recently we won’t judge you if you borrow ours.
How to survive wedding-hell when single: Learn how to flirt
Typically weddings are full of hot young things who are looking their best and who are up for a good time. Do not be the loser who stands alone in the corner or the overly kind sap who takes care of their slightly nutty aunt. Instead brush up on your flirting skills and try to land yourself a date. Firstly, don’t act hard to get. Research suggests that people who seem available get more action. If you’re one of those people who struggle to keep conversations going chat about your past or where you grew up. Discussing your background will not only point to values that are important to you, it will also indicate to your date the potential you have to be a long-term partner. Finally, maintain good eye contact and do not fidget or stoop.