How to wake up picture perfect
As the birds begin to sing, or the traffic rumbles below, your eyes snap open; but you’re not sure about where you are exactly. Then as you pull off the sheets you turn over to find a gorgeous guy sleeping soundly next you. At that moment, you catch sight of yourself in the mirror and there’s no easy way to say it: you look
hideous. Your make-up from last night has smeared down your face and there are drool marks on your chin. To make sure you look good the next time you wake up next to a cute guy read these top tips.
How to look good the morning after the night before: Go waterproof
Although you may go to bed looking gorgeous and glam, come the morning that smoky eye make-up will make you look like you’re auditioning for a part in Corpse Bride 2. As you’re getting ready the night before bear in mind what the future may hold for you and remember you may be waking up next to a hot man when the sun rises. Use waterproof mascara and eyeliner when you get ready and this should help you stay looking good throughout those passionate, night time sessions and the deep, post-sex sleep. Or to avoid the mess of mascara all together you could always book an appointment for an eyelash tint.
How to look good the morning after the night before: Get the jelly
Who knew what a small tub of Vaseline could do? If you want to look good the morning after the night before you need to carry some at all times. Firstly, as you sneak into the bathroom use Vaseline to smooth and freshen up your eyebrows. Then if you’re make-up is difficult to remove and you have no alternative, use tissue paper and Vaseline to take off any excess mascara or foundation. Finally, you can use your petroleum jelly on your lashes to thicken them up and give yourself a dewy, bare-faced beauty look.
How to look good the morning after the night before: Make do
The problem with pulling without planning is that you wake up without your back-up products; no dry shampoo, no moisturiser and no daytime make-up. So, to cope with the unplanned pull you need to make do with household items you would never normally use in your beauty regime. For example, if you wake up with a greasy hairdo pat plain flour into your roots and comb, or if you don’t have a comb, shake the flour out of your locks. This should degrease your hair and give it some volume. Although it won’t be your best hair day ever, you’ll look presentable.
How to look good the morning after the night before: Be kissable
Chances are the morning after the night before is going to result in a few smooches. To make sure you’re kissable swill some toothpaste in your mouth using some water. You can also use baking soda as a replacement for toothpaste if for some weird reason there is none in the guy’s apartment. To get soft, kissable lips mix a little sugar with lemon and rub the paste onto your lips in circles. They’ll be super soft and leave your date wanting more.
How to look good the morning after the night before: Smile
So what if you don’t have your make-up kit? You can still look picture perfect. Studies have found that people who smiled more were considered more attractive, so flash those teeth girls. If you feel shy about your not-so-fresh mouth then there are a few foods that you can munch on to give you fresh, clean breath. Try a dollop of yogurt for breakfast as researchers have found that yogurt reduces hydrogen sulphide, which makes your breath smell bad. It also reduces bacteria in your mouth. Other useful foods to nibble on are apples, carrots and berries.
How to look good the morning after the night before: Get the hair do
Getting good hair is not easy when you’re playing away from home. Depending on your hair type there are a few little tricks you can use to get trendy tresses the morning after the night before. If you have long hair you can plait it and if you don’t have a hair tie, get creative and use a piece of fabric or even something like dental floss as a tie. Then, when you wake up untie your hair and you’ll have great looking waves. If you have shorter hair make sure you carry a hair bridge with you to build a fab beehive n the morning, or some bobby pins to sculpt some style into your bed hair.