How to attract him 1: Know who and what you want
The first step to getting the man of your dreams is knowing who and what you want. If you already know this, move on to step two. If not, it’s important to identify exactly what you want to get out of a relationship to make it less like searching for a needle in a haystack. Think of your goals in life and try to find someone who can accompany you in what you’d like to do. For example, if your life dream is to travel around the world testing wine in different countries don’t waste your time on the T-total guy who is scared stiff of air travel.How to get the man of your dreams 2: Get a date
Once you’ve taken a shine to one special gentleman, it’s time to get a date with him. Strike up a conversation and he’ll be much easier to approach in the future. If there’s an attraction between you both he will hopefully invite you on a date but, if he doesn’t, don’t be afraid to make the first move. Ask if he’d like a game of pool or to go out for lunch one day; by making casual advances you don’t run the risk of coming on too strong.How to get the man of your dreams 3: Be yourself
When you’re getting to know your love interest, make sure you are 100 per cent yourself and not changing your personality just to fit in with him. Don’t give in to the temptation of thinking you need to act like someone else just to impress him; you want him to fall for you, not a carbon copy of Angelina Jolie or your best friend who you think has a great personality. Be yourself – you are unique and interesting in your own way.How to get the man of your dreams 4: Be interesting
Where do you work? What do you do in your spare time? These are common questions to be asked on a date and they’re really straightforward but your brain can come up with some pretty strange stuff when you’re under pressure. Before your date, think of interesting ways to answer these questions and have a few little questions up your sleeve to ask him if the conversation starts to lull. Being prepared will make you a lot less awkward and a whole lot more interesting.How to get the man of your dreams 5: Don’t give too much away
A little intrigue goes a long way when it comes to bagging the man of your dreams so it’s important to speak to him confidently without giving too much away. Go ahead and tell him some interesting things about yourself, but don’t bombard him with information; you don’t want to come across as self-centred or boring. The excitement of discovering everything about each other should be a journey and you want to leave him eager to learn more about you in the future.First impressions have a habit of sticking so how you dress on your first date is important. As many first date horror stories centre around buttons popping off and chicken fillets falling out, wearing a brand new outfit might not be a good idea. If you are planning on wearing something new, test it out first by wearing it to the shop or your friend’s house. Make sure your date outfit gives off the first impression you’re hoping for and is appropriate for the weather, the occasion, and your style and personality.