How to look hot, tip 1: minimise pores
If you talk to people about their bedroom body hang-ups most focus on the size of their chests or the way their body jiggles or droops when they try out a tricky new position. However, what you have to remember is your partner won’t actually see much of your body. What they actually spend most of their time seeing is your face. So, if you want to look attractive make sure you take care of your skin and minimise your pores. You can do this by sipping peppermint tea and maintaining a good skincare regime.How to look hot, tip 2: be happy and be sad
Depending on your gender, to look good in bed you need to be happy or you need to be sad. A study by the University of British Colombia found that women did not find men who were happy or smiling as attractive as their moody or proud counterparts. Yet for the girls, you should try to look happy and flash your feller a warm smile when in bed. This is because the guys in the study all loved the cheerful ladies, but found the proud women unattractive.How to look hot, tip 3: make your eyes sparkle
Having eye contact during sex drives girls and guys wild. To make your eyes look sexy make sure you don’t have any dark circles beneath them. To do this, make sure you get enough sleep and apply a cold compress to your eyes for five minutes during the day. To keep your eyes sparkling and bright you can also get a professional brow shape and tint. For the ladies, you can also wear some waterproof mascara and light, bright eye shadow.How to look hot, tip 4: get the right angle
Let’s face it, although sex positions sound hot a lot of them are ridiculously difficult and can make you look horrendous. Yet, there are some flattering positions you and your girl or guy can try. You both look your best when you are sitting upright, so why not give the lotus, the wallflower or the standing ovation a go.How to look hot, tip 5: body buff
Want glowing and fresh skin? It’s simple – buff your body. The cheapest way to get healthy looking skin is to use a body brush. Take the brush and sweep it across your skin in the direction of your heart. Not only does body brushing improve your circulation, it also removes dead and dry skin. Another way to get irresistible skin is to use an exfoliating scrub with mitts and book a body polish treatment.We all want rock solid abs and a tight tummy, but actually achieving the ideal stomach can seem like a full-time job. Yet don’t give up on your flat tummy dream already. You can get a slimmer waistline by simply eating certain foods that counteract bloating and get rid of excess gas. Firstly, stock up on potassium-rich food like bananas and dried fruit. You should also try taking charcoal capsules and avoid foods that are heavy in salt.